To the Critics....

Lauren Hynde said:
I've been told that there's a rumour going around that Portuguese women are pigs in bed. Reportedly that's a good thing, though. :)
I read somewhere that a pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. Any correlation?
Tathagata, what's that AV? It looks like a crooked lampshade on top.

Lauren Hynde said:
No, it started as a pointless-venomous-mudslinging diatribe.

And you say what you mean? Come on kiddo, you toss down these high handed theatrical comments and then refuse to support them. You seem to have a perfectly adequate mind use it
Re: Snickers

Joseki Ko said:
And you say what you mean? Come on kiddo, you toss down these high handed theatrical comments and then refuse to support them. You seem to have a perfectly adequate mind use it
What I refuse to do is say the same thing for the fourth time. Just go back to the first page and read the whole thread again...
okay aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnd?

Lauren the one time you've actually said something I agreed with I thanked you for it. In reading back through the WHOLE thread I find one post that ends Tag your it. And later another one aksing you questions again. Yet you diegn to answer these. I'm sure you could I'm just befuddled that you don't. Drama is great but it's not self sustaining.

Ok obligatory FUN comment

Life isn't like a box of chocolates...
it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today,
might burn your ass tomorrow.
WickedEve said:
Tathagata, what's that AV? It looks like a crooked lampshade on top.

It's some retro music album cover
I believe it's a lampshade on a tiki god
let'stalk about Your AV
Tathagata said:
It's some retro music album cover
I believe it's a lampshade on a tiki god
let'stalk about Your AV

Damn ... only now does the comment I wanted to make *not* seem incongruous! Jeez, my timing is shite.

Nice AV Tathagata.

Nice AV Eve (ahem!).
upfront said:
Damn ... only now does the comment I wanted to make *not* seem incongruous! Jeez, my timing is shite.

Nice AV Tathagata.

Nice AV Eve (ahem!).

Thanks upfront
( if it was going to be a remark about me wearing a'll fit)
Tathagata said:
Thanks upfront
( if it was going to be a remark about me wearing a'll fit)

lol, it wasn't

(I was in the midst of admiring Eve's AV, that's all.)
Heyyy Uppppy Hugggggs to you!! :kiss:

Have a any nightmares about me lately?:devil:

Cat (-eyes or -babe depending on where I am);)
*Catbabe* said:
Heyyy Uppppy Hugggggs to you!! :kiss:

Have a any nightmares about me lately?:devil:

Cat (-eyes or -babe depending on where I am);)

Wow - hugggggggggs Cat :kiss:

It's been a long time!

You've just reminded me of my nightmare; er ... i mean my dream ;)

Hope you're well and thriving.

Lauren Hynde said:
We should have a little reunion. :)

aren't we?

oh you mean a real time one. :D

(calm down uppy. not like whatever evil thought is in your mind!)

And Lauren it *has* been a long time since we met in the "literary salon" and wrecked everyone's day by actually discussing literature, lol.
upfront said:
Wow - hugggggggggs Cat :kiss:

It's been a long time!

You've just reminded me of my nightmare; er ... i mean my dream ;)

Hope you're well and thriving.


I am very well Uppy and I hope you are too. Thriving makes me sound like a plant. Are you calling me a weed? *G*

I still haven't totally forgiven you for making me a hideous green troll in your dream. Feel free to grovel or send lavish prezzies to make it up to me.:devil: ;) :kiss:

If I go into chat Lauren and Ange, several people will boot my ass out faster than I can sit down probably.:p ;)

Eve, Uppy is a perv...covering them up won't stop his mind from delving under the fabric.;)
I didn't cover them up. I decided to show more. I can't help myself. I'm an exhibitionist and there's an ogler in my midst. Go ahead, ogle.
*Catbabe* said:

Eve, Uppy is a perv...covering them up won't stop his mind from delving under the fabric.;)

*gasps in mock incredulity*

I've never been anything but the perfect gent!

Damn, that's where I've been going wrong all these years!
upfront said:
*gasps in mock incredulity*

I've never been anything but the perfect gent!

Damn, that's where I've been going wrong all these years!

Busted! (um..or something)