To The Eternal Shame Of Lit's Left The Truth Comes Forth From The DOJ

Did any of the attorneys in Hunter's trial maybe OBJECT to the "salacious testimony"? Because Trump's dumbass lawyer didn't. Merchan himself was shocked that Todd Blanche never said a peep about the "salacious testimony".

So there's that...

The court transcript shows that Necheles objected multiple times as Daniels walked jurors through her alleged encounter with Trump, including just before she was asked about condom use. Necheles, however, did not object to that specific question.

After she was done testifying in Manhattan criminal court in New York, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche moved again for a mistrial, saying she'd changed her story and been allowed to testify about matters that were irrelevant to the case. He also asked the judge to waive Trump's gag order to allow him to respond to her testimony publicly. State Judge Juan Merchan denied both requests.

This is all on Merchan running interference for the prosecution.
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The court transcript shows that Necheles objected multiple times as Daniels walked jurors through her alleged encounter with Trump, including just before she was asked about condom use. Necheles, however, did not object to that specific question.

After she was done testifying in Manhattan criminal court in New York, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche moved again for a mistrial, saying she'd changed her story and been allowed to testify about matters that were irrelevant to the case. He also asked the judge to waive Trump's gag order to allow him to respond to her testimony publicly. State Judge Juan Merchan denied both requests.

This is all on Merchan running interference for the prosecution.

Wait, so the ACTUAL FACTS aren't what one of the usual suspects says they are?

Color me unsurprised.
Wait, so the ACTUAL FACTS aren't what one of the usual suspects says they are?

Color me unsurprised.
These leftist loons could care less about justice being served. Convict! CONVICT!! CONVICT!! because orange man bad and justice be damned!
We know when the MAGATs are upset with Shitty-Pant's latest court case.

Up pops another Butt-Hunter whine thread.

The court transcript shows that Necheles objected multiple times as Daniels walked jurors through her alleged encounter with Trump, including just before she was asked about condom use. Necheles, however, did not object to that specific question.

After she was done testifying in Manhattan criminal court in New York, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche moved again for a mistrial, saying she'd changed her story and been allowed to testify about matters that were irrelevant to the case. He also asked the judge to waive Trump's gag order to allow him to respond to her testimony publicly. State Judge Juan Merchan denied both requests.

This is all on Merchan running interference for the prosecution.
Nice cherry pick. Please note the article did not mention whether those multiple objections were sustained or overruled.

Also from the article: New York judge scolds Trump attorney over not objecting to Stormy Daniels testimony

Judge Juan Merchan, who oversees former President Trump’s hush money trial, scolded his defense team Thursday for not objecting more during porn actor Stormy Daniels’s most salacious testimony.

Also, fuck trump from speaking publicly about her testimony. That kind of intimidation and lies are why he has a gag order in the first place. trump should have taken the stand to tell his story, but yeah, perjury on the stand and free speech telling lies to the press.
Nice cherry pick. Please note the article did not mention whether those multiple objections were sustained or overruled.

Also from the article: New York judge scolds Trump attorney over not objecting to Stormy Daniels testimony

Judge Juan Merchan, who oversees former President Trump’s hush money trial, scolded his defense team Thursday for not objecting more during porn actor Stormy Daniels’s most salacious testimony.

Also, fuck trump from speaking publicly about her testimony. That kind of intimidation and lies are why he has a gag order in the first place. trump should have taken the stand to tell his story, but yeah, perjury on the stand and free speech telling lies to the press.
I responded to a statement *why didn't Trump's attorney object?*

His gag order was unconstitutional, a violation of free speech. Merchan should gag everyone or no-one!
I responded to a statement *why didn't Trump's attorney object?*
Sure, then you expanded.

His gag order was unconstitutional, a violation of free speech. Merchan should gag everyone or no-one!
You have got to be kidding. Seriously. Even you should be able to see the threat trump’s lies and histrionics and dog whistling could have on the trial. Remember, this is the guy who caused an insurrection. Unconstitutional, jeebus.

The others comments didn’t rise to the level of trump’s bullshit. And Cohen even shut up in light of trump not being able to respond.
Sure, then you expanded.

You have got to be kidding. Seriously. Even you should be able to see the threat trump’s lies and histrionics and dog whistling could have on the trial. Remember, this is the guy who caused an insurrection. Unconstitutional, jeebus.

The others comments didn’t rise to the level of trump’s bullshit. And Cohen even shut up in light of trump not being able to respond.
The only insurrection that happened, happened in your delusional mind.

Every time Biden opens his mouth he's lying.

Cite what threats??? Defending himself against the slanderous rhetoric from Cohen and Daniels attempted character assassination is self defense not a threat.
The only insurrection that happened, happened in your delusional mind.
Well, fair point. trump’s efforts were unsuccessful.

Every time Biden opens his mouth he's lying.
Now that’s calling the kettle black.

Cite what threats??? Defending himself against the slanderous rhetoric from Cohen and Daniels attempted character assassination is self defense not a threat.
You must have missed the part where trump was inappropriately bringing in the judges family into his ravings besides lying about Daniels and Cohen. When trump rants about people and points his crazies at them, people have gotten threats and worse. So Trump wasn’t simply defending himself, he was shit stirring and the judge had every right to keep trump’s circus from impacting the trial.
Well, fair point. trump’s efforts were unsuccessful.

Now that’s calling the kettle black.

You must have missed the part where trump was inappropriately bringing in the judges family into his ravings besides lying about Daniels and Cohen. When trump rants about people and points his crazies at them, people have gotten threats and worse. So Trump wasn’t simply defending himself, he was shit stirring and the judge had every right to keep trump’s circus from impacting the trial.
Questioning the judge's background is fair game. Merchan's daughter works for the DNC, has a vested interest in a Trump's conviction. Merchan contributed to the Biden campaign. The appearance of impropriety is clearly an issue.

The court transcript shows that Necheles objected multiple times as Daniels walked jurors through her alleged encounter with Trump, including just before she was asked about condom use. Necheles, however, did not object to that specific question.

After she was done testifying in Manhattan criminal court in New York, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche moved again for a mistrial, saying she'd changed her story and been allowed to testify about matters that were irrelevant to the case. He also asked the judge to waive Trump's gag order to allow him to respond to her testimony publicly. State Judge Juan Merchan denied both requests.

This is all on Merchan running interference for the prosecution.
Go scream into a pillow or something.
Questioning the judge's background is fair game. Merchan's daughter works for the DNC, has a vested interest in a Trump's conviction. Merchan contributed to the Biden campaign. The appearance of impropriety is clearly an issue.
Merchan has no reason to recuse himself.

Just as Justice Alito has no reason to recuse himself.
Questioning the judge's background is fair game. Merchan's daughter works for the DNC, has a vested interest in a Trump's conviction. Merchan contributed to the Biden campaign. The appearance of impropriety is clearly an issue.
Are you actually going to claim that you give a shit about the "appearance" of impropriety? Because I bet my bottom dollar that you only care about it when the possible impropriety affects Trump or one of your other MAGA heroes. I don't remember seeing you pipe up about Alito's and Clarence Thomas's obvious corruption, or "appearance of impropriety".
I do not feel at all protective toward Hunter Biden. He has been an embarrassment to his father and to those of us who intend to vote for his father.

Bring him to trial. If he is guilty of breaking the law, punish him. Get it over with.
As satire goes, this is more trolling than laugh-inducing, imo.
For anyone interested in some actual facts on the matter, I recommend Rand, CEIP, Isdglobal. Interference is of course a fact, and a key point is that often the aim is not to assist one party or another, but to increase polarization and weaken faith in the democratic process.
Here’s a useful report from Rand
The fact of the matter is the DOJ introduced the laptop as evidence saying “The defendant’s laptop is real.” Secondly, I do consider nationally known and respected Democrat law professor Johnathan Turley, as a reliable source on legal matters regarding this trial.
Are you actually going to claim that you give a shit about the "appearance" of impropriety? Because I bet my bottom dollar that you only care about it when the possible impropriety affects Trump or one of your other MAGA heroes. I don't remember seeing you pipe up about Alito's and Clarence Thomas's obvious corruption, or "appearance of impropriety".
I didn’t pipe up when RBG took gratuities either.

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14. She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.”

So the game Dems play is when a ruling doesn’t conform to progressive democratic ideology the court needs to be punished. According to Dipshit Durbin and the most corrupt senate majority leader in history Charles Schumer there should be no conservative judges on the court. Before Schumer tries to shame the court he should take a long look at his own politics.
I didn’t pipe up when RBG took gratuities either.

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14. She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.”

So the game Dems play is when a ruling doesn’t conform to progressive democratic ideology the court needs to be punished. According to Dipshit Durbin and the most corrupt senate majority leader in history Charles Schumer there should be no conservative judges on the court. Before Schumer tries to shame the court he should take a long look at his own politics.
Yes, SCOTUS needs to have proper ethics rules enacted by Congress and enforced.
Questioning the judge's background is fair game.

Merchan's daughter works for the DNC, has a vested interest in a Trump's conviction.
Still no reason for Trump to point his crazies at her

Merchan contributed to the Biden campaign. The appearance of impropriety is clearly an issue.
Do you even know the details about the contribution? I’d say Alito and Thomas have far more reason to recuse

Still no reason for Trump to point his crazies at her

Do you even know the details about the contribution? I’d say Alito and Thomas have far more reason to recuse
Why don't you just say you want a lynch mob to handle your fears about Donald Trump?
Why don't you just say you want a lynch mob to handle your fears about Donald Trump?
While trump sent a lynch mob for Pence, I will gladly settle for trump being defeated in the upcoming election

And you should be fearful of trump yourself. Unless of course you’re ok with an authoritarian government.
While trump sent a lynch mob for Pence, I will gladly settle for trump being defeated in the upcoming election

And you should be fearful of trump yourself. Unless of course you’re ok with an authoritarian government.
You're living under authoritarian rule right now, notwithstanding your invented fears projected onto Trump.