To The Eternal Shame Of Lit's Left The Truth Comes Forth From The DOJ


Still no reason for Trump to point his crazies at her

Do you even know the details about the contribution? I’d say Alito and Thomas have far more reason to recuse
Do you pay attention to any of the expert legal commentary.

Why is anyone bringing up SCOTUS, apples and oranges. It seems when you people are losing your argument you shift the goal post. A code of ethics for SCOTUS is certainly a legitimate argument to have but not relevant to this trial.

Do you fully understand what the prosecution is trying to sell to the jury. How can the defense defend against a hypothetical. That’s Merchan fault. It’s a sham trial starting right from the grand jury proceedings.
you've spent 8 years not knowing when trump is blatantly lying so excuse us if we don't put too much stock in your opinions of who is lying or not.
The lying started with Green, Clinton, Waters, Schiff. The list is much longer.
Off topic a bit… I noticed how judge Merchan allowed a significant amount of salacious irrelevant testimony against Trump in his court while a real judge in Hunter’s trial made salacious testimony inadmissible in her court. What a stark contrast.
Hum... Two different judges, right? Do you expect identical legalese and the same parameters on different types of trials?

Not sure you'll ever find two judges or juries with the same mind set that would please you. Just saying...
These leftist loons could care less about justice being served. Convict! CONVICT!! CONVICT!! because orange man bad and justice be damned!
Amen, amen, and Amen to that! Yep, the orangutan-orange guy is damned in the 'higher court' for his Earthly sins. No doubt what St. Peter's Gate conversation will be like as Trump cries, "Heaven is ruled by a corrupt Trump-hating judge and his crooked DOJ ..."

I think we know how that verdict will come about. Enough said.CONVICT!!
Vlad has big plans for you eh?

Where in Italy is he meeting you?
You are quite delusional in your musings. I'm the last person on earth he'd want to meet. He's way too busy with the demise of Ukraine and pursuing the opportunities for conquest that Joe Biden has afforded him to find the time to look for me in Naples or Capri. :rolleyes:
Amen, amen, and Amen to that! Yep, the orangutan-orange guy is damned in the 'higher court' for his Earthly sins. No doubt what St. Peter's Gate conversation will be like as Trump cries, "Heaven is ruled by a corrupt Trump-hating judge and his crooked DOJ ..."

I think we know how that verdict will come about. Enough said.CONVICT!!
If it does it will be a travesty of justice like no other.
Ha, well you never know. Might crack a hole and bring some light to his echo chamber.
Thank you, yeah, not posted in the forum before but couldn’t not!
You don't pack the gear, sweetheart. Do yourself a favor and take a nap.
You are quite delusional in your musings. I'm the last person on earth he'd want to meet. He's way too busy with the demise of Ukraine and pursuing the opportunities for conquest that Joe Biden has afforded him to find the time to look for me in Naples or Capri. :rolleyes:
Nah. He is your guy. And you have been looking for so long. Hope the vacation with him goes well.

He’s busy with the demise? Is that because the Republican’ts got the message he grew tired…?
Nah. He is your guy. And you have been looking for so long. Hope the vacation with him goes well.

He’s busy with the demise? Is that because the Republican’ts got the message he grew tired…?
I hope you can access the services of mental professionals soon. Your maniacal obsession with this nonsense is illuminating. I would wish you well in any endeavor to address your advancing mental decline.
You're living under authoritarian rule right now, notwithstanding your invented fears projected onto Trump.
If you truly think that you’ll be in for a surprise if trump should somehow win. And if so, your echo chamber will have failed you.

Do you pay attention to any of the expert legal commentary.

Why is anyone bringing up SCOTUS, apples and oranges. It seems when you people are losing your argument you shift the goal post. A code of ethics for SCOTUS is certainly a legitimate argument to have but not relevant to this trial.
So you didn’t know the details.

But shouldn’t ethics apply to all? Y’all make it sound like Merchan donated thousands and was knocking on neighborhood doors stumping for Biden. But I’d argue a $35 donation to Dems in 2020, with $15 going to Biden is a goofy hill to cry recuse foul on and not nearly as significant or damning as what Alito and Thomas have opened themselves up to.

Do you fully understand what the prosecution is trying to sell to the jury. How can the defense defend against a hypothetical. That’s Merchan fault. It’s a sham trial starting right from the grand jury proceedings.
Oops, forgot this part. Yes, and while I wouldn’t call it a sham trial as y’all MAGAts do, and I get that’s the script, I did say said on a different thread that it’s a convoluted stretch so wouldn’t be at all surprised if trump walks.

Meanwhile, he’s been making up for lost time by essentially promising rich businesses he’ll roll back regulations and taxes if they’ll only give him millions, preferably a billion. Gotta admit, he grifts in a whole league of his own.
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I hope you can access the services of mental professionals soon. Your maniacal obsession with this nonsense is illuminating. I would wish you well in any endeavor to address your advancing mental decline.
Nah, just the depths one has to go to to attempt to get through that thick lonely skull of yours.

You don’t seem to understand the value of actual facts and solid sourcing, but it’s clear why. You have Daddy Vlad,

He gives you all you need, so why should you need anything else.

Have a nice trip, but make sure you don’t make him mad. We will all look for passenger planes mysteriously crashing leaving Italy. Your man is vindictive, but you love him nonetheless.
If it does it will be a travesty of justice like no other.
Unfortunately, Trump will follow the appeal process until it 'Peters' out. In the end it probably will be beyond the election date if those appeals come into play.

Those in the MAGA sphere who staunchly support him will likely remain steadfast, regardless of the verdict. However, the 25% of his supporters who have expressed potential vote changes if he is found guilty could introduce a significant element of unpredictability. This uncertainty could potentially tip the scales in the election.

This evening, George Grasso, a retired New York Supreme Court Justice, spoke about his perspective on the case. He had sat in his reserved seat from day one of the trial. With his experience in NY Law, he made two observations.

First, the case has unique legal circumstances that are unprecedented. No one in Trump's position has ever faced such a trial process nor been brought to criminal trial on election interference charges. That caused the prosecutors to draw upon Federal election law to incorporate and elevate the charges in the case to this level of criminal charges.

Secondly, based on his observations, legal expertise, and bench experience, he felt the prosecution carried the case well and that he anticipated a conviction. Then, there will be a flurry of legal wrangling to appeal the decision.

Novel situations call for unique handling and interpretations of the law. That's why we have juries. That's why we have appeals. Nothing about justice in the case is clear cut or crystal clear. Would-be lawyers, bar-certified lawyers included, are like the rest of us–they have 'opinions,' but none of those count. What is in the minds of the twelve jurors, given the case's charges, will make that decision. [That decision will not be a travesty–it will be justice.]

Hopefully, by Friday, this case's decision will be rendered and acceptable to all of us, regardless of the verdict.
The fact of the matter is the DOJ introduced the laptop as evidence saying “The defendant’s laptop is real.” Secondly, I do consider nationally known and respected Democrat law professor Johnathan Turley, as a reliable source on legal matters regarding this trial.
Er… you do know Fox has an agenda, right? Try taking your lips off Hannity’s cock long enough to read some actual news, you might learn what’s actually going on in the world, and to think for yourself…
You don't pack the gear, sweetheart. Do yourself a favor and take a nap.
See… the moment you can’t cope with a woman contributing to the conversation, particularly one who actually knows what she’s talking about - is the moment you accept you’re just a flaky troll. Your attempts at appealing to authority carry little weight when they rely on appearing on Fox, and having a penis.
The fact of the matter is the DOJ introduced the laptop as evidence saying “The defendant’s laptop is real.” Secondly, I do consider nationally known and respected Democrat law professor Johnathan Turley, as a reliable source on legal matters regarding this trial.
Only when he supports your preconceived position, I'm quite sure.
Recall that you asked a question, presumably because you didn't know the answer, hence your self-declared state of ignorance. So, go ahead and hit those leftovers.
I asked a question about why this topic, or this thread, is relevant to anything. You haven't even made an argument about why either should be considered relevant. Hence, shove your crow up your ass.
Recall that you asked a question, presumably because you didn't know the answer, hence your self-declared state of ignorance. So, go ahead and hit those leftovers.
Try looking up the Socratic method. We’re all trying to edge you towards reason.
Now I’m gonna go yawn someplace else, because your brand of ad hominem attacks got stale before the dough was mixed
Try looking up the Socratic method. We’re all trying to edge you towards reason.
Now I’m gonna go yawn someplace else, because your brand of ad hominem attacks got stale before the dough was mixed


I got nothing so I'm going to act like I'm bored with you.