To The Eternal Shame Of Lit's Left The Truth Comes Forth From The DOJ

Er… you do know Fox has an agenda, right? Try taking your lips off Hannity’s cock long enough to read some actual news, you might learn what’s actually going on in the world, and to think for yourself…
See… the moment you can’t cope with a woman contributing to the conversation, particularly one who actually knows what she’s talking about - is the moment you accept you’re just a flaky troll. Your attempts at appealing to authority carry little weight when they rely on appearing on Fox, and having a penis.
Another hysterically looney Karen.
Try looking up the Socratic method. We’re all trying to edge you towards reason.
Now I’m gonna go yawn someplace else, because your brand of ad hominem attacks got stale before the dough was mixed

I believe my reasoning has pushed you to your limits, prompting the creation of a dubious persona in a bid to salvage credibility, which unfortunately hasn't succeeded. It's evident to everyone here that your efforts have fallen short.:rolleyes:
You are such a passive aggressive tard. You do understand what a rhetorical question is, don't you?
Yes but you weren't expressing a rhetorical question, you asked a specific question about relevance because you lacked initial understanding. Which I judged to be intellectually stunted and unworthy of response.
You are such a passive aggressive tard. You do understand what a rhetorical question is, don't you?
You should look up the definition of "passive aggressive." I am much more assertive in my aggressions against imbecility.
Really? Because you seem like a world-class pussy to me.
In your alternate universe, there is a fluid canvas where you sit and paint with the strokes of infinite imagination. Life itself dissolves into a mosaic of endless possibilities where nothing is true. In your world gravity is but a suggestion and the truth is a kaleidoscope of shifting realities. In short, you have no idea what you're talking about. No idea at all.
Here's the thing: Rightguide, like his friend the Hisarpy/Icanhelp/Wizzard1488 guy, is the on-line equivalent of the classic junior-high school bully. Which I suspect he was, once (assuming he isn't still in junior high.) Mean and stupid, with a world view that is likewise mean-spirited and stupid. Loves excessive unchecked authority- as long as it's his own, and gets a rise out of the misery and suffering of others. Classic bully. And maybe he isn't capable of going out and starting physical fights with real people anymore- or maybe he is- but he does love to troll people, and spout his ignorant, anti-social and hateful views on here. I, for one, applaud all the other posters who stand up to him and push back against his ignorant bullshit.

I don't want to see this forum used as a platform for hate and intolerance either. Believe it or not, I still respect those who lean conservative- (Lovecraft68 for example) who are capable of carrying on an intelligent discussion and are capable of rational, reasonable thought. Even Babyboomer, whose views I still find problematic at best (and often downright abhorrent at worst) is still capable of somewhat intelligent and thoughtful posts.
Here's the thing: Rightguide, like his friend the Hisarpy/Icanhelp/Wizzard1488 guy, is the on-line equivalent of the classic junior-high school bully. Which I suspect he was, once (assuming he isn't still in junior high.) Mean and stupid, with a world view that is likewise mean-spirited and stupid. Loves excessive unchecked authority- as long as it's his own, and gets a rise out of the misery and suffering of others. Classic bully. And maybe he isn't capable of going out and starting physical fights with real people anymore- or maybe he is- but he does love to troll people, and spout his ignorant, anti-social and hateful views on here. I, for one, applaud all the other posters who stand up to him and push back against his ignorant bullshit.

I don't want to see this forum used as a platform for hate and intolerance either. Believe it or not, I still respect those who lean conservative- (Lovecraft68 for example) who are capable of carrying on an intelligent discussion and are capable of rational, reasonable thought. Even Babyboomer, whose views I still find problematic at best (and often downright abhorrent at worst) is still capable of somewhat intelligent and thoughtful posts.

You could always log off and never return. That way you won't see anything you don't like. Just the way you view reality.
I'll log off and never return- once you and all of your many sock-puppet alter egos are banned from this forum for good- which is long overdue.
If you leave you'll never have to worry about dealing with me again. (I can't speak for the other accounts you claim are mine but which aren't.)

If you don't leave it gives people latitude to wonder if you like getting your ass whipped on a daily basis.
If you leave you'll never have to worry about dealing with me again. (I can't speak for the other accounts you claim are mine but which aren't.)

If you don't leave it gives people latitude to wonder if you like getting your ass whipped on a daily basis.
There was PaxNurgle, standing amidst the chaos of a battlefield not of swords and shields, but of words and wit. He marches forth with a fearless demeanor, sans armor and shielded only in ignorant convictions. Across from him stands his adversary, a formidable opponent armed with a needle-sharp blade of logic and rhetoric. As verbal volleys unfold PaxN finds himself smothered in a dance of ideas, each thrust and parry a testament to the brilliance of human intellect and the painful vulnerability of his punctured convictions. But as the battle rages on, it becomes clear that victory is not to be his. His opponent maneuvers with cunning precision, dismantling PaxN's arguments one by one until he stands on the brink of the abyss a recognized master of the lost art of losing, knowing at last his debates will be forever filled with the sweet taste of defeat.:D
There was PaxNurgle, standing amidst the chaos of a battlefield not of swords and shields, but of words and wit. He marches forth with a fearless demeanor, sans armor and shielded only in ignorant convictions. Across from him stands his adversary, a formidable opponent armed with a needle-sharp blade of logic and rhetoric. As verbal volleys unfold PaxN finds himself smothered in a dance of ideas, each thrust and parry a testament to the brilliance of human intellect and the painful vulnerability of his punctured convictions. But as the battle rages on, it becomes clear that victory is not to be his. His opponent maneuvers with cunning precision, dismantling PaxN's arguments one by one until he stands on the brink of the abyss a recognized master of the lost art of losing, knowing at last his debates will be forever filled with the sweet taste of defeat.:D

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil... mostly because Mr. Morningstar requires that I show up for work on time and he's been known to get a bit testy with those who delay his minions.