To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Roughly half the board regulars are creepy retirees with dubious politics and psychosexuality that properly belongs under a rock. I think he'd fit right in.

Well he'd fit in, sure, but I object to lovable, god damn it.

I wouldn't describe those dudes as lovable, either.
Well he'd fit in, sure, but I object to lovable, god damn it.

I wouldn't describe those dudes as lovable, either.

Looking for the right word for "annoying family members who you'll still kinda miss when they go".
Hey, it worked for Lehman Brothers...

And oh so many other corporation-Americans.

This seems lie a better place to post this than the blurt thread:

This is true.
Throb's "story" is ever-evolving and after the fact.
Because "someone" posted "his personal information" it made all his previous attacks on people's families permissible...
... and all following attacks mandatory in every discussion where his first post is not declared the "winning" post.

Oh AJ. Poor bitter AJ.

Still taking issue with the fact that I refer to your "daughter" as the RentAGook™.

It''s....DIFFERENT when YOU are on the receiving end of a racial taunt, isn't it? Not many belly laughs there, eh my friend?

Like your "bro" Ishmael rationalized, "I did it for a specific purpose, and I'm sure you can figure out what it was. The results weren't quite 100% of what I was going for, but pretty damn close."

Two wrongs don't make a right, but I have to admit I enjoy watching you splutter in your trademark situational outrage. You're a victim! A VICTIM, DAMMIT!

I look forward to your inevitable "rules for thee but not for me" retort.
In fairness to AJ, whilst I don't quite understand why he's defending miles and kkk/Ken, his antipathy to RDS is understandable. Robs comments about his daughter are racist and pretty sick. And as far as I know, unlike most of the RWingnuts, AJ has never posted personal info or made personal attacks on others children.

Because the right wingers must stay together at all costs and never call each other out on anything.

And be careful you don't berate Rob for saying those things about AJ's kid because he will get mad at you as he did at me because he doesn't need anyone defending him.
Not true in my case.

You're 100% correct and I should have said most, and not implied all as I did.

The truth is that you've demonstrated your integrity throughout this issue by calling out bad behavior regardless of the political viewpoints of those that did the acts and that is very commendable.
You're 100% correct and I should have said most, and not implied all as I did.

The truth is that you've demonstrated your integrity throughout this issue by calling out bad behavior regardless of the political viewpoints of those that did the acts and that is very commendable.

cheyenne called out bad behavior?
cheyenne called out bad behavior?

She's called out my "bad behavior" as has Zipman.

Good to know there are at least some folks here who can do that without first filtering it through a political litmus test.

I respect those very few folks here who do that.
Because the right wingers must stay together at all costs and never call each other out on anything.

And be careful you don't berate Rob for saying those things about AJ's kid because he will get mad at you as he did at me because he doesn't need anyone defending him.

Oh shaddup, will ya? ;)
In at least a couple cases, a straight up "fuck you."

The thing is she came back fired up and full of piss and vinegar. It was not the typical "thank you Laurel and Manu for a place to hook up with Mr. Wonderful" fly by. She was tossing the poo, posting links, fighting the fight, and getting the fuzz on her butt to stand up.

I hope she hangs around. I like the fucker.
She's called out my "bad behavior" as has Zipman.

Good to know there are at least some folks here who can do that without first filtering it through a political litmus test.

I respect those very few folks here who do that.

Don't put it in quotation marks -- it was bad behaviour, not "bad behaviour."

Nobody is perfect, but you shouldn't make light of the fact that those words were pretty awful.
Don't put it in quotation marks -- it was bad behaviour, not "bad behaviour."

Nobody is perfect, but you shouldn't make light of the fact that those words were pretty awful.

Oh, I totally "agree".
The thing is she came back fired up and full of piss and vinegar. It was not the typical "thank you Laurel and Manu for a place to hook up with Mr. Wonderful" fly by. She was tossing the poo, posting links, fighting the fight, and getting the fuzz on her butt to stand up.

I hope she hangs around. I like the fucker.

Much the same as in my R.L., I save any such words for specific times when I want my comments to be noticed and paid attention to. If I used "fuck" in my every day language, it wouldn't catch the attention of anyone.
I made that comment to patient1 as I was typing the posts you're referrig to yesterday. Glad to see my theory still works. :p

And yes, I'll probably stay around for awhile until this place gets boring again. :cattail: