To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

seek out help NOW! you need to spend a month in a state mental ward


Your husband has been for years now hanging out on a message board devoted to erotic stories. On this message board he has presented himself as a woman named Karen Kraft. Over his tenure there he has posted pictures of many adult yet young girls and other things. He insults overweight people and is often racist.
He has taken his portrayal of a woman to such lengths as to manufacture stories of being raped to sympathize with other women on the site and has often has cyber sex with men on there.
You are being told because of his boorish and often creepy behavior. Especially concerning pornography involving younger girls.
Here are some links you may find helpful to understand more. Since he has been there for years there are many threads and posts. You can search them on the site or ask people there. Most will be helpful I think. Good luck.
you didn't even edit for punctuation, and grammar? how do you know KK cybered anyone?

you're beyond a bitch.

I don't edit things for people on here. If I make a mistake then I make a mistake. I don't worry about what you think of it. If you choose to live your life based on what people here think then that's your problem. I'd rather be human.
I don't edit things for people on here. If I make a mistake then I make a mistake. I don't worry about what you think of it. If you choose to live your life based on what people here think then that's your problem. I'd rather be human.

ah ok so you don't bother to correct any mistakes because you don't want the rest of us to think that you think our opinions of you matter. if you were to correct the mistakes and then hit enter, that would somehow be inhuman?

no, you don't need therapy. not even a little bit. you are 100% adjusted, totally fine! :D
I don't edit things for people on here. If I make a mistake then I make a mistake. I don't worry about what you think of it. If you choose to live your life based on what people here think then that's your problem. I'd rather pretend to be female.

Fixed your post. lol;)
ah ok so you don't bother to correct any mistakes because you don't want the rest of us to think that you think our opinions of you matter. if you were to correct the mistakes and then hit enter, that would somehow be inhuman?

no, you don't need therapy. not even a little bit. you are 100% adjusted, totally fine! :D

I said I don't usually edit, I didn't say I don't correct mistakes. I'm not going to go back and fix something I already posted just so you might have a different opinion of me. Fuck you and fuck anyone who has a problem with it.
I said I don't usually edit, I didn't say I don't correct mistakes. I'm not going to go back and fix something I already posted just so you might have a different opinion of me. Fuck you and fuck anyone who has a problem with it.

Wait, if I say I have a problem with it I get to fuck you?