To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Here are a couple of pics of me and my big nose; soulen you can feel free to post yours... but of course we all know you won't. :D

One from two summers ago and one from last summer. (Ok, I admit this is just an excuse to post pics because I truly do love myself this much.)

Limited time only...


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And while I'm on the slim side, my ass is still juicy. And I know it.

Sorry Kraft!

(fuck yes, I'm too lazy to rotate.)

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Never been a fan of red bottoms. I lean towards more traditional colors, blue denim, black, tans, etc. But then I'm Midwestern and you're east coast so...
It's because Ken is a petty, shallow man who thinks everyone is like him. I'm sure he cries if you make fun of his bald spot.

And he's relentless about it. It's weird. I have an Achilles heel, as we all do, but my nose? At least put on a thinking cap and come up with something that has a bit of sting! Big Nose was stale 30 years ago and never refreshed itself.
Never been a fan of red bottoms. I lean towards more traditional colors, blue denim, black, tans, etc. But then I'm Midwestern and you're east coast so...

Red draws attention to my ass.

Two years ago Rick Springfield checked out the old caboose of mine at a trade show. OK, no one under the age of 40 will be impressed, but this was a big deal to me! I have video evidence!
Red draws attention to my ass.

Two years ago Rick Springfield checked out the old caboose of mine at a trade show. OK, no one under the age of 40 will be impressed, but this was a big deal to me! I have video evidence!

Rick is a hound. Just ask Jessie.
I think I could have fucked him. But I didn't see the video evidence until the next day. (Of course, I will admit I may be completely delusional... but he did watch me walk away!)

He's good looking. If he offered I'd have to give it some serious consideration. Might take me all of half a second to say yes.
Here's a screen shot of our meeting. You can tell how badly he wanted to make sweet love to me.

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Holy shite, I didn't need my smut stories to make through the torturous treadmill workout today. I finished reading this whole thread and now am totally kicking myself for missing the good stuff. Should've come back sooner.

Yes, you should have! You missed a hell of a lot of fun poking at Ken. Of course, that won't end anytime soon.
I still haven't heard from Ken or his wife. I'm very worried. Either something is wrong or they're being rude by not emailing me back to let me know everything is ok.

So, any news from Ken or his wife yet?
holy shit i'm glad i missed those pics! i'm not sure i could look at another pic featuring that gargantuan nose.
*bump* for those returning to the board from their holiday vacation. Happy reading! :cattail:
I spoke with her on the phone and we message each other. So I know that she is real.

Fuck the trolls here, they are just jealous of her.

Hey, Ken. So how did this alt work out for you? :D

Oh, wait. You are banned and not here anymore. :nana: