To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

i guess when you hurl insults left and right on this forum it means you're insecure as well? see now, doesn't it feel good to share? do you want to discuss some of your other...shortcomings? it's just you, me and ladyF's nose here. open up, you'll feel better getting it off your chest.

Yes, it's a well known fact I have low self esteem issues.

So, where's the picture, alty boy?
And so, as the shadows gather over the deserted ruins of a once great drama, the last twisted denizens pass their days in petty trolling and squalid tug of war over a chicken bone or a can of corn. The righteousness of the old battle becomes a watchword, then a fairy tale, then a myth, and finally vanishes from memory altogether.

Meanwhile in his dark tower in the Hollywood Hills, dead K(ar)en lies dreaming....
And so, as the shadows gather over the deserted ruins of a once great drama, the last twisted denizens pass their days in petty trolling and squalid tug of war over a chicken bone or a can of corn. The righteousness of the old battle becomes a watchword, then a fairy tale, then a myth, and finally vanishes from memory altogether.

Meanwhile in his dark tower in the Hollywood Hills, dead K(ar)en lies dreaming....

Have you read The Dark Tower series??? :D
First iggy ever just because you don't even have a name. Don't feel bad I did the same to Prince when his head swelled so large he just became a symbol.

The first part I totally understand.

The second part is completely idiotic.
First iggy ever just because you don't even have a name. Don't feel bad I did the same to Prince when his head swelled so large he just became a symbol.

And here I was hoping that we could be best friends. I'm not sure how I will be able to continue without you on my side, but I will give it a shot.
Spidey senses about Soulen's being an arsehole confirmed.

And karen is still ken.
Holy shite, I didn't need my smut stories to make through the torturous treadmill workout today. I finished reading this whole thread and now am totally kicking myself for missing the good stuff. Should've come back sooner.
I still haven't heard from Ken or his wife. I'm very worried. Either something is wrong or they're being rude by not emailing me back to let me know everything is ok.
Why does Soulen think that poking at my nose will hurt my feelings? As I said before, I'm not 12 anymore. "Big nose" is in the same category as "four eyes," another gem from grade school. Oh, and they used to make fun of me for my admittedly gargantuan feet.
Why does Soulen think that poking at my nose will hurt my feelings? As I said before, I'm not 12 anymore. "Big nose" is in the same category as "four eyes," another gem from grade school. Oh, and they used to make fun of me for my admittedly gargantuan feet.

It's because Ken is a petty, shallow man who thinks everyone is like him. I'm sure he cries if you make fun of his bald spot.