Training to cum on command

i've had experinces with this, mostly it happens that the man i'm with likes to order me to come when we are already ahveing sex and he is about to or just wants me to. though sometimes if i'm playing with myself cause he's not int he mood,and he can tell i'm haveing some problems, he'll come in, grab my hair, nibble on me, and tell me to cum right now, and it's like BAM works..i've not had someone try it on me in a non sexual situation..and i have had times where he's like "cum" and my body then goes "no". haha

i did date a switch for awhile who told me he had a former sub who he trained to cum when she ate was a very pavlovian thing.. he'd keep a box of chocolate by the bed and would shove one in the mouth every time she was climaxing... of course with this form of training, like a phobia, it generalizes, and she got to the point if she could smell the chocolate she'd cum... he had some cute quip about valentines day must be a bitch for her now.
Hmmm... I haven't tried the association thing, other than voice association. Kinda interesting idea though!
Howling_Ire said:
hahah going to make valentines day difficult for your sub too?

No, she doesn't like chocolate. She already cums on command now... thankfully she's not too noisy when she does. So I'll be able to experiment with making her cum when we're out in public.
FungiUg said:
No, she doesn't like chocolate. She already cums on command now... thankfully she's not too noisy when she does. So I'll be able to experiment with making her cum when we're out in public.

that sounds like alot of fun. if i got to the point i could do it on command would probably only be an option for loud places, cause i just can't seem to shut up..i am the reason thier are gags..hahaha
Howling_Ire said:
that sounds like alot of fun. if i got to the point i could do it on command would probably only be an option for loud places, cause i just can't seem to shut up..i am the reason thier are gags..hahaha

Well, unless you Master enjoyed embaressing you in public!
Re: Question

PinkOrchid said:
For those of you who can come on command, what type of orgasm do you have? Clitoral, g-spot? I'm VERY g-orgasmic, but not nearly as so clitorally, so I'mwondering if I'm a candidate for this.

It isn't centered in any one place for me. Its more generalized pleasure throughout my genitals.
snoozebutton said:
I just want to say how proud Kayte, Desdemona and Dragonlace make me when they release on command. I cherish the gift each has given me.

Thank you Master.:kiss:
Re: Re: Question

Desdemona said:
It isn't centered in any one place for me. Its more generalized pleasure throughout my genitals.

Des, did you find that it took a certain level of trust to learn to cum at command? Was it at all scary?
Re: Re: Re: Question

FungiUg said:
Des, did you find that it took a certain level of trust to learn to cum at command? Was it at all scary?

It was a little scary because I was letting Him into my head more and more. It took a certain amount of trust because for me, its a big deal to give over that much access and control. I don't do it easily. And the intellectual part of my brain was screaming... no, no, you're going to end up brainwashed or something.

And of course, now He can do it to me in public if He chooses. In fact, He has done that a few times.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Question

Desdemona said:
It was a little scary because I was letting Him into my head more and more. It took a certain amount of trust because for me, its a big deal to give over that much access and control. I don't do it easily. And the intellectual part of my brain was screaming... no, no, you're going to end up brainwashed or something.

And of course, now He can do it to me in public if He chooses. In fact, He has done that a few times.

So you DID end up brainwashed! :D

Yeah... my own submissive who now cums on command I think feels much the same way. It was a little scary for her as well.
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FungiUg said:
So you DID end up brainwashed! :D

Yeah... my own submissive who now cums on command I think feels much the same way. It was a little scary for her as well.

Yep, I'm brainwashed, but in a nice way. :)
snoozebutton said:
I just want to say how proud Kayte, Desdemona and Dragonlace make me when they release on command. I cherish the gift each has given me.

Thank You so very much Master. :kiss:
Sir and i practiced with this a bit yesterday.... and i have to say, it was just like we've been doing it all along.... it still works!!! :D
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Desdemona said:
Yep, I'm brainwashed, but in a nice way. :)

I'd borrow Snooze's brainwashing liquid, but my own seems to be working just fine! :D
SierraMoon said:
Sir and i practiced with this a bit yesterday.... and i have to say, it was just like we've been doing it all along.... it still works!!! :D

SierraMoon said:
Sir and i practiced with this a bit yesterday.... and i have to say, it was just like we've been doing it all along.... it still works!!! :D

Hi {{{{Sierra}}}} So nice to see you. :kiss:
snoozebutton said:
I just want to say how proud Kayte, Desdemona and Dragonlace make me when they release on command. I cherish the gift each has given me.

Thank you so very much Master, i am just happy that i make you proud and am proud to be Yours :kiss:
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FungiUg said:
I'd borrow Snooze's brainwashing liquid, but my own seems to be working just fine! :D

It's just the love and strenght they feel when we are together that makes it possible.
FungiUg said:
Hmmm... I haven't tried the association thing, other than voice association. Kinda interesting idea though!

My gf and I aren't heavily into BDSM, although we are experimenting a bit, but I have been trying to build up an association. I haven't been very systematic about it yet, but I may become more focused; I'll have to talk with her about it.

The trigger I've been using is rubbing or sucking the inside of her wrist. The "training" part comes in that I try to rub or suck (I need to choose one and abandon the other, I suppose.) her inner wrist while she's climaxing. Only once have I tried to trigger an orgasm though, but it was nearly successful:

We were out to a very nice dinner and during dessert I held her hand, rubbed her wrist, and quietly talked about how much I loved her, loved sex together, and wanted to fuck her when we got home. I could tell she was building by her flushed skin, heavy breathing, and fluttering eyelids. :D After a couple minutes she was nearly gasping, I was expecting her to orgasm any moment when a waiter dropped a tray near us!! :O :mad: Needless to say, that broke the mood entirely. She told me later that she had been only a few seconds away from orgasming. :( Next time, SG... next time... :D
Anyone ever been trained to cum on command by more than one person at the same time and how does that one work? Does it get confusing or really intense?
I'm training myself. And its going quite well.

I'm not trainng myself to be triggered by a vioce, but by the words. I simply imagine whatever it is I imagine when I masterbate and then imagine my partner ordering me to come right when it's about to happen. Since this is the easiest way for me to orgasm, and I'm in control and aware of my own body, this works well. Sometimes I say the words out loud, and that helps. It is just a siimple command and includes the word NOW. When my partner says it now, it is easier for me to achieve.

I would say that this simple method works great, adn could probably work on almost anyone who was turned on by the idea enoogh to try it. No partner neccessary. (Although depending on the type of relationship you have, you might need to ask permission:))