translation please

Let me take this opportunity to say:

Nothing personal Lou. I just hate quickies. :)

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Tatelou said:

P.S. Although, when I first said IWFYBO the person that posted before me was Raphy. :eek:

I'm saying nothing more.
Sorry Lou,

If I didn't say anything someone else would have.

I mean come on look at your Av it may be the most provocative picture on Lit. and every day it just gets better! (this one has no back eh!)

I am not Gay, but I would say Raphy must have the same attention from his Av out of the men I think he displays one of the most erotic Avs.

No, Raphy I will stick to reading your stories not checking each day on how you look. I'm not blind just stating what I see is all.

FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Repair
SNAFU = Support Network for an Armed Forces Union (not sure!)
As Clinton said to Monica: "Close, but no cigar!"

FUBAR= Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

SNAFU = Situation Normal All Fucked Up

They are military acronyms, though, you were right about that.
Svenskaflicka said:
As Clinton said to Monica: "Close, but no cigar!"

FUBAR= Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

SNAFU = Situation Normal All Fucked Up

They are military acronyms, though, you were right about that.

I was never officially in the military but I have spent plenty of time dealing with goverment military contracts. I figured SNAFU would have a second meaning other than the real term applied. FUBAR is very widely used.

(Laughing) _ FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily / Found On Road Dead
Any takers for FUD?
I've heard it, and I think I understand what it implies, but what the letters mean is beyond me.

BTW, this one is said ti have been used in nuclear plants in the 70's.
SICK TIGER = Security Is Compromised, Kill Turbines If Grates Exposes Radiation
Not really something for your everyday chit-chat though...
Icingsugar said:
Any takers for FUD?
I've heard it, and I think I understand what it implies, but what the letters mean is beyond me.

BTW, this one is said ti have been used in nuclear plants in the 70's.
SICK TIGER = Security Is Compromised, Kill Turbines If Grates Exposes Radiation
Not really something for your everyday chit-chat though...

FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.
It is a marketing technique used when a competitor launches a product that is both better than yours and costs less, i.e. your product is no longer competitive. Unable to respond with hard facts, scare-mongering is used via 'gossip channels' to cast a shadow of doubt over the competitors offerings and make people think twice before using it.

In general it is used by companies with a large market share, and the overall message is 'Hey, it could be risky going down that road, stick with us and you are with the crowd. Our next soon-to-be-released version will be better than that anyway'.
Hey Lou & Raphy

You have nothing to apologise for, it was one of the funniest half hours I ever spent.


A7inchPhildo said:
Sorry Lou,

If I didn't say anything someone else would have.

I mean come on look at your Av it may be the most provocative picture on Lit. and every day it just gets better! (this one has no back eh!)

I am not Gay, but I would say Raphy must have the same attention from his Av out of the men I think he displays one of the most erotic Avs.

No, Raphy I will stick to reading your stories not checking each day on how you look. I'm not blind just stating what I see is all.


Yo. Phildo - It's all good, dude. Compliments from men don't make me uncomfortable. :)
Yeah, thanks from me, too, Phil. :)

Wills, glad you laughed, I did, too. :D

Lou :kiss:

P.S. Raphy ;)
Re: I rarely use them myself...

Dirt Man said:
As a writer I try to write whole words, and not acronyms. Save for the occational LOL, or ROFLMAO. Now FYI, IMHO I think that using them is much more befiting to those who can't live without their ten remote controls as they lay on their couch munching on potatoe chips, and slurping their big gulp slurpies.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Let me get this straight. Are you saying that one can buy a slurpee in a big gulp cup???
Re: Re: I rarely use them myself...

Hooper_X said:
Let me get this straight. Are you saying that one can buy a slurpee in a big gulp cup???

only if you're quick like a fox