
The Bottle that Can't Be Labelled

impressive said:
... It got me wondering when/if y'all stopped feeling like a dabbler and started feeling like a poet.

... I detest "labels" in many of my silent, thoughtful moments. But most of the time I blythely apply them, since that is what one does. More fundamentally true, though, I believe, is that even the label "human being" doesn't adequately describe a person. Ah, "person" ... describing labels using other labels ... help!

The little-known poet David Posner once told me, "A poet is a poet when he writes a poem." I've pondered that over the years. I don't know anyone who can make a living being a poet. When I write a poem, I'm a poet. The rest of the time, I'm maybe an editor, critic, reader. I forget whether it was the Irish or the Scots who referred to their bards as "makars."

In conventional, non-mystical, flat-playing-field terms, dear Imp, I believe I and most of us here consider you to be a fine poet. You might as well believe it and wear it with aplomb.

When I'm at work, I'm an idiot. When I write a poem, I'm an idiot-poet. When I consider what I am, I'm a considerer.

[Surely there's a seed of a Zen moment in there somewhere!]

Will be back later, much to do today...
annaswirls said:
a poet is just someone who writes poetry, so poet you be!
Definition of poet from an online dictionary: "a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)"
I thought this was amusing: reserved for writers of good poetry. Fine, but we've all debated what is good poetry. So, it seems that anyone and everyone can not only be a poet, but they can also be a good poet if they write what they perceive to be good poetry. Well, good! I'm a good poet. :D
WickedEve said:
Definition of poet from an online dictionary: "a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)"
I thought this was amusing: reserved for writers of good poetry. Fine, but we've all debated what is good poetry. So, it seems that anyone and everyone can not only be a poet, but they can also be a good poet if they write what they perceive to be good poetry. Well, good! I'm a good poet. :D

wait if a poet writes good poetry, and you are a good poet, I guess that makes you double good?

with extra foam on top
annaswirls said:
wait if a poet writes good poetry, and you are a good poet, I guess that makes you double good?

with extra foam on top

A good good poet. (Can we say great?)
annaswirls said:
wait if a poet writes good poetry, and you are a good poet, I guess that makes you double good?

with extra foam on top
But don't you think that definition was funny? Can you imagine reading through the definitions and thinking you're a poet and then you get to that one word: reserved. It's like, "I'm sorry. The word "poet" is reserved for only good ones!" lol
poet yardstick

I have decided I'll go with Eve's definition, 'usually reserved
for writers of good poetry'. Since it doesn't say consistent good
poetry, one 'H' here makes you a poet. The more 'H's the
bigger your room. Eve has a master bedroom w/ walkin closet,
& large bath. I have the third shelf in the linen closet. If
you don't have an 'H' you need to write better or kiss more ass,
for you are only a visitor.
Re: poet yardstick

sandspike said:
If you don't have an 'H' you need to write better or kiss more ass, for you are only a visitor.

Well, then I'm not a visitor :D but I still get that "just playing house" feeling from time to time. But hell, I get that feeling when I look around me in RL, too. :rolleyes:
I have "poems" that have H's - but I am not sure if it's because my friends are being sweet or because they are good poems.. :rolleyes:

definition of a poet: poet >noun 1 a person who writes poems. 2 a person possessing special powers of imagination or expression.

I see that in all of the poets (and writers) in Lit..
Re: poet yardstick

sandspike said:
<snip> If you don't have an 'H' you need to write better or kiss more ass, for you are only a visitor.
The only ass these lips will kiss
is the one beneath my cheek.
Let others, the lofty heights seek,
my love, remain in earthy bliss,
here on the shore
of popular tide
do not your talent hide
move on to something more
if that is truly what you need
fame and recognition
by your own admission
a hungry ego feed.
Madame Fortune ignores the meek
and the asskisser stays up Shit Creek.
Re: poet yardstick

sandspike said:
I have decided I'll go with Eve's definition, 'usually reserved
for writers of good poetry'. Since it doesn't say consistent good
poetry, one 'H' here makes you a poet. The more 'H's the
bigger your room. Eve has a master bedroom w/ walkin closet,
& large bath. I have the third shelf in the linen closet. If
you don't have an 'H' you need to write better or kiss more ass,
for you are only a visitor.
You need to change your Location under your av to "third shelf in the linen closet." lol But you need to have a "it may be third shelf but it's the best damn shelf in the closet" attitude. ;)

I've always suspected that the majority of my Hs are not for my words but for my boobs. I'm okay with it though. :eek:
Re: Re: poet yardstick

WickedEve said:
I've always suspected that the majority of my Hs are not for my words but for my boobs.


I haven't seen your boobs, so I can honestly say I've only voted on your words. (That, of course, is subject to change.)
Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

impressive said:

I haven't seen your boobs,
Boy, that's a small club.

I think they should change the voting system so we can better express "how I feel about this poem" vs "how I would like to feel up this author."

Re: Re: poet yardstick

champagne1982 said:
The only ass these lips will kiss
is the one beneath my cheek.
Let others, the lofty heights seek,
my love, remain in earthy bliss,
here on the shore
of popular tide
do not your talent hide
move on to something more
if that is truly what you need
fame and recognition
by your own admission
a hungry ego feed.
Madame Fortune ignores the meek
and the asskisser stays up Shit Creek.
You can kiss your own ass?
I bet you're popular at parties.
Re: Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

flyguy69 said:
Boy, that's a small club.

I think they should change the voting system so we can better express "how I feel about this poem" vs "how I would like to feel up this author."

small club? I'd like to smack you with a small club! lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

flyguy69 said:
Boy, that's a small club.

I think they should change the voting system so we can better express "how I feel about this poem" vs "how I would like to feel up this author."

We're considering it for the finals. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

WickedEve said:
small club? I'd like to smack you with a small club! lol

You don't NEED a small club. You've got boulders! :D

Now I can vote appropriately.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

WickedEve said:
small club? I'd like to smack you with a small club! lol
I see you've brought a pair. Am I to choose my weapon?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: poet yardstick

flyguy69 said:
I see you've brought a pair. Am I to choose my weapon?
I only needed one but they came in a pair and I thought, "Oh, why not." Besides, it's good to have a spare--there will be no patching it up if one of these babies every blows.
impressive said:
I rec'd an e-mail this morning from someone congratulating me on the December category honors, and part of my response was that regardless of the accolades, I still feel like I'm "tresspassing" when I submit poetry and/or participate in this forum.

It got me wondering when/if y'all stopped feeling like a dabbler and started feeling like a poet.

I am still a dabbler here, but I'm ok with that. I'm not a poet in the true sense of the word- I just get lucky with a turn of phrase now and then.

Just relax and do what you do. :rose:
Re: if you of these babies ever blows.

Pull into a gas station, I think the left one has a small leak.
Eve, awhile back you had a AV which made you look like a P.T.A.
mom. Now that you are back to 'killer' Av's and your poetry
is stronger than ever. Would impressive write better poetry
if the av's were a bit more bold? She is already a poet, but by
adding a hotter AV who she have a bust out(pun intended)
Re: Re: if you of these babies ever blows.

sandspike said:
Pull into a gas station, I think the left one has a small leak.
Eve, awhile back you had a AV which made you look like a P.T.A.
mom. Now that you are back to 'killer' Av's and your poetry
is stronger than ever. Would impressive write better poetry
if the av's were a bit more bold? She is already a poet, but by
adding a hotter AV who she have a bust out(pun intended)
The bolder the better.
I still like the idea of throwing words against the wall and seeing what sticks....:D
The_Fool said:
I still like the idea of throwing words against the wall and seeing what sticks....:D
Oh yeah! A bucket of words coated in marshmallows, then flung toward a wall. I can see you now, Fool, smearing them around to arrange them in some order that makes sense. You are the Marshmallow Poet! Of course, you do this in the nude.
I never answered this and I meant to. I always knew in my heart that I was a poet and would never be content with dabbling. Writing is my life. Now it's external because I've published some stuff and I'm officially a starving poet, but the truth is I just write because I love to write.
