
WickedEve said:
Oh yeah! A bucket of words coated in marshmallows, then flung toward a wall. I can see you now, Fool, smearing them around to arrange them in some order that makes sense. You are the Marshmallow Poet! Of course, you do this in the nude.

I'll be happy to get all sticky if I can get you to lick me clean...

What a thread hijack.....I really suck...
The_Fool said:
I'll be happy to get all sticky if I can get you to lick me clean...

What a thread hijack.....I really suck...
True. You suck more than any demon in hell but you're a poet, so it doesn't matter. :)
impressive, you have seen it all.

You have seen and heard from various corners of literotica
poetry. You know you are a poet. You just need to find
where the inspiration flows from. Is it from the heart like
Angeline, or the mind like say Hynde, or just down and dirty
like Wicked. Let us know poet.
Now I know!

I've been trolled -- all of 'em -- all 13 poems. Very recently, too -- as my member page doesn't yet reflect the massive loss of Hs.

It's official! I'm a poet. :nana:
Re: Now I know!

impressive said:
I've been trolled -- all of 'em -- all 13 poems. Very recently, too -- as my member page doesn't yet reflect the massive loss of Hs.

It's official! I'm a poet. :nana:
Doesn't that ever make you wonder about the weirdo who does those sorts of things? lol "I have the power! I have a keyboard! I have the power to vote 1 with my keyboard!" How lame and embarrassing.
Here's a link to impressive's submissions if you want to give them a read and vote.
Re: Re: Now I know!

WickedEve said:
Doesn't that ever make you wonder about the weirdo who does those sorts of things? lol "I have the power! I have a keyboard! I have the power to vote 1 with my keyboard!" How lame and embarrassing.
Here's a link to impressive's submissions if you want to give them a read and vote.

Thanks, Eve. That's sweet of you.

Ya know, now that I think of it, my first story trolling was when I started really feeling like an author, too. :rolleyes:

Wish I knew who the chicken shit mother fucker was so I could thank him properly. :D
Angeline said:
Being trolled?

I've only been trolled a little. What does that mean?

It's means you're not troll worthy. It took me about 3 years to get a bad case of trolls. What does that say? We're both not worthy of extreme trolling. lol
WickedEve said:
It's means you're not troll worthy. It took me about 3 years to get a bad case of trolls. What does that say? We're both not worthy of extreme trolling. lol

Maybe we should be trolls. But not of each other's poems. I only want to troll trolls and I don't know who they are. Maybe they submit poems here that are, well, not too poetic. Or maybe they don't submit because they think their poems are too bad or too good. I think they are people who used to lurk here and got pissed at the oval or whatever that shape is we are, and they've morphed into trolls.

And if you're trolled the most, is that good? Like imitation is the best form of flattery good?

I don't understand this troll thing. And I always picture them like the seven dwarfs--you know, Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey...

I feel like I just discoursed a Socratic Monologue on trolls. lol.
WickedEve said:
It's means you're not troll worthy. It took me about 3 years to get a bad case of trolls. What does that say? We're both not worthy of extreme trolling. lol

I don't know about this troll stuff but I would sure love to Ogre both of you.....:D
Re: Now I know!

impressive said:
I've been trolled -- all of 'em -- all 13 poems. Very recently, too -- as my member page doesn't yet reflect the massive loss of Hs.

It's official! I'm a poet. :nana:

dang Impressive! I clicked Eve's link and saw your author page! Impressive indeed! :)

just curious

I wonder how can you feel like a trespasser with that long string of H's? It seems like you are well recieved with a lot of support! I know I enjoy many of the poems that you put out there.

I said before, I am not as good as I used to be at keeping track of new people here, it takes me a while to register names and connect them with poems etc.

So I gather from the thread that you are a new writer or just to lit? It is scary to think about what you will be writing a year from now!

and I looked over some of your comment pages, and I think your little red guys should be fine! You have a bunch of comments, and the new ones seem to be 3's? They cannot knock you down that easily when you have a big number of votes already.

oh you should quick go to your author page and do a capture screen quick in case they do go away!

All the best,

The_Fool said:
I don't know about this troll stuff but I would sure love to Ogre both of you.....:D
You sad, horny kitty. Change that av! lol
Re: Re: Now I know!

annaswirls said:
dang Impressive! I clicked Eve's link and saw your author page! Impressive indeed! :)

Thanks. A couple, but not all, of the bombs were removed. (The ones that didn't have accompanying PCs.)

just curious

I wonder how can you feel like a trespasser with that long string of H's? It seems like you are well recieved with a lot of support!

I think it's because many of the commenters are (or were until just the last couple of months) mostly folks who don't write poetry themselves. It's as if I have begun to seek/appreciate the opinion of other poets, although I keep telling myself that ALL comments should be equally valued. Make any sense?

I know I enjoy many of the poems that you put out there.

Thanks, again.

I said before, I am not as good as I used to be at keeping track of new people here, it takes me a while to register names and connect them with poems etc.

So I gather from the thread that you are a new writer or just to lit? It is scary to think about what you will be writing a year from now!

I submitted my first STORY in September 2003. I wrote and submitted my very first POEM in September 2004 -- shortly after coming to the forums. I mostly hangout over in the AH. I suppose some would attribute my scores to AHers supporting one of their own, and I suppose that might be a factor -- albiet a minor one.

and I looked over some of your comment pages, and I think your little red guys should be fine! You have a bunch of comments, and the new ones seem to be 3's? They cannot knock you down that easily when you have a big number of votes already.

Given the comments I received prior, they cannot knock me down at all -- at least spiritually. Opinions are like assholes, after all. :D

oh you should quick go to your author page and do a capture screen quick in case they do go away!

Oh, did that already! :D

All the best,


Re: spelling...

foehn said:
Whatever happened to "definately"? Oh, how I sometimes miss misspellings...
I'm sorry. I'll start mispelling werds for you. It pains me but what the hell.