

entitled said:
OK, so maybe this thread shouldn't be tossed into the general smorgasbord. Whatever floats people's boats.

Dust mites and mite parts, and i have no clue on the author one.

For the record: i prefer the English more often than not. ;) Something about accents and such.

How fast can a housecat sprint?

How fast can the Vet run with scissors in his hand, I mean that is the definition of a Ball race isn't it, *A Tom cat with a 10 yd start on the Vet*


PS Mathgirl and darling Pookie, I know you always speak, sorry darlings funny mood that day, Wrong week if you know what I mean, Oh not mine, hehe

Luv ya all.............I never hate anyone, I think that's my problem.

pops...........:D :D :rose: :rose:
Hey, my question was real... I'm from Brooklyn... was thinking menushi... meshuga... chatchki (don't even think that's how it's spelled, but see, that's what makes it complicated). Apologies if you felt insulted by my post, but you came back kinda mean... I don't "live" online (...wait, is that even an insult?)so it looks like you can take care of yourself. I'm glad people are playing your trivia game :)

Isn't household dust made mostly of skin flakes?
Ooops, you posted that answer earlier, didn't you? I promise, I thought of skin flakes myself! Oh, well. At least I don't have to come up with my own trivia question, because I can't think of anything!
Oops! Guess I didn't read the beginning very closely-sorry Jordan. Easy one: What is Kramer's first name?
Re: Hi

pop_54 said:
How fast can the Vet run with scissors in his hand, I mean that is the definition of a Ball race isn't it, *A Tom cat with a 10 yd start on the Vet*

*snickers* That reminds me of a friend of mine. He named his cat Sex. Every time he came calling Sex would run away. The poor man just never seemed to get anything out of the deal.

Next question: How 'tall' is a person's head in comparison with their whole body?

A sixth (1/6)

Pops I don't give a chuff actually. My motto is "It's ALL bollocks" (Apply that to life if you get arsed off)


:rose: For Bridget)

Well, hell, I thought it was Cosmos, but as I look at the name typed in front of me it doesn't look right. You win and you get the next question!:cool:
GC's motto

gauchecritic said:

A sixth (1/6)

Pops I don't give a chuff actually. My motto is "It's ALL bollocks" (Apply that to life if you get arsed off)

Dear Gauche,

Could you restate those things in American? I'm looking for a motto, and that might be useful, if I knew what it meant.
How 'bout 1 body equals 7.5 heads-we are talking head to toe here right-not some other head:D
bearlee said:
How 'bout 1 body equals 7.5 heads-we are talking head to toe here right-not some other head:D
*laughs* Yes, we're talking the head we ALL have, and you're very very close. Close enough to call it good. ;) The actual ratio is closer to 8:1.
see, i knew it was 8 but was too chicken to answer ;)

though, i think superhero's heads are smaller... maybe 9 or 10...

okay going to hide again ;)
glad the thread got going though, well done for hanging in there people :)
Speaking of chickens...

What's one way to tell if a hen is laying or not, just by looking at her?
Oh gosh, it's Thesandman's girlfriend!;)
Okay, speaking of the other head, is the average man's penis, when erect, thicker around the head, along the shaft or at the base of the shaft? Bonus question, on averge, by what percentage does a man's "thing" increase in size if it less than three inches flaccid and double bonus points-does a short cock in the flaccid state increase in size in a greater percentage than a larger one-using three inches as the line of demarcation in the flaccid state? These are not truly triva questions I guess and no fair going to
Oops! A little slow-the reference to Thesandman was for wildsweetone
bearlee said:
Oh gosh, it's Thesandman's girlfriend!;)
Okay, speaking of the other head, is the average man's penis, when erect, thicker around the head, along the shaft or at the base of the shaft? Bonus question, on averge, by what percentage does a man's "thing" increase in size if it less than three inches flaccid and double bonus points-does a short cock in the flaccid state increase in size in a greater percentage than a larger one-using three inches as the line of demarcation in the flaccid state? These are not truly triva questions I guess and no fair going to
Around the head, app. 150%, and yes.

And no, her eyes aren't crossed. :p
Well, somebody sure does know stuff about the penis:D , well close anyway. The first answer is correct. The second is close I suppose(figure I saw was 240% and 160% for over-threeers), and the last answer is defininately correct-so since you gave me one I'll give you this one-you went to didn't you:p

Penis, schmeenis........ I want to know about the chicken
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Nope! All that knowledge comes from being horny and marrying a short man. :D

Nobody else has any ideas about the chicken?
bearlee said:
Oh gosh, it's Thesandman's girlfriend!;)

and no, my eyes aren't crossed... how did you know that entitled? lol

i don't know how to tell if a chicken is laying, apart from sticking your finger where it would no doubt hurt i can't think of any other way....

i do know how to put a chicken to sleep though ;)
Unless it's a funny riddle or something, I thinks hens cackle a lot and won't leave the nest. And wildsweetone-how did entitled know what-about you and Thesandman. That be me, but I know because I've been chatting with your buddy, Jewelee, well and him to. He's an evil wicked shemale, (s)he is!:catgrin: