Trump and Hitler compared

You mean since Clinton balanced the budget?
No I mean all spending is deficit spending until we pay off the 35 trillion plus.

This would be a good time to raise taxes on the rich!
Trump has a better idea. Drill in ANWAR and pay all profits towards reducing the debt. You could seize all of the billions in private hands and not put a dent in the debt.
Trump has a better idea. Drill in ANWAR and pay all profits towards reducing the debt. You could seize all of the billions in private hands and not put a dent in the debt.
Creating a new socialist government-owned oil company is not a good way to reduce the debt. Taxing the rich over several decades makes more sense.
No I mean all spending is deficit spending until we pay off the 35 trillion plus.



So NOW "Right"guide agrees that REPUBLICANS fucked the country over with their “deficits don’t matter if they are the result of tax cuts”and “taxes don’t need to be raised in a time of war and natural disaster” BULLSHIT???


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

No I mean all spending is deficit spending until we pay off the 35 trillion plus.



I mean I get that GW Bush couldn’t balance the budget since he had to let 9/11 happen so we could then get into two wars based on lies—then he had to create the bottomless cash hole that was and is Homeland(er) Security. Then of course he walked out the door leaving us in the worst financial shape since the Great Depression. So there’s that. Don’t forget the Orange Fuhrer giving tax cuts to the rich and fucking over the middle class while doing it—and raiding the Treasury with his scams while getting impeached. So. Much. Winning.


I mean I get that GW Bush couldn’t balance the budget since he had to let 9/11 happen so we could then get into two wars based on lies—then he had to create the bottomless cash hole that was and is Homeland(er) Security. Then of course he walked out the door leaving us in the worst financial shape since the Great Depression. So there’s that. Don’t forget the Orange Fuhrer giving tax cuts to the rich and fucking over the middle class while doing it—and raiding the Treasury with his scams while getting impeached. So. Much. Winning.

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You don't "get" anything.
Trump is not as evil as Hitler. He is not as dangerous because he is much older, and less intelligent. Nevertheless, there are obvious similarities.

After Hitler came to power life for most Germans - other than German Jews, of course - began to get better. The Germans had experienced the inflation of the early 1920's. The Great Depression hit them harder than Americans. German unemployment got higher.

After Hitler took power Germany recovered faster from the Great Depression than the United States did. People visiting Germany in the late 1930's said, "You can see that things are getting better. The restaurants and department stores are full. People have money and they are spending it.”

When I learned this I was surprised. I had read Mein Kampf. In it Hitler demonstrated little interest in and knowledge of economics. Hitler probably appointed good economic advisors, and did what they told him to do. Unlike President Roosevelt, he did not need to contend with the obstruction of the Republicans.

If Trump is elected president the national debt will increase. Global warming will get worse.

Will the standard of living for most Americans – especially most white Americans - increase? If it does, Trump will achieve more power. If not, Trump’s power will decline as President Nixon’s did after being reelected in 1972 by a landslide. The inflationary recession of 1974 made Nixon vulnerable to the Watergate Scandal. If the economy had been doing well, few Americans would have cared about the scandal.

Fascism is unlikely in the United States because most Americans are too individualistic.

Yea Trump is a moderate normie. He's not as pro-freedom as the right wing would like.

Not nearly authoritarian enough for Democrats to like him.

The democrats are doing a good job of bring collectivist authoritarianism to life here......hopefully the "America first" crowd will defeat the globalist comrades of the DNC in check this fall.
No, trump is not like Hitler (yet). trump hides behind lawyers and money.
Trump is a known quantity. He will largely do again what he did before. He's bombastic, vain, brash, etc. but he's also his own man. He doesn't answer to the other elites, because he frankly used to buy them out himself. Hell, he donated to Kamala himself at one point. He's basically the oligarch who decided to cut out the middleman lackey politicians and do it himself. Is there a personality cult attached to him? Sure, just as there was for Obama to an extent and other charismatic politicians in my lifetime. He doesn't defer to a committee or cabal of puppet masters like Kamala or Biden. You can be angry at him, which I often have been for much of the past nine years (remember, I was an OG Never Trumper). Even so, you know who to blame or credit for his decisions and the outcomes, for good or ill. He won't make himself dictator, because he had his best chance for that in 2017 and never acted on it. He's not getting younger, so he won't have the energy and stamina for that.

Kamala, not as well known of a quantity, is clearly smart enough to have risen this far, but not particularly astute about some things, tends to be ill-prepared for interviews, speeches, etc., engages in word salad, etc. She was viewed as a laughingstock and an embarrassment not that long ago by the same people in the neoliberal left circles (not Communist, I might add, let's be fair here) that sponsor her now. She's absolutely corrupt, just ask Steve Mnuchin, whom she failed to prosecute during that whole banking scandal, and who later went on to be Trump's Treasury Secretary. She's probably an alcoholic. What we do know is that she will largely do only what her handlers allow, and that's basically continue a second Biden term (and arguably a fourth Obama term). Same basic policies, so probably predictable.

You know what poisons you get with each, so pick them well.
Not if taxes are raised for the rich to the extent the top tax rate was before the Reagan administration.
Bullshit. if you seized "all" of the wealth of the richest Americans you couldn't run the government for 6 months.