Trump Fails At Pretending to Be a Human Being

Presiderp Dick Cheese snatches up the last crumb of publicity
attached to the parents of Harry Dunn, a teen that as killed by
a Trump scab.

Oh, look! Stephanie Grisham , the Bitch Goddess of Denials
has inherited Hogan Gidley from sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Press secretary tells Fox News grieving parents lied about meeting with Trump

October 17, 2019

White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley appeared
on Fox News Thursday to do a little spin for the president.
Gidley was there to tell everyone that Donald Trump and
his staff of third-rate scam artists had not in fact ambushed
the parents of a dead teen by attempting to surprise them
with a photo op with their child’s killer.

Daily Kos

In August, 19-year-old Harry Dunn was killed in a village in England when a car driven by Anne Sacoolas, traveling on the wrong side of the road, struck his motorcycle. Sacoolas, the wife of a U.S. intelligence official, fled the country, claiming diplomatic immunity in the case. Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn, Harry’s parents, came to the United States in the hope of drumming up support and awareness and of getting Sacoolas brought back to the U.K. to face justice and some resolution.

On Tuesday, the parents were surprised to be contacted by and then brought to the White House to meet with Trump himself. After speaking with him briefly, they told the press that Trump and his staff had tried to rush them into a photo op surprise meeting with the woman who killed their son. While they were diplomatic in how they spoke about Trump specifically, they were clear that the whole event was “rushed,” and that the White House showed little empathy for either them or Anne Sacoolas.
this man lacks the basics of humanity. disgusting.
Presiderp Dick Cheese is not welcome at funerals, and neither is his pet, "Moscow Mitch"

Bobby Rankin knows a snake in the grass, when he sees one.

Crawl away on your bellies, Dick Cheese and Moscow Mitch!

OTOH, President Obama is welcome anywhere there is decency, respect and love.

Here is what Obama said-

It has been remarked that Elijah was a kind man. I tell my daughters—
and I have to say, listening to Elijah’s daughters speak, that got me choked up.
I am sure those of you who have sons feel the same way—but there is something
about daughters and their fathers. And I was thinking I would want my daughters
to know how much I love them, but I would also want them to know that being
a strong man includes being kind. That there is nothing weak about kindness
and compassion.

There is nothing weak about looking out for others.

There is nothing weak about being honorable.

You are not a sucker to have integrity and to treat others with respect.

I was sitting here and I was just noticing the “honorable” Elijah E. Cummings.
You know, this is a title that we confer on all kinds of people who get elected
to public office. We are supposed to introduce them as “honorable.”
But Elijah Cummings was honorable before he was elected to office.
There’s a difference. There is a difference if you were honorable
and treated others honorably. Outside the limelight. On the side of a road.
In a quiet moment, counseling somebody you work with.
Letting your daughters know you love them.
Presiderp Dick Cheese is not welcome at funerals, and neither is his pet, "Moscow Mitch"

Bobby Rankin knows a snake in the grass, when he sees one.

Crawl away on your bellies, Dick Cheese and Moscow Mitch!

OTOH, President Obama is welcome anywhere there is decency, respect and love.

Yep, a day for Trump being left out in the cold and Moscow Mitch being shunned by a pallbearer. At least, of the two, Mitch understood the blackballing--and the reason for it.
White House didn’t actually replace Native American Heritage Month

November 5, 2019

- Teo Armus

Last week, President Trump declared November as “National
American History and Founders Month,” a celebration of the
country’s “dedication to promoting liberty and justice.”

Few noticed a White House proclamation released on Halloween,
but on Monday, it suddenly sparked outrage on social media, with
many arguing the move was tone-deaf — if not outright offensive —
because of another month-long heritage event that has taken place in
November since 1990: Native American Heritage Month.

Simon Moya-Smith, a writer and member of the Oglala Lakota Nation
told The Post that Native American Heritage Month already lacks a
strong following. A new commemoration of some of the very same
leaders who helped decimate the country’s indigenous communities
is inappropriate, he argued.

Last week, President Trump declared November as
“National American History and Founders Month”

— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) November 5, 2019

The National Indian Education Association appeared to put out a statement
slamming the Trump administration for failing to issue a presidential
proclamation, while others on social media claimed the president had
canceled the month outright.

— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) November 5, 2019

Christine Pelosi
Twitter › sfpelosi

His cruelty is not without irony: Donald Trump changed the designation
of “Native American Heritage Month” to “American History and Founders
Month” - which is fitting because the Founders wrote the Constitution that
is being used to impeach him.

16 hours ago

President Donald Trump issues a proclamation declaring November
National Veterans and Military Families Month

November 5, 2019

“I encourage all communities, all sectors of society, and all Americans to
acknowledge and honor the service, sacrifices, and contributions of veterans
and military families for what they have done and for what they do every day
to support our great Nation,” Trump said in the proclamation released by the
White House on Friday.

(Third year the proclamtion is made.)

Melania Trump To Visit Boston On Wednesday

November 04, 2019

Presiderp Dick Cheese
In October 2018, a gunman burst into Shabbat morning services at a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh and sprayed worshippers with semiautomatic-rifle and pistol fire. Eleven people died. Three days later, the president and first lady visited the community, and the day after that, the first thing Trump tweeted about the visit was this: “Melania and I were treated very nicely yesterday in Pittsburgh. The Office of the President was shown great respect on a very sad & solemn day. We were treated so warmly. Small protest was not seen by us, staged far away. The Fake News stories were just the opposite—Disgraceful!”

Similarly, after gunmen killed dozens in the span of a single August weekend in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, Trump went on a one-day sympathy tour that was marked by attacks on his hosts and on political enemies, and an obsessive focus on himself.

What kind of human being, let alone politician, would engage in such unempathetic, self-centered behavior while memorializing such horrible tragedies? Only the most narcissistic person imaginable—or a person whose narcissism would be difficult to imagine if we hadn’t seen it ourselves. The evidence of Trump’s narcissism is overwhelming—indeed, it would be a gargantuan task to try to marshal all of it, especially as it mounts each and every day.

Yet pathological narcissism is not the only personality disorder that Trump’s behavior clearly indicates. A second disorder also frequently ascribed to Trump by professionals is sociopathy—what the DSM-5 calls antisocial personality disorder. As described by Lance Dodes, a former assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, “sociopathy is among the most severe mental disturbances.” Central to sociopathy is a complete lack of empathy—along with “an absence of guilt.” Sociopaths engage in “intentional manipulation, and controlling or even sadistically harming others for personal power or gratification. People with sociopathic traits have a flaw in the basic nature of human beings … They are lacking an essential part of being human.” For its part, the DSM-5 states that the “essential feature of antisocial personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.”
And what does it say about our society that 30% to 40% of American voters actually admire a man who openly and repeatedly displays these personality disorders?
And what does it say about our society that 30% to 40% of American voters actually admire a man who openly and repeatedly displays these personality disorders?

Yes, this is disgusting.
“This is Conan, right now probably the world’s most famous dog,”
(Presiderp) Trump announced. “It’s trained that if you open your mouth,
you will be attacked.”

First lady Melania Trump stood several feet away in a rose-adorned cloak.

“They were going to put a muzzle on the dog,” the president continued,
“but then it gets even more violent.”

Vice President Pence scratched mechanically behind Conan’s ears.

“Conan is a tough cookie, and nobody’s going to mess with Conan,” said Trump.
“You’re very lucky, because he’s not in a bad mood today.”

“It” had turned into “he” — and hours later, the White House informed reporters that
“he” was actually “she.” Hours after that, the White House reinformed reporters that “
she” was “he” after all. This parade of revolving pronouns continued well into Tuesday
Defense officials first told ABC that Conan was a girl, then hurried to tell ABC again
that Conan was in fact absolutely a boy, and that they had “triple checked.” Finally,
the Pentagon issued an official statement that “per U.S. Special Operations Command
USSOCOM), Conan is a male dog.”

President Trump, in other words, was right.



The photo-op with dog that is not Conan

(the dog was a stand in ? Makes sense, if they are still protecting the soldiers.)

The dog was placed behind Presiderp, far enough away that even if the dog lunged
to bite Presiderp's wide arse, the leash would stop the dog short. He did not take
the chance that he would make eye contact with the dog. Malania was standing
many dog lengths away from Presiderp, so that her hands did not appear bigger
than his. Fail. His suitcoat was enormous, and his hands barely peeked out from
the sleeves. Malania was so far away from Presiderp, it gave the impression that
she more was more afraid of the dog than he is.
King Cheese Dick the Goon has a Hot Mike Moment
after his coronavirus address

March 12, 2020

“Everything is an act for him,” noted Leah McElrath, who captured
the moment. “Everything is pretend. He has no sense of the gravity
of the situation because he lacks the capacity for empathy. As I’ve
repeatedly says about malignant narcissists, they can only mimic
socially appropriate affect.”

Egomaniac gives less than convincing speech-

Daniel Dale ✓
Twitter › ddale8

Trump's Oval Office comments today were so thoroughly dishonest
it's hard to know which ones to lead with.

50 minutes ago

Asked about doctors being stuck in thick bureaucracy trying
to get people tested, and whether there's something he can do
as president to fix this testing situation, Trump said, "Frankly,
the testing has been going very smooth."

It has not, at all.

1 hour ago

Asked about the Bolsonaro aide who tested positive,
Trump said he doesn't know if the aide was at Mar-a-Lago
(he was, and took a picture with Trump), then added,
"If he was there, he was there. But we did nothing very unusual."

1 hour ago
Trying to trace what is leading Trump the Goon to believe that
all Americans should all return to work, despite the climbing
amount of coronavirus figures and deaths. Part of this week's
propaganda from the White House, and the Trump alliance of
media liars are centered on getting this message across.

Trump will not protect The People, as China protected their the
larger mass of population, by patient isolation measures and fast
medical response. Trump will not force his corporation campaign
donation contributors to provide the things hospitals need to battle

Summing it up, the results are that Trump is saying that American lives do not matter.

The People may die by the millions, and it will not matter to him.

One of the things that teased the back of my mind was
that not much has changed about Trump's routine- The where
element may be changed, but what he does, remains much the

His own private kingdom, where life continues as usual, no matter
what is happening.

Remember when the $50,000 state-of-the-art golf simulator
was installed at White House ?

(Installed during a government shutdown)

"The state-of-the-art machine allegedly allows Trump to virtually play
18 holes of golf without having to go outside"

February 13, 2019

There is an 18 hole golf course at Camp David.

Trump springs secret meetings with world leaders at Camp David,
as surprises to the American public.
FUX TV propaganda

March 24, 2020

Coronavirus town hall marks Trump’s 75th Fox interview as president

Shortly after the town hall, Trump conducted his 76th interview with the channel

Half of Trump’s 21 interviews this year have been with Fox

30 percent of Trump’s 244 interviews during his presidency have been
with Fox News, Fox Business Network or Fox Radio Network.

White House that has gone more than a year without an on-camera briefing
from the press secretary, a record.

Trump has not conducted a network interview since NBC News’s Chuck
Todd interviewed him on “Meet the Press” in June 2019

The Post, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal not once
since January 2019
hmmm...corruption is a parasite harming the system it depends on,
Trump does not understand the system will die, does not care,
because he is too old to live through the resulting damage, and
is protected from the resulting pain of what the death will cause.

/end bodysong comment

The president, of course, said this inanity yesterday, but others
in the conservative movement (are) saying-
"We need to save the economy. Of course some people will die."
"Why are we wasting so much money on lives?”

'This is a corruption of the most basic human spirit."
"It’s a kind of sickness that has infiltrated our public life,
of now literally money before lives, money before survival.
And it leads to a kind of blindness, because it’s not only cruelty
that we’re seeing. We’re seeing profound ignorance.

Of course, the president is the ignoramus-in-chief.He knows nothing,
understands nothing. He’s a vulgar narcissist. But we have so many
people in this country that know something, but where are they when
Congress is spending $2 trillion? Where are the experts being listen to?
Our system is broken because the greed has supplanted the basic values,
and the greed has supplanted people who know what to do.


bodysong comment-

This is going to break our hospitals. This is going to break
every system involved.

The statement conveniently ignores the fact that the medical system,
limps along in the best of times, and is suffering and breaking down
due to stress of not getting adequate assistance and supplies, technology,
during this crisis. Why ? Because Trump broke every safety mechanism
that prevented harm, giving industry and finance to have free reign in
commanding the direction which America takes.

This argument is about getting $500 billion dollars to the wealhiest,
and giving them another tax break, since the business community
did not learn anything from 2008, or 2014, and did not strengthen
their systems against a disaster. They pissed it all away because
they could afford it. They nursed Trump's election effort, and they
want another jackpot to repeat the process all over, again.

How many American systems has Trump sent to the junk yard ?
Daniel Dale ✓
Twitter › ddale8

Might be obvious to many of you, but: Trump talks as if he can himself reopen
entities that have been shut down around the US by state and local authorities.
He cannot, though some might take cues from him; softening his guidelines
doesn’t open things.



1 hour ago

Trump has megaphone, but states control virus shutdowns

March 26, 2020

President Donald Trump has the biggest megaphone, but it’s governors
and local officials who will decide when to begin reopening their economies
after shuttering them to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The Constitution largely gives states the authority to regulate their own affairs.

So, Trump's orders to return to work have nothing to do with reality.
Trump is the greatest President we ever had. You are just jealous you will never accomplish anything in life.

Well Trump did get the USA into number one spot in the world. #1 in world with the most known infected people with COVID-19 so there is that to back up your statement.:rolleyes:
When President Obama ordered the dropping of over 100,000 bombs in a few years period killing tens of thousands innocent women and children it was BAD.

But this could be worse. We shall wait and see if desperate times get to a point of bombing within US borders. We hope not. We can do better!
Trump the selfish, vengeful cunt, chooses to put millions
of people in the path to death's door.

More disturbing, still, is the feckless cunts that swear loyalty to
him, are purposefully thwarting efforts to save people's lives.

Federal purchasing of all supplies are undercutting desperate efforts
of hospitals to supply everything needed to doctors and nurses.

Vendors said Feds told them not to send crucial medical supplies to Michigan

Yes, the feds are sending everything to the Emergency Stockpile, during a
National Emergency

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) accused President Donald Trump early Friday morning of blocking vital equipment needed to help her state to fight the coronavirus – which comes on the heels of the president saying that the governor was “not stepping up” in responding to the crisis.

In an interview with local radio station WWWJ, Whitmer stated she believes the president has a hand in blocking supplies to the state of Michigan.

Whitmer began, “What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we’ve procured contracts — They’re being told not to send stuff to Michigan. It’s really concerning, I reached out to the White House last night and asked for a phone call with the president, ironically at the time this stuff was going on.”

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) suggested Friday that President Donald Trump was too busy trashing her on Sean Hannity’s Fox News broadcast Thursday night to take her call about her state’s need for COVID-19 medical supplies. Whitmer also said someone — we’re not sure who — was interfering with Michigan’s ability to order supplies on its own:

Appearing on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on Friday evening, Whitmer said that a state-led “patchwork” attempt to secure medical equipment was prone to trouble. She said that Michigan contracts for supplies were being diverted. “They’re going first to the federal government,” Whitmer said of the supplies, and said other local governments were experiencing similar issues. “We are struggling to grab every PPE we get our hands on.”

Trump is openly jeering at the desperation of Blue States.

Come to Trump's not real throne, and kiss Trump's ****, or Trump
will not grant access to supplies in federal hands

Nancy Pelosi saved the day, but Trump did not allow a single
Democrat to attend the ceremony of the signing of the bailout.

- Paul Kane and
- John Wagner

March 27, 2020

"Pelosi, working hand in hand with Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
(R-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), mapped out
a history-making moment in which lawmakers took over the empty
public galleries above to create a safe social distance for which to cast
a loud voice vote in favor of the legislation."

The Trump slime was mostly scraped off of the bill.
Some horse trading was necessary, as usual.

Donnie Trumpy Trolldemort threatens to use the Defense Production Act,

March 24, 2020

“I can’t find any more equipment. It’s not a question of money,”
said New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, whose state is battling
the nation’s worst outbreak. “We need the federal help and we
need the federal help now.”
If you live in an echo chamber...

If you live in an echo chamber of "Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad …. do you really need to cut and paste it too?:rolleyes:
There are over 180 moons in this solar system. Those moons are the future of real estate. Fuck Mars.
“I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true.”
(translated- "Stop telling the truth. It interferes with my propaganda.")

"I want them to be appreciative.”

(translation Do not point out the amounts of deaths that can
be blamed on ME, Do not call attention to my my malignant narcissism,
my abnormal response to a disaster that involves the whole country.)

- King Donald the Cunty Goon

Many states across the US are scrambling to buy ventilators,
often at inflated rates.

In New York state, hospitals are struggling to keep up with a spike
in patients. As of Friday, 44,635 cases had been confirmed in the
state, resulting in 519 deaths, Cuomo said.

On Friday morning, with his comments (on FUX TV) echoing around
the media, Trump used Twitter to indicate a policy reversal, haranguing
General Motors and Ford about the production of ventilators and
indicating he had invoked – or would invoke –
the Defense Production Act.

27 Mar 2020

During briefing, Trump feuds with state governors, makes false claims

Two key moments from Trump’s coronavirus briefing today.

Trump tossed out barbs at state governors he said have been insufficiently
gracious to him, and said he advised the vice-president, Mike Pence,
just not to return their calls. (But added that Pence called them anyway.)

Daniel Dale (@ddale8)

! Trump says he's told Vice President Mike Pence not to call
the governors of Washington or Michigan.

"They don't treat you right, I don't call."

He says Pence is a different type of person and will call anyway.
March 27, 2020

And asked if his administration’s belated push to manufacture or
obtain 100,000 ventilators meant that everyone who needed a
ventilator will be able to get one, he lashed out at the reporter
asking the question, calling him a “wise guy” and complaining
about all the problems he had inherited.

Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche)

Incredible moment.@jonkarl asks multiple times:
Will everyone who needs a ventilator have one?

President Trump: “Don’t be a cutie pie. Everyone who needs one?"
March 27, 2020

For Trump, there’s only one victim: himself. He fears political defeat more than the deaths of millions

When he wasn’t congratulating himself or accepting the thanks of the Suck-Ass Chorus, Trump was on Twitter lamenting the slings and arrows he suffers daily from his “nasty” enemies in the “media.” “The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to MY election success,” he tweeted. “The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before!”

Someone in the White House press corps should have asked Trump about the “real people” in overcrowded hospitals in New York, in understaffed clinics in New Orleans, in panicked waiting rooms in Detroit, and lying on soaked sheets in their own bedrooms in every state in the union. They aren’t lining up to go back to work. They’re dying in numbers that are doubling every 24 hours.
One wonders why Trump even wants a job that he so obviously sucks at.
I never know which to do first when reading about Trump -- weep or foment the revolution.

But still more upsetting are his true believers.
there is nothing Pres Trump could do, he could give the abortion mills a trillion bucks and you'd still whine. That is why I am voting for Pres Trump, I am a free thinker, I cannot walk a narrow line and do as I am told. I did not vote for Obama but when he was right I said he was right. Never hated him, just was glad when he was done.
what? and join your side

I never know which to do first when reading about Trump -- weep or foment the revolution.

But still more upsetting are his true believers.

The left where if you step one mm out of group think you are DONE! hated! attacked (on the 'net). No freaking thanks
there is nothing Pres Trump could do, he could give the abortion mills a trillion bucks and you'd still whine. That is why I am voting for Pres Trump, I am a free thinker, I cannot walk a narrow line and do as I am told. I did not vote for Obama but when he was right I said he was right. Never hated him, just was glad when he was done.

I didn't imply Trump has never done anything right.

But the wrongs he has committed far outweigh anything he has done right. And he is such a morally bankrupt, character-blighted and incompetent human. It is a genuine conundrum that thinking people think he is an acceptable president. Only 3 kinds of people truly like him:

1) Ignorant
2) Racist / bigoted
3) Corp fat-cat / billionaires

I have a good line on which category works for you. (No offense intended.)