Trump Fails At Pretending to Be a Human Being

Little Dicks In Both Ears

If you live in an echo chamber of "Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad …. do you really need to cut and paste it too?:rolleyes:

The dp shelly is referring to is having a dick through each of her ear canals. You can imagine what she hears. Not to mention brain damage.
Trump punishing states that don't kiss his ass.

If you live in an echo chamber of "Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad - Trump bad …. do you really need to cut and paste it too?:rolleyes:

Trump told medical suppliers to ignore Michigan's requests.

Trump bad.
On the day that we passed 1,500 deaths in the U.S. from the pandemic, the guy in the Oval Office offered not a word of condolence or sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones to this deadly scourge.

Not. One. Word.

Can you imagine any other president not offering words of comfort to fellow citizens who lost loved ones in such an epic tragedy? Can you imagine Bush after 9-11 and Katrina not consoling families? Obama after the numerous mass shootings while he was president?

Trump's malignant narcissism is on full display. No doubt, mentioning those who have died would be too damaging to his fragile ego. It would indicate a failure on his part, in his mind. Thus, not a consoling word. Not a caring word. Just more bragging and shameless self-congratulations about all that his administration has done and some ugly attacks on governors who, he believes, have not been deferential enough to him.

A complete and total lack of humanity.
Would you believe the federal government is buying coronavirus supplies
on Ebay ?

Would you believe Trump is lieing, about lieing, about lieing ?

The lieing about lieing is on video, so Trump lied about that.


That goaded someone to angrily comment on how Trump lies.

Even as US hospitals complained of shortages and struggles,
Trump boasted that the US would soon have a surplus, and be
able to provide millions in aid to Italy, France and Spain.

Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters)

Trump, you incompetent idiot! You sent 18 tons of PPE to China early
but ignored warnings & called COVID19 concerns a hoax.
You've endangered doctors, nurses, aids, orderlies, & janitors -
all risking their lives to save ours.

Pray 4 forgiveness for the harm that you're causing!

March 30, 2020

On two occasions during Sunday's coronavirus briefing,
President Donald Trump falsely denied he had said words
he had said publicly last week.

When PBS's Yamiche Alcindor noted that the President had said he did not
believe that governors actually need all the equipment they claimed they did,
Trump said, "I didn't say that" — even though he said precisely that on Fox
News on Thursday.

Later, when CNN White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond noted t
hat Trump had said he wanted governors to be "appreciative" of him,
and that "if they don't treat you right, I don't call," Trump said,
"But I didn't say that" — even though he said precisely that
at the Friday briefing.

Trump's Daily TV Show/ Monday Edition

Nope. Trump is still not taking coronavirus seriously.

30 Mar 2020

Jim Acosta, chief White House correspondent at CNN, quoted some of Trump’s
own statements back to him in which he claimed America has the virus
“very much under control” and “it will go away”.

The president retorted that the virus “will go away”, without offering a timeline,
and praised his government’s efforts. “It’s almost a miracle the way it’s all come
together, and instead of asking a nasty, snarky question like that, you should ask
a real question.”

Later, questioned by Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, Trump again snapped:
“You should be saying congratulations instead of asking a really snarky

“I know South Korea better than anybody,” Trump argued. “It’s very tight.
Do you know how many people are in Seoul? Do you know how big the city
of Seoul is? Thirty-eight million people. That’s bigger than anything we have.”

The population of Seoul is less than 10m.

- David Smith in Washington

Daniel Dale ✓
Twitter › ddale8

Trump says "I know South Korea better than anybody," then adds
many millions of people to the actual population of Seoul.

6 hours ago

Asked why the US still isn't testing as many per capita as South Korea,
and asked when it'll be on par, Trump claims it is on par, though it isn't,
and then talks about how South Korea is much denser.

7 hours ago
Would you believe the federal government is buying coronavirus supplies
on Ebay ?
Would you believe Trump is lieing, about lieing, about lieing ?
The lieing about lieing is on video, so Trump lied about that.

Yes I'd believe it. :D
Americans are dying. Governors, mayors, medical doctors, nurses and paramedics are working their asses off to deal with the crisis, meanwhile what's Trump doing?

Trump is out there bragging about his TV ratings and telling everyone not to help the governor of Michigan because she wouldn't kiss his ass.
Trump gets petty thrills at acting out vengeance on Blue Opposition States

Massachusetts Is Not Happy':
Warren Condemns Trump for Outbidding States, Seizing Key Medical Supplies

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is demanding to know why the Trump administration
earlier this month seized at least two shipments of badly-needed medical supplies
to fight the coronavirus pandemic headed for her state of Massachusetts and accused
the federal government of continually outbidding states as officials try to procure
life-saving equipment.

Trump told states they were on their own to purchase medical equipment,
so that’s what MA tried to do. But then the federal government outbid MA
at least 3 times – and reports show two of our orders were seized by federal
authorities. This is unacceptable.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) March 31, 2020

"Massachusetts state officials are continuing to face federal impediments
as they scramble to find essential medical equipment to respond to a public
health emergency. This is unacceptable."

—Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

"If states are doing what the feds want and trying to create their own supply chain,
then people should be responsive," Baker told Trump."I've got a feeling that if
somebody has a chance to sell to you or to me, I'm going to lose everyone of those."

According to Business Insider, the president laughed at Baker's concern,
agreeing that the federal government's ability to pay more for supplies was
"probably why" they didn't go to Massachusetts.

No, President Trump, Massachusetts is not happy. The Commonwealth
has received a fraction of its requested supplies. Your administration has
outbid or seized our direct purchases.

Health workers’ lives are at risk and people are dying.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) March 30, 2020

(Everyone knows the Trump loyalists do not give a fuck.
Why contradict Trump, and lose a comfortable existence in the Trump bubble ?)

(Are these examples of "You must do me a favour, though," over coronavirus supplies ?)

New Evidence Shows Trump—Who Says He Knew Covid-19
'Going to Be Horrible'—Allowed Exports of Crucial Supplies
to Continue

"In the absence of early detection and purchasing agreements, crucial
medical supplies have been ferried out from American manufacturers
for foreign markets."

ProPublica reported Monday, Trump's Health and Human Services
Department has also allowed an American company that was contracted
to produce low-cost ventilators to overlook the need for the equipment
in the U.S., instead shipping them to European countries at higher prices
over the past two months.

Meanwhile, as Politico reported Tuesday, the administration issued a plea
to Thailand for a medical supply shipment last week—only to be told that
the U.S. had just sent two large shipments of equipment to Bangkok.
The mix-up prompted Vice President Mike Pence to put in place a new
review process for USAID deliveries of personal protective equipment
(PPE) to developing countries—effectively freezing aid packages that
were meant for countries including Honduras and Bangladesh.
Another clue dropped, about ventilators.
Most of the coronavirus patients that need ventilators, die.

Snake cold decision made by Trump-
Use the ventilator decision to perpetuate a scam.

What happened to Puerto Rico, is now happening to mainland America.
Trump decided to put no energy into saving lives.

Boston MA, Home of excellent and trusted hospitals- is visited by
malevolent intentions of Trump, and struggles with coronavirus

April 2, 2020

Bob Kraft sends Patriots jet to pick up medical supplies from China

For weeks, Baker has warned that Massachusetts is in desperate need
of more protective equipment including masks, sanitizing wipes and
gowns for health care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus
crisis, especially as cases are expected to surge sometime between
April 7 and April 17 in Massachusetts.

The Republican governor has raised those concerns with Trump.
He told the president the federal government was outbidding
Massachusetts on equipment — even after advising states to
work on getting their own supplies. A week later, the Bay State
was still being outbid and had only received a fraction of what
it requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. Baker grew
increasingly frustrated at a recent news conference, saying he’d
seen confirmed orders for millions of pieces of gear "evaporate"
before his eyes.

MA Governor Baker said at his daily briefing that “nearly one million” of the
masks on the Patriots plane would go to front-line health care workers in
Massachusetts, while 100,000 masks would go to Rhode Island.

Robert Kraft personally purchased 300,000 N95 masks that he plans to
provide to Andrew Cuomo, the New York governor, whose state is an
epicenter of the pandemic.

A second shipment with the rest of the Massachusetts order, which
totaled more than a million masks, will come at a later date.

“Multiple organizations across the public and private sectors, all of
which were in lockstep with Governor Charlie Baker’s visionary
leadership, worked together to execute this mission with the purpose
of helping save lives,” Robert Kraft said in a statement.
"I truly hope that in doing so, we can in some way inspire others
to find creative ways to give more in support of our doctors, nurses
and first responders. It’s nice to care for those who provide such
compassionate care for us.”
Secret Service agents criticize Trump car ride: 'This should never have happened'

Multiple Secret Service agents are criticizing President Trump’s brief appearance in an SUV outside Walter Reed Medical Center Sunday evening, accusing the president of putting his protective detail in unnecessary danger.

“He’s not even pretending to care now,” an agent who requested anonymity told The Washington Post.

"That should never have happened," another unidentified agent, who works in both the presidential and first family detail, told CNN. "The frustration with how we're treated when it comes to decisions on this illness goes back before this though. We're not disposable."

Agents are authorized to decline requests that would place the president at risk, but not those that would put themselves at risk.
Americans are dying. Governors, mayors, medical doctors, nurses and paramedics are working their asses off to deal with the crisis, meanwhile what's Trump doing?

Trump is out there bragging about his TV ratings and telling everyone not to help the governor of Michigan because she wouldn't kiss his ass.

And when right-wing domestic terrorists were caught conspiring to kidnap and execute the governor of Michigan, Trump refused to condemn them and instead attacked Governor Whitmer.
Since leaving the White House in January of this year, former President Donald Trump has charged the Secret Service tens of thousands of dollars to stay at his resort in just a few months’ time — charges from which he profits.

The agency, which is tasked with protecting current and former presidents alike, has paid $40,011.15 from January 20 to April 30 to stay around the clock at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. That amounts to around $396 per night — payments that are being financed by U.S. taxpayers.

Historians who spoke with The Washington Post on the matter said that Trump’s extensive charging of the agency is without precedent and noted that as a former president he receives a lifetime pension and other benefits that could easily pay for their stays. Trump has so far received $65,000 from his pension alone in his first few months out of office. His status as a supposed billionaire means he could also afford to waive rental fees toward the Secret Service.

Trump also profited greatly off of taxpayers during his presidency , taking more than 4,000 trips to his properties alone between the years of 2017 to 2019, making at least $1.6 billion from his businesses during his presidency, and charging the Secret Service to pay for their overnight stays during that time and beyond.

From when he was inaugurated up to September 2020, Trump made at least $1.1 million from the Secret Service alone.
That amounts to around $396 per night — payments that are being financed by U.S. taxpayers.

You either need to do your sums or find out exactly what the bill covers. I doubt that $396 a night is anywhere near the cost of his guarding for 90 days. The numbers you have provided are very reasonable and that seems to be the case ,even if you like me despise the criminal. :)
Trump EPA rewrote and deleted warnings in scientific papers
to get Monsanto herbicide approved

It’s impossible to separate the intended function and operation of the EPA from scientific
discipline and scientific research. But under the Trump administration, respect and attention
to science invariably collided with political ideology and opportunistic greed. When faced
with obstacles to its political agenda from science, the administration’s response usually
consisted of ignoring the science or pretending it didn’t exist. But when those strategies
failed to yield a desired result, the next tactic, as we are now seeing, was to rewrite the
science itself.

- Daily Kos

bodysong comment- Trump took aim at the real EPA, as soon as possible.
Same story, as many other defenders of the public. Nearly empty offices,
and Trump appointed millionaires tied to industry, filling key positions.

The corruption caused qualified scientists to abandon their positions, because
they refused to put their names on unethical papers and reports.

The people Trump appointed to head positions had aims that overrode the scientists
in the EPA. They used Trump's policy of "just lie"
(omit & deceive)
And, bidden left Americans behind with terrorists
so fuck you!

That was Trump as well.
Trump, Syria, Kurds

Trump, Puerto Rico, hurricane

Trump and anyone but himself.
bodysong comment -

The clear and clean waters are muddied, because that is what MAGA does-

It was, at the least a week, since Trump had been infected with Covid- 19.
Trump's handlers decided to lie to the public, and say that he had become infected
on October 1st. He was sick enough to need hospital care on the evening of Oct.1st
/end bodysog comment

Seven days: Following Trump’s coronavirus trail
- Ashley Parker
- Josh Dawsey

December 5, 2021

Indecision Day - Trump tests positive for the virus

When he first learned he had tested positive for the corona virus, (Presiderp) Trump
was already aboard Air Force One, en route to a massive rally in Middletown, Pa
Dozens exposed to infection. Trump infected journalists and reporters on the return

"...patients we see hospitalized end up hospitalized on Day 10 or that second week"
- when the inflammatory response of the immune system is taking over.”
- Abraar Karan, an infectious-disease doctor and global health researcher at Stanford

“Let’s say you’re exposed today."
"You may not test positive for three to five days because the virus is in its early stages,"
- incubating, so that first week, you’re testing positive, but it’s really in that second week
— seven, 10, 14 days out —
that you could have more severe symptoms from inflammatory response.”

bodysong comment-
- is a Trump that has been infected for two weeks, that needs hospital care.)
Low oxygen levels, and all else. Cadillac level care, with newest and the best,
the top Civid-19 team, the hospital and the medical system has to offer.)

Infected, at a private indoor meeting of evangelical leaders.
Infected, at a Rose Garden ceremony to announce his nomination
of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. 150 people exposed.
Private reception at the White House. Neither Pence — who attended
the Rose Garden ceremony Saturday — nor his team was told that
Trump had tested positive that day. Trump then left the White House
for his campaign rally in Pennsylvania. Trump spent Sunday morning
golfing at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia. Sunday - Trump held a
37-minute news conference in the White House briefing room, sans mask.
He also hosted an event in the East Wing for Gold Star families who have
lost loved ones to military combat.

Just before 11 a.m. on Sept. 28, 13 reporters were invited to watch Trump
inspect a silver Lordstown Motors 2021 electric pickup on the South Lawn

Trump came in contact with roughly 30 people on Monday.

The Tuesday morning of the first presidential debate, Trump huddled
at the White House with his debate prep team. Trump still not looking

Trump took part in a debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden. Trump is infected -
Trump mocked Biden for his insistence on mask-wearing.
“I don’t wear masks like him,” Trump quipped.

Trump left the White House to fly to Minnesota for a fundraiser attended by
about 40 people, followed by a rally in Duluth. During the rally, Hope Hicks,
a top Trump aide and close confidante, had started feeling sick.
Hicks reported to work on Thursday morning, where —
confirming her suspicions — she tested positive.

Trump left to travel to his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., for a roundtable and fundraiser.
Trump is not feeling so well ? He departed Bedminster notably early —
“about 30 minutes ahead of schedule,” according to a media report —
spending less than two hours on the property.

At some point in this period, Trump tested positive for the coronavirus.

Trump came in contact with roughly 200 people that Thursday.

Trump began his Friday with a surprise tweet just before 1 a.m.:
“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19,”

October 1st

Presiderp Trump had been feeling ill, for days. Looked ill.

Presiderp Trump became too ill to hide the infection
His administration lied about timing

October 2nd

Marine One helicopter flight to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Friday morning, the day he entered Walter Reed.

After he came out from his hospitalization, the first public thing Trump did—
reflexively in fact—was to blame his infection with COVID-19 on the first thing
that popped into his head. In this case, it was the Gold Star families of dead U.S.
soldiers he’d met with earlier that week.

As reported by the Military Times: President Donald Trump suggested
he may have contracted coronavirus from families of fallen troops

If you’re looking for some acknowledgement in that statement that Trump
himself had tested positive for COVID-19 on the very day before he
purportedly “hugged and kissed” those families, you won’t find it,
because it doesn’t exist.

What Trump did was search his mind for a quick and easy way out
of his predicament. To acknowledge that he’d tested positive would reveal him
as the malignant, uncaring narcissist that he truly is. So he had to come up with
a scapegoat. Because that’s his character—it’s the way he thinks.
Just like a cornered rat will do anything … anything to escape,
Trump came up with anything to deflect from his own malign indifference.
The fact that this falsely implicated the families of dead U.S. soldiers
never troubled him; in fact, it probably never occurred to him.
They were a convenient excuse, just beckoning him to use them as a foil.

So he lied, hoping no one would ever find out that he knew he’d tested positive
for COVID-19 the day before. Because that would be embarrassing.
It would be inconvenient. Worst of all, it would show the country exactly
what kind of human being he was.

- Daily Kos

bodysong comment - I will go one further. Trump did it for the money.
Everyone is a nobody, a loser, to Trump. He did not give-a- fuck, if he
killed 500 people. Nobody matters, but him. Nothing matters to him, but money.
New revelations show Trump's coup failed because he's a coward
who hid behind his lackeys

- Amanda Marcotte

February 1, 2022

Late Monday, more horrible-but-not-surprising information about Donald Trump's
attempted coup leaked out, this time through the New York Times, in a story
that seems sourced heavily through Trump allies who are trying to shift
some of the heat off [...]

- Raw Story

bodysong comment - Isn't this how Trump began his corruption of the Republicans ?
Trump insisted that they do him a favour, by breaking the law, and committing crimes,
if they wanted something from him.

Trump's early supporters threatened to quit, or walked away, when Trump pushed.
Did Trump plan to keep his name out of it, and to keep his hands clean ? - So many
heard Trump obsessing.


Trump became obsessed about more than publicity, for himself.

February 1, 2022 Many things that were kept quiet, are spilling out before the public eye.