Trump Shreds Kamala In Rigged 3 v 1 Debate

On abortions? Come on Florida!! Secure a woman’s rights!!

‘rump ? I said no national abortion ban!! Yeah?

Did he understand WOMEN are dying because HE took away their rights! Not this bullshit of the states deciding shit! HE let them do that!!! If your daughter dies in a miscarriage in your state because no doctor could help? Fuck you! If you have no daughter? Then you have no right to determine other’s daughter’s lives!!

What was that Islamic Rule of Law we are supposed to fear?? Sharia Law is here thanks to ‘rump
He is definitely vulnerable on abortion rights...that's the price of putting three Catholic, Federalist Society picks on the Supreme Court who reversed Roe vs. Wade. The religious right won that battle, but it might well lose the war...we'll see. It was another, lesser reason why I haven't voted for him in the past two elections. I'm very disgruntled with the Democrats, mind you, but Trump is vulnerable on that point for sure, as is the GOP in general.
The moderators gave Donald Trump 9 more minutes to talk than they gave Vice President Harris. They were bending over backwards to help him.
He should have been MUTED! Them’s the debate rules!! Why didn’t they?? Because Trumplikans would scream foul!!
Point out a lie!!! FOUL
Their guy lying!!?! They expect him ro

His plan has no concept of who said to tell lies loud and often!!

REPLACEMENT THEORY ? Front and center!
‘Rump is trying to gain more believers in KKK core belief!!
The moderators gave Donald Trump 9 more minutes to talk than they gave Vice President Harris. They were bending over backwards to help him. Trump supporters are just pissed because they fact-checked him.
That dog won't hunt. They both could have made better use of the time they had by answering instead of dodging the questions, and then shutting the fuck up. Without the dodging and BS, it could have been a one-hour debate. They made a little bit of a case that they should both be disqualified. A waste of debate time could indicate a waste of time in office.
That dog won't hunt. They both could have made better use of the time they had by answering instead of dodging the questions, and then shutting the fuck up. Without the dodging and BS, it could have been a one-hour debate. They made a little bit of a case that they should both be disqualified. A waste of debate time could indicate a waste of time in office.
I’ve been repeating myself all morning with this single theme. This was trump’s 7th presidential debate. You’re now NOW complaining about insufficient answers and wanting meat to policy bone? Where have all your asses been since this f’in stain rolled down that escalator???
That dog won't hunt. They both could have made better use of the time they had by answering instead of dodging the questions, and then shutting the fuck up. Without the dodging and BS, it could have been a one-hour debate. They made a little bit of a case that they should both be disqualified. A waste of debate time could indicate a waste of time in office.

The criticism that they didn’t outline policy in this “debate” falls flat. The max amount of time they were supposed to have for any response was two minutes. (Not that it stopped Trump from bulldozing past the time limits…)

For Trump it would have been nearly impossible after first denying project 2025 is the source of the only platform he has.

Harris said what many of her ideas are. There wasn’t time and it wasn’t the place to discuss the details of how the tax credits would be applied, how she would reintroduced the border bill Trump quashed, how she would continue the Biden plans to boost American manufacturing…
That dog won't hunt. They both could have made better use of the time they had by answering instead of dodging the questions, and then shutting the fuck up. Without the dodging and BS, it could have been a one-hour debate. They made a little bit of a case that they should both be disqualified. A waste of debate time could indicate a waste of time in office.
The moderators gave Donald Trump more time. How the candidates used their time is immaterial.

President Trump Releases Statement After Shredding Kamala Harris in Rigged 3 vs 1 ABC Debate​

by Jim Hᴏft Sep. 11, 2024 7:15 am

“President Trump delivered a masterful debate performance tonight, prosecuting Kamala Harris’ abysmal record of failure that has hurt Americans for the last 4 years.

“We saw President Trump lay out his bold vision of America and how he would continue to build upon the successes of his first term by supercharging the economy,securing the border, and stopping crime from ravaging communities across the country.

“Conversely, Kamala’s vision of America was a dark reminder of the oppressive, big government policies of Joe Biden that she wants to continue. High inflation, a porous border that allows criminals and terrorists to flood across, and being soft on crime— that is what Kamala represents.

“The choice could not be more clear— President Trump was the clear winner tonight, and he will win for America when he returns to the White House.”

More here:

Trump derails Kamala's Bullshit Wagon.
Lol, what debate were you guys watching?
Let's be truthful, ok?

Kamala was prepared and well rehearsed while Trump was his usual self. The moderators were there to do one thing, and one thing only - make Kamala look the best they could while making Trump look as bad as possible.

Both ABC and Kamala achieved their goals.

However, overall it changed nothing. Why? Because there are no voters who haven't made up their minds who they're going to vote for. This means Kamala's 16 un fact checked lies convinced no one who wasn't already on her side. Nor did Trump's 14 fact checked lies move the needle his way.

And ABC certainly didn't do their shitty media reputation any favors.

Kamala won the debate based on her command of the debate. Trump won because his message was better and clearer. ABC won because they were able to smear Trump while making Kamala look like a superstar.

And we the people lost.
Kamal won on style Trump won on substance!

President Trump Releases Statement After Shredding Kamala Harris in Rigged 3 vs 1 ABC Debate​

by Jim Hᴏft Sep. 11, 2024 7:15 am

“President Trump delivered a masterful debate performance tonight, prosecuting Kamala Harris’ abysmal record of failure that has hurt Americans for the last 4 years.

“We saw President Trump lay out his bold vision of America and how he would continue to build upon the successes of his first term by supercharging the economy,securing the border, and stopping crime from ravaging communities across the country.

“Conversely, Kamala’s vision of America was a dark reminder of the oppressive, big government policies of Joe Biden that she wants to continue. High inflation, a porous border that allows criminals and terrorists to flood across, and being soft on crime— that is what Kamala represents.

“The choice could not be more clear— President Trump was the clear winner tonight, and he will win for America when he returns to the White House.”

More here:

Trump derails Kamala's Bullshit Wagon.
Ohhhh! Thank you for explaining it. My eyes saw something completely different.

I love how you quote these "news" sources like they're authoritative evidence. Actually they're basically you, just posting on a different site.

Do they quote you?

President Trump Releases Statement After Shredding Kamala Harris in Rigged 3 vs 1 ABC Debate​

by Jim Hᴏft Sep. 11, 2024 7:15 am

“President Trump delivered a masterful debate performance tonight, prosecuting Kamala Harris’ abysmal record of failure that has hurt Americans for the last 4 years.

“We saw President Trump lay out his bold vision of America and how he would continue to build upon the successes of his first term by supercharging the economy,securing the border, and stopping crime from ravaging communities across the country.

“Conversely, Kamala’s vision of America was a dark reminder of the oppressive, big government policies of Joe Biden that she wants to continue. High inflation, a porous border that allows criminals and terrorists to flood across, and being soft on crime— that is what Kamala represents.

“The choice could not be more clear— President Trump was the clear winner tonight, and he will win for America when he returns to the White House.”

More here:

Trump derails Kamala's Bullshit Wagon.
Uuuuuuuuuuuge win by Big Orange.

He's in control now. Went out there and grabbed the election by the puzay.
She had a great night. She didn't answer the question about people being better off than they were four years ago, but she did a great job, albeit aided by the moderators. It doesn't seem likely to be the killing blow, though it could be. Just not likely.
I think most Americans will be worse off four years from now, regardless of who wins. A number of historical economic advantages have given out for Americans. They are not coming back.
Kamal won on style Trump won on substance!

I wonder if it's all those black daddies living by the 4 fs ( find them, feel them, fuck them, forget them ).

Post in thread 'The real badbabysitter finally revealed..'

blacks have a higher propensity of violence than all races combined.

Post in thread 'If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here?'

I find that African Americans are more racist than white folks...I wouldn’t even think of walking a predominately black neighborhood, wouldn’t end well.

Post in thread 'White Officers in Minority Communities'
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