Truth is Stranger than even the fiction here

Re: Hmmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
About $16,000 if the wind's still in the East, and we don't have Euro's of any sort here in the UK.
Oh, Pop, and there I thought you were a with-it man.

The dollar is over 1.80 to the pound and has been for a while now. The trend is also up and will stay that way until the Chinese come off their current (fixed) irrational rate to the dollar.
Re: Hmmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
About $16,000 if the wind's still in the East, and we don't have Euro's of any sort here in the UK. (Long may that be).
*chuckles* You know you're fooling yourself, don't you? A year ago, when one Euro was worth USD$0.90, the pound-euro conversion rate was 1.44. Today, one Euro is worth USD$1,26, the pound-euro conversion rate is 1.45. What makes you think you don't have Euros? They may have a different name, but... :p
I have a yen for Euros

I'll accept Euros in my shop.

Pounds are preferred because the currency is easier to spend but France is closer in time and distance than London. Where else would I want to buy French wine but in France? Belgian chocolates? - Belgium is twenty minutes down the road from Calais.

Dollars - if I'm offered them. My eldest daughter goes to the States at least once a year.

Yen, or whatever - if I can spend it, I'll accept it. Not keen on Zimbabwe money. I have to change it within the hour or the rate has changed again.

A survey in our local town asked where people do their major monthly shopping; and their comparison shopping - clothes, furniture etc. For the comparison shopping Cite Europe just outside Calais was the second choice after a large retail park near London. Most of my customers have a few Euros on them as well as pounds.

The problem with Euro is that in order to compensate for the value and the taxes, etcetera, all the countries that have Euros have now been forced to raise the prices on EVERYTHING.

In Sweden, stores often put the price out in both SKR and Euros, and if you bring a calculator and compare them, then something that costs 100:- SKR will cost around 13 Euros, which will be about 120:- SKR.

Euros are more expensive.

Countries who have joined the EMU have had an even more rotten economy lately than others.

According to the rules of the EMU, a country that doesn't meet with the standard for the EMU, and has a high enough BNP, must pay a fine.
Now, if the idea of improving your economy by paying a fine isn't bad enough, this rule only applies to poor countries. Big, rich countries doesn't have to follow it. Neither GB, France, Italy nor Germany has met with the standard in the past few years, but they refuse to pay the fine, and the EMU can't force them to do it.

Kinda like a group of kids paying in the sandbox, and the big boys refusing to follow the rules that thy have made themselves.

But, money has to be paid. So who will pay it? Well, a certain prime minster of a small, cold country in the north stepped in and said "we can pay!", with the result that Sweden now pays 91 BILLION SKR - while at the same time that same prime minister makes around 90.000:- SKR / month, while at the same time, companies have to shut down, people become unemployed (300 people up here just last week), AND - this is the best part! - a local politician suggests that unemployed people should be forced by law to work in order to get their unemployment money.
The companies won't have to hire them, they will only get their unemployment money - but they must work as much!


We have now reached 1800.

Mijaliovich got the wrong one.
Svenskaflicka said:
The problem with Euro is that in order to compensate for the value and the taxes, etcetera, all the countries that have Euros have now been forced to raise the prices on EVERYTHING.

In Sweden, stores often put the price out in both SKR and Euros, and if you bring a calculator and compare them, then something that costs 100:- SKR will cost around 13 Euros, which will be about 120:- SKR.

Euros are more expensive.

You don't seem to grasp the finer points of commerce Svenska, any compensations, extra taxes come under the heading of "ripping off the punters".

There is no way that they have to charge more in Euros than they do in local currency. The only place that these extra euros go is in the pocket of the shopkeeper. They are what those in financial cirlces term 'trying it on'. It happened in the 70s in Britain when we decimalised and when we metricised, it will no doubt happen when we move onto euros.

They are just thieving bastards. In the same way as shops that accept credit cards are. The credit card companies charge a fee to the shops for 'convenience', this is passed on to the customer in raised prices. If you pay in cash you pay the same price as those who pay by credit. You are paying for other people to use credit cards.

Gauche (not peeved just pissed off)
Well, that makes me feel good about Mexico, Gauche, where after bargaining is over and a price settled, if one pays cash they get the credit-card fee discounted. I suppose it's against the law but it would be great if more merchants were allowed to do so (over or under the table).

Say what you want about Mexico, but there's a very, very slim risk that they will ever be using Euros.:cool:
Svenskaflicka said:
Say what you want about Mexico, but there's a very, very slim risk that they will ever be using Euros.:cool:

You poor deluded fool. Muhuhahahahahaaaaaaaa.
Svenskaflicka said:
... Neither GB, France, Italy nor Germany has met with the standard in the past few years, but they refuse to pay the fine, and the EMU can't force them to do it. ...
Hold on a moment S'va. Three tiny errors in there.

First GB is not in the Euro and therefore not in the Stability and Growth Pact and therefore not bound by its rules.

Second GB has not actually broken the criteria of the S+GP, though it probably will this coming FY.

Third A case is actually being brought in the European Court by the Commission because the S+GP rules have not been enforced by the Council of Ministers.
I would have sold my virginity for a lot less.

In fact, I would have thrown in a free toaster.

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dr_mabeuse said:
I would have sold my virginity for a lot less.

In fact, I would have thrown in a free toaster.


Is it too late? I could use a new toaster.
Re: free love for a fee

lucky-E-leven said:
Is anyone else out there as free with their lover as this woman's girlfriend? Even if it was for a 'supposed' business transaction, presumably involving zero physical enjoyment with a person outside their decided sexual orientation?

Maybe it's just me, but the whole thing was twisted enough before I read that she was currently in a relationship and the whole thing is a calculated family decision.


Yes of course, these things have to be a family supported affair, she's going to do it with or without her families consent, so they may as well be supportive.

As for the lover/partner/significant other, or whatever, same probably applies, but at the end of the day, no one person can ever claim to own another outright, no matter what the relationship, and people who can't accept this fact of life usually wind up hurt the most. Ridiculous possessive jeaulousy destroys more relationships than actual misbehaviour.

We're all human, and we have human desires and weakness's, her desire to better herself at Uni and to do it in any way she can must be supported, the alternative is pain and anguish.

Hell this highest bidder is only borrowing her for one night, (or probably more like 3.32 minutes, which is the average bonk duration) she's coming back to her dyke friend afterwards and it's her body to offer as she feels the need.

If my wife came home and said she'd been offered a high powered job with a huge salary, but she had to shag the boss of the company to get it, I'd say, "fuck it why not, as long as you make sure he wears a rubber, and you're home in time to cook the dinner."

That reminds me of an old schoolboy quip:

A secretary isn't part of the office furniture until screwed firmly on the desk.:D
Re: Re: free love for a fee

pop_54 said:
Hell this highest bidder is only borrowing her for one night, (or probably more like 3.32 minutes, which is the average bonk duration) she's coming back to her dyke friend afterwards and it's her body to offer as she feels the need.

If my wife came home and said she'd been offered a high powered job with a huge salary, but she had to shag the boss of the company to get it, I'd say, "fuck it why not, as long as you make sure he wears a rubber, and you're home in time to cook the dinner."

That reminds me of an old schoolboy quip:

A secretary isn't part of the office furniture until screwed firmly on the desk.:D

Thanks Pop! I have always wondered the average bonk duration of a man and will store this knowledge away for future reference. :D It seems a little long to me for some reason, but I have never had the presence of mind to test it so I'll take your word for it. :cool: These things are important for a girl to know, in the event her boss propositions her it would make the decision much easier if the suffering was to be less than four minutes.

I sense a new movement coming to replace affirmative action...

"Indecent Proposal II"

This was my first thought...

-E (enlightened)

p.s. If the average bonk time is many pounds more would that cost?
Re: Re: free love for a fee

pop_54 said:
Yes of course, these things have to be a family supported affair, she's going to do it with or without her families consent, so they may as well be supportive.

Pops! Where were you when I was a teenager? I could've used a bright thinker like yourself. ;)

- Mindy
Re: Re: Re: free love for a fee

lucky-E-leven said:
Thanks Pop! I have always wondered the average bonk duration of a man and will store this knowledge away for future reference. :D It seems a little long to me for some reason, but I have never had the presence of mind to test it so I'll take your word for it. :cool: These things are important for a girl to know, in the event her boss propositions her it would make the decision much easier if the suffering was to be less than four minutes.

I sense a new movement coming to replace affirmative action...

This was my first thought...

-E (enlightened)

p.s. If the average bonk time is many pounds more would that cost?

Actually, I think pops is referring to the proverbial QUICKIE. I never taken less than a half an hour myself, but then I'm more interested in my partners pleasure than I am my own.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Re: Re: Re: Re: free love for a fee

Dirt Man said:
Actually, I think pops is referring to the proverbial QUICKIE. I never taken less than a half an hour myself, but then I'm more interested in my partners pleasure than I am my own.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Yes quickies I'm familiar with, but if it were my ten thousand pounds, I'd hope for a bit more than a quickie...and if it was, after all, a business transaction I might be more interested in my personal gain than my partner's but who knows? I was an idiot and gave my virginity up for dinner and a movie to a really sweet guy in high school. :D The internet wasn't the marketplace for such things at the time, so I guess I just missed out.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: free love for a fee

lucky-E-leven said:
Yes quickies I'm familiar with, but if it were my ten thousand pounds, I'd hope for a bit more than a quickie...

What one hopes for and what one can manage to achieve can be very different things dear;) :D

When I was young and frivelous I used to get two off in three and a half minutes:devil:

Now I'm more mature I'm like Dirt man, 'all sawing and no sawdust' for ages:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: free love for a fee

pop_54 said:
What one hopes for and what one can manage to achieve can be very different things dear;) :D

When I was young and frivelous I used to get two off in three and a half minutes:devil:

Now I'm more mature I'm like Dirt man, 'all sawing and no sawdust' for ages:D

then I shall save my cash for someone more mature like yourself and Dirt man :D

forever hopeful,
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: free love for a fee

Svenskaflicka said:
Gee, that sounds so romantic...:p

Well you know me you Swedish beauty, such an old romantic that I am:D Fancy a F***:devil:
That's the fanciest pick-up line I've heard since that Junior High School dance, when two guys walked up to me and my friend, and one of them said to the other:

"OK, I'll dance with this one, you take that one!"