Try the Gender Genie

Boxlicker101 said:
...I submitted some stories to Penthouse earlier this month and I haven't heard back from them yet. If they screen stories by Gender Genie that might be good news for me...

Since you're pitching to Penthouse I went looking for the reference that said they were buying only fiction by female authors. It wasn't in any of my usual market reference sources, but I'm absolutely certain I read it somewhere. If it can be confirmed, I'm wondering whether it would be worth mentioning the Gender Genie score when sending a submission to Penthouse? Even if the mag is on the verge of shutting down, I bet it still receives thousands of submissions, so any little advantage may be worth taking.
Whoa Nellie! The thing works. I've been cutting and pasting samples - 5 so far, from different writers on the forum whose sex I either know or sorta think I know, and it hasn't missed one yet.

I thought this was a joke thread - to help determine which sex you should be, or how to change it. ("Tired of being male? Try Gender Genie, new from Ronco.")

I'm impressed.

Hi She,

How about showing us some samples, with 'verdicts' and the numbers? It's hard to tell anything from a posting that just says "I tried this on [unidentified text] and it works/doesn't work."

Do you notice anything about the passages respectively classified as 'male' written vs. 'female' written?
Pure said:
Hi She,

How about showing us some samples, with 'verdicts' and the numbers? It's hard to tell anything from a posting that just says "I tried this on [unidentified text] and it works/doesn't work."

Do you notice anything about the passages respectively classified as 'male' written vs. 'female' written?

I know you didn't address this to me but I did give four examples a while ago. A month ago I had to transfer all my stories from the mailbox where I had written them to my HD and now I have to clean them up. I am doing this but it is a low priority. So far I have about 18 done and I have run them all through Gender Genie. The result was the same on all of them and the four I included on a previous post were typical.
I just ran four more of my stories through Gender Genie and these are the results:

I Go Hiking with Doreen

Words: 3389
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 5511
Male Score: 3405
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

Gayle Massages Me
Words: 5213
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 8916
Male Score: 4687
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female

I Call on Lynn
: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 4404
Male Score: 2810
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

I Keep Tracy after School
Words: 4921
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 7102
Male Score: 5414
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

This is eight results I have posted and on every one the Gender Genie thought of me as Female. The previous four are on another page of this thread. There are at least ten others that came out with the same results but I haven't posted them.
I think we can agree the Gender Genie works. Boxlicker aims his work at women and Gender Genie says he's writing in their language. I ran two stories through. The one aimed at women said I was writing like a woman, and the one aimed at both sexes came out slightly on the male side. Others seem to be getting similar results (except poor Black Tulip who was having a bit of a gender crisis until she found out it just made us love her all the more;) ). Some interesting questions have also been raised, such as Lime's question as to wether it's worthwhile to change gender writing styles for male and female characters. At this point, however, I worry that too much fascination with this handy little writing tool could get one so absorbed in the wonders of computer generated algorithms that creating the next erotic story suffers for lack of time. I think it's wise to remember that most women will read a well written story obviously written by man and most men will read a well written story obviously written by a woman. The most important tools of our craft will always be our imaginations, combined with an ability to weave story lines through a plot and do it all in an entertaining and literate style.
Do you all know that the little program Gary came up with does something else than the link from Pure?

I ran my same stories again and you know what?

2 out of 3 were now "diagnosed" as female, but here comes the clincher: the story with first person POV female is still male.

You know why? Among other things because it is written in the present tense!
Duh, that was the goal of the challenge I wrote it for.

Happily confused, because Gary says he likes me any way. :p

P.S. I added the new analysis to the earlier post.
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Ironically, I'm starting to like the original link 'gender genie' better since it highlights the words that are used:

The link I posted seems to go wonky at times, maybe due to overflow. The counts for possessives were incorrect at times. Its calculation method though is easier to understand.

Black Tulip said:
Happily confused, because Gary says he likes me any way. :p

No room for confusion there, B.T. Let's see, you're a woman, single, straight, you write fanatsies about strong willed warrior women who crave sex with men and sexy words turn you on. Is there anything I could possibly dislike about you?

One of the best things about writing for Literotica is that I get to hang out here with other erotica writers, who can talk without inhibition about their own and other people's sexuality, and just about any other subject too. I could stake out a singles bar here in lumberjack land for the next 12 months, and not meet a single lady as interesting, amusing or exciting as any of the ones I get to share some time with here. And I mean that most sincerely. However, I still voted 4 for your story because you keep using 'to' where you should use 'too'. :p

Beside all that, while computers are fun for sharing our writing and meeting new people, it'll be a frosty August lunch break before I allow a computer to decide who I should like or dislike. You make me laugh, B.T., is there more to life?
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Thanks Gary.

I know I have to work at the spelling. I mastered the all instead of al, so on to to too.

I've looked at the gender genie in more detail and am developing some reservations about it. The stress on 'her', in particular, seem to screw things up. Simply put, a porn story is often first person, and in any case often has a female 'object'. So the pursuer, if first person-- whether male or female-- is going to be talking about 'her'-- the objects organs, body parts, etc.

So I hypothesize that the gender genie version *very often misclassifies these (first person pursuer; woman being pursued) as female authored. GG looks at about 20 words. The link I posted, using fewer words--about 10-- may be more accurate, since 'her' and 'she' were not included.

So now I'm trying to find some stories of a male being pursued; in the gay male section I found one example and sure enough, even the genie made the right guess (ie., it wasn't mislead by the 'her' issue).

I'd encourage others to do experiments where it's NOT a woman being pursued and anatomically described. OR, where the pursued woman is herself telling the story (1rst person).
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Here is an example where the man is the object/pursued/acted-upon by a woman, BUT it's first person, the man's pov. It's Norma Jeanne's hot little cock torture story

I moaned and fought the urge to cum as Her finger kept moving in and out of my hot ass. I thought for sure I was going to lose it and cum, when She finally stopped. She took her gloves off, and took my balls in Her hand. She squeezed them gently. I moaned with pleasure. She ran her fingertips all over my balls. Her fingers felt like warm velvet on my heavy sacs. She began squeezing and massaging them. I was again ready to cum. I didn't have to tell Her though; she knew and warned me not to. “Don't cum slave. If you do, you will regret it. She squeezed my balls very hard and I yelped. That pressure did help relieve the need to cum. Mistress Katherine alternated between soft caresses and hard squeezes. It seemed like every time She squeezed them, it was a little harder than the time before. I was moaning and groaning between the pleasure and the pain Her hand was giving me. She moved to my cock and began to examine it closely. She ran her fingers up and down the hard shaft. I was writhing and moaning. Suddenly, I let loose and came. The cum spurted from my prick, long, white, frothy streams of it; one right after another. When I was through cumming, I looked at Her standing there. Her arms were folded and I could tell from the look on her face that she was disappointed and displeased with me. “You will pay Marko, and the price will be harsh. I don't tolerate disobedience.” “I'm sorry Mistress. Please forgive me. I couldn't help it. Your hands, so soft, so warm...” I let my voice trail off. She wasn't buying my excuses. 'Shit,' I thought. She went and got a small flogger and began whipping the inside of my thighs. The sting of the leather on my tender flesh, made me jump each time. When the leather struck my cock and balls, I couldn't help but cry out. I could feel the bite of each thong on my soft skin. Over and over She struck them, until they were red and burning. Incredibly my prick was hard again. My Mistress got some alligator clamps with a chain attached between them. She started to lick and suck my nipples. My nipples were so sensitive that each time She would suck on them, it would send a jolt from them clear down into my groin. “MMMM, MMMM, oh yes.” I didn't want Her to ever stop. Suddenly She bit down hard on my left nipple. “God!” I yelled. She then bit my right one. I yelled again. Grasping the tip of my left nipple, she pulled it out and fastened the clip on it. Then the right one. I couldn't believe how much the clamps hurt, the teeth biting into me. She left the tip of each nipple sticking out. My nipples throbbed and burned. It felt like they were being cut in two. Mistress Katherine lowered Her head and began to lick my dick. Her tongue, wet and warm, moving up and down the shaft was driving me crazy. I moaned and trembled as I lay there. Starting at my balls, She ran Her tongue slowly up the shaft. When she reached the sensitive mushroom head, she nibbled gently with her teeth. Then scraping Her teeth over the head, she sucked on my hole. I thought I was going to explode in Her mouth.

Words: 583

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 845
Male Score: 340

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

Comments: the GG shows a *high number of female indicators, notwithstanding the male's narrative as object. There were of course occurences of 'she' (24) and 'her' (18)--applied to the mistress, but not in sufficient number to determine the 'female' author verdict. Putting it differently, those words accounted for only 306 of the 'female' points. But the disparity towards female is about 500, and so the text would remain 'female' (authored) even without looking at those words.
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Interesting example: First Person, female pursued

This example is correctly assessed as male authored, *despite the fact that it purports to be an 18yr old girls account of her teacher seducing her*. Iow, there won't be 'she' and 'her' because the only woman is telling the story.

So the POV as well as the 'object' (pursued, acted upon) determine the balance of pronouns. The male pursuer, female pursued is correctly handled IF the first person (narrator) is this very female.

Hillary, by D.C. Roi (Male)

He kept rubbing his thumbs gently over my nipples, which felt so hard I was afraid they would pop off my chest. I can't describe how incredibly good Mr. D was making me feel. It was like I was getting a constant flow of unbelievably good sensations, but it was more than that. I had my eyes closed most of the time and I was seeing all these incredible bursts of light and color, too. I mean, I've read stuff about how they used to trip out on LSD back in the 60's and 70's and what I was feeling seems a lot like the way some of the people who wrote about that time period describe LSD trips. Only what I was going through was way better. I kept getting more and more turned on. I was so close to cumming, and seemed to be getting closer and closer every second. Mr. D leaned forward and I felt his lips brush my ear in a gentle kiss. “Touch yourself, Hillary,” he whispered, then he gave me another gentle kiss. “Go ahead, touch yourself.” I don't remember thinking about doing what he told me. All I know is that all of a sudden my hand was sliding down over my belly; and it was shaking, too. It slid under the waistband of my panties and moved down. I still can't believe how wet I was. The middle of my panties was drenched and sticky, so was my pubic hair. I do have a bikini wax, but I don't shave. What hair I had left was sopping wet, as wet as if I'd just stepped out of the shower, only slippery wet, the kind of wet you get when you're really turned on. The farther down my hand went, the harder it was for me to breathe. Mr. D was still teasing my nipples with his thumbs and I knew the second I touched my pussy I was going to explode and maybe fly apart in a million pieces. I had no idea what would happen; I'd never felt like that before. Then my fingers touched my clit, which was more swollen and sensitive than I can ever remember it being. “Oh, God!” I remember thinking, or maybe I said it, I'm not sure. An atomic bomb of pleasure exploded inside me. I vaguely remember hearing loud moans and feeling myself shake. It was as if a tornado made up of the best feelings in the world was spinning around inside me. My legs weren't working at all, but Mr. D had his arms around me and was hanging on to me, keeping me from falling. When I finally started to calm down, he scooped me up in his arms, carried me to the sofa, and laid me down on it. As I lay there, still half out of it, he knelt on the floor next to me, smiling at me and caressing my face with his fingers. I mean, it was so neat!

Words: 503
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 432
Male Score: 770
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Black Tulip said:
Do you all know that the little program Gary came up with does something else than the link from Pure?

I ran my same stories again and you know what?

2 out of 3 were now "diagnosed" as female, but here comes the clincher: the story with first person POV female is still male.

You know why? Among other things because it is written in the present tense!
Duh, that was the goal of the challenge I wrote it for.

Happily confused, because Gary says he likes me any way. :p

P.S. I added the new analysis to the earlier post.


I think I already did that little test. Twice.
Hi Black T,

you said,

I think I already did that little test. Twice.

I don't quite follow; don't know which test. I know we're somewhat addressing the same issues of pov. What do you think of my proposal that the 'gender genie' is more accurate with narratives where it's NOT the case that the female is pursued, or, if so, that *she tells the story (first person).

This of course is a major 'hole' in the method, since many porn stories have a woman pursued, and are told first person by the man or woman pursuing her. I've looked into 'repair' by way of eliminating 'she' and 'her' (as does the other link) and adding to the weights of female indicators *other than 'she' and 'her'.
Gay Stories

All but three of my stories are heterosexual. One is about a bisexual man masturbating and one is about the same man and another man. There are no references of female sexual organs, and only passing references to the man's wife. Here are the results of the GG test:

David and His Dildo

Words: 1352

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1499
Male Score: 1809
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

David Scores Online
Words: 2760
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 2700
Male Score: 3371
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

The Gender Genie is right on both counts.
Pure said:

OR, where the pursued woman is herself telling the story (1rst person).


This is what I meant. I'll give you the story as well, because it's in another thread.

Beware silent forces
Water, swishing back and forth over the sands, makes a soft sound. A soft breeze rustles the fronds of the palm trees and every now and then a coconut drops in the sand with a dull thud. I feel funny, as if I am somehow detached from the world around me. I can hear the sounds, I feel the warmth of the day lingering in the air and I can smell the salty tang of the ocean mixed with the spicy scent of roasting meat and the sweetness of ripe fruit and night blossoms. Maybe it's that tropical perfume that makes my head spin a bit.

I walk along the waterfront, stepping carefully to avoid the shards of shells, the odd bits of dead coral. The water makes little ripples in the sand, cooling my feet as I keep on walking. I have no specific goal, I just like to walk on the hard, wet sand with the smells and sounds of a tropical night enveloping me.

My feet carry me on while my head is not completely there. I am dreaming on my feet. My eyes do not see the waves and the beach and the palm trees. My eyes see only the image in my head, the image I see off and on since I am here in this secluded piece of paradise. I do not know where the image comes from, it is new to me and it is enticing. Perhaps the image is the result of the hot sun on my skin, or too much beer bintang with the rice and the saté kambing. I smile at the thought. I know it has nothing to do with the beer or the food.

The image. I sigh because I realize I have to do some serious thinking instead of go on with daydreaming. The locals already call me mataglap, crazy. I live almost on the beach in a tiny house, just big enough for my books and me. I go to the market every day because I have no electricity for a refrigerator. The water I need comes from an old-fashioned pump and in the evenings I light candles. They cannot understand a white woman, a blanda willing to live like that. They themselves are grateful every day for the modern amenities tourism has bought them.

Turning around I walk along the shoreline back to the big boulder sticking up out of the sands. The beach is almost luminescent in the tropical night and the moon paints a path of silver on the waves that are gently licking the land. I stand next to the piece of rock. It is flat on top, forming a natural seat, a perfect place to sit and think. I hitch up the sarong, the colorful piece of fabric I wear like a local wrapped around my hips, covering me from waist to ankles. The vibrant red, white and yellow of the batik are muted now. Only the white of my top reflects a bit. I draw my knees up and fold my arms around them, resting my chin on top. I still feel not completely in touch with reality. The image in my mind keeps interfering, demands my attention, lures me away from every day life.

Wiggling my toes is not really helping. I notice that the red lacquer on my nails is nearly black in the moonlight. I know I am stalling and I know I have to address this..., this...image. I sigh because it is not even necessary to recall it. It's right in front of me, nearly all day. I see this picture of a man bending a woman over his arm and his knee. They are both naked and the woman radiates a feeling of surrender that is extremely erotic. She presents her body for him to make use of in whatever way he sees fit. Nothing very unusual so far, except that the woman is me and the man in the image is totally unknown. I have no idea who he is, but I see him very clearly. I cannot dismiss it as an erotic fantasy because it keeps coming back. And worst of all, it turns me on but I seem unable to cope with that.

The heat of the tropics always make me feel horny, but nothing I try gives relief. For some unknown reason I cannot make myself cum, no matter what I do. Neither my fingers nor my little battery-operated friend can call forth an orgasm. The result of this madness is me walking around with all my thoughts turned to sex. I feel myself hovering on the brink of release every minute of the day. And the nights are not really any different. If I sleep I dream of this unknown lover. But even then I cannot let go. I wake up every morning with the same wetness and the same throbbing between my legs, waiting to explode. I feel as if I am the embodiment of that song by the Rolling Stones: "I can get no satisfaction" and I am definitely not honored by that.

I try to see this tormenting lover more clearly. His body is muscled and has a smooth brown skin, suggesting he is one of the locals. But he is too tall for that I think. His face is beautiful with broad planes and a wide mouth. His black hair is long and lies in a braid across his back. But what really gets to me are his eyes. The are like black holes with a flame of lust in them. The way they sweep over my body makes me feel so desired it is almost painful.

No matter how hard I try, I do not remember a man like that. I know he is a stranger. He is no more than a figment of my imagination, isn't he? I sigh, not one step closer to understanding what is happening to me. I look around me and see there is not a living soul in sight. I am aware that the failure to find release is driving me on to act more and more out of character. Or am I? I find myself thinking al kinds of alien thoughts. I want to go naked to the market, I want to fuck the saté vendor at the corner of the square, I want to present myself and my dripping cunt to every cock in the village. I shrug and unwrap the sarong, fold it and put it on top of the rock together with the white top. It's is all I am wearing these days so now I stand naked at the edge of the ocean.

Slowly I make my way into the waves. The water feels lukewarm, still retains some warmth of the day gone by. I do not even know why I am doing this, but it feels appropriate. The waves start lapping at my thighs and I stop walking now that the water caresses my hot cunt. My fingers start pinching my nipples, only increasing the burning hot need between my legs. Nearly sobbing I sink to my knees as my right hand finds its way once again to my clit. I know it will be to no avail, but I still have to try.

My hands drive me nearly insane, but once again I cannot cum. In total frustration I cry out to the sky, asking I do not know whom for help. Then my heart stops beating. I know I am alone in this stretch of ocean, but I do feel a hand taking my fingers away from myself. My head whips around but I see nothing, just the waves, the beach and the trees with the moon above. My ears are filled with the soft laughter of a male voice. Am I finally going mad?

The hand leads me out of the waves and I can feel the body attached. But only when I stand clear of the water do I begin to see. It looks as if a mist of water is slowly coalescing into a human body. I look back at the water and see only one set of footprints, mine. That is all I am able to notice before the apparition demands all my attention.

One hand is still holding mine; the other cups my breast. The gesture is enough to make me shudder violently. The other hand comes up to my breast as well and I cannot stop the mewling sound at the back of my throat. The laughter turns to whispers, giving me permission to cum. To my surprise that is exactly what I do. Just from the touch of those hands at my nipples I explode into an orgasm that sends me to my knees.

The now fully materialized person, spirit or whatever snaps his fingers and my sarong spreads itself on the sand. He kneels on it and drapes my body in his arms in the pose that is haunting me for days now. He bends his head and kisses my neck. Then he starts whispering again. Telling me I am a very strong woman to resist his call for so many days. He chuckles. Nobody can resist the call of an ocean spirit forever. I know I can't. His hands are caressing my body and take my desire to new, unimaginable heights. His fingers, his lips, his tongue are all making me want one thing: to be filled by his cock. I live the image and feel the most wanted woman on earth. I cry out again and beg him to take me. I see the grin on his face turn into something not completely human but I do not care. All I want is his beautiful cock inside me, all I want is to cum, and to cum and to cum again.

The sun colors the ocean a soft pink, then comes up in a blaze of red turning into the white hot of another tropical day. Water, swishing back and forth over the sands, makes a soft sound. A soft breeze rustles the fronds of the palm trees and every now and then a coconut drops in the sand with a dull thud. The mongrel dog of the crazy woman sits on his haunches, keeping watch over a piece of colorful batik and a white top that lie discarded near the big rocky seat at the waterfront. There is no sign of the woman and the dog refuses to listen to the locals. But then, they do not know his name. He only listens to Camembert, her name for him. And sometimes, when the moon is full he can hear her voice, telling him she is alright.

Definitely POV first person female, written by a female. But both little programs say it's written by a male.

My other stories have a third person POV, but they switch from male to female.
I encountered this in another forum. For some reason, non-fiction I ran in there tended to test male, but fiction came out female every time--even stories that were supposed to be written from a male POV. I am not sure it's worth it to try to make a conscious effort to tailor them male, as I'm not sure it's much more than a parlor trick.
I just finished cleaning up the lesbian story I wrote and I am going to try to see what Gender Genie says about it.

Words: 4401

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 6933
Male Score: 5043

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

There are no references to male sex organs at all in this one and no masculine pronouns. There is a double-dong in use and I refer to the business ends of it as "cocks", but they are only mentioned a few times.

Since the other one will only handle passages of about 1,400 words, I have not used it on anything for a while. I will use it on the masturbation story, which is the only one shore enough. GG said it was written by a man.

David and His Dildo

Verdict: Female!
Words: 1352; Total=1241.

(Breakdown: Thes:89 As:15 Somes:3 Numbers:19 Its:19
Withs:15 s-Possessives:9 Possessive Pronouns:66 Fors:6 Nots:9)

This was just barely rated "Female", which was incorrect. GG was right on this one.
Box, (and note to Black T)

The lesbian scene you propose actually fits with and supports my proposal, which was the scene where a woman was the 'object' or the 'pursued' would be MISclassified by GG. It does not matter if the pursuer is male or female.

Black T,
That's some fine writing the does count against my proposal.
With hindsight, however I do see what's going on.

If you look at the passage below, for example, though the woman tells a lot about her sensations and feelings, there is a lot about the landscape and environment, e.g,., the water, the waves, the sky, the beach. Just for fun I revised the passage to get the 'female' label, see below! What do ya think? English, you probably know is more flexible than several languages, e.g., French, in omitting articles. Maybe your language, likewise has rules to include them more systematically than in English.

Black T: Slowly I make my way into the waves. The water feels lukewarm, still retains some warmth of the day gone by. I do not even know why I am doing this, but it feels appropriate. The waves start lapping at my thighs and I stop walking now that the water caresses my hot cunt. My fingers start pinching my nipples, only increasing the burning hot need between my legs. Nearly sobbing I sink to my knees as my right hand finds its way once again to my clit. I know it will be to no avail, but I still have to try. My hands drive me nearly insane, but once again I cannot cum. In total frustration I cry out to the sky, asking I do not know whom for help. Then my heart stops beating. I know I am alone in this stretch of ocean, but I do feel a hand taking my fingers away from myself. My head whips around but I see nothing, just the waves, the beach and the trees with the moon above. My ears are filled with the soft laughter of a male voice. Am I finally going mad?

Words: 195

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 191
Male Score: 221
[passage revised by pure]

//Slowly I make my way into the waves. The water feels lukewarm, still retains some warmth of the day gone by. I do not even know why I am doing this, but it feels appropriate. Waves start lapping at my thighs and I stop walking now; water caresses my hot cunt. My fingers start pinching my nipples, only increasing the burning hot need between my legs. Nearly sobbing I sink to my knees as my right hand finds its way once again to my clit. I know it will be to no avail, but I still have to try. My hands drive me nearly insane, but once again I cannot cum. In total frustration I cry out to the sky, asking I do not know whom for help. Then my heart stops beating. I know I am alone in this stretch of ocean, but I do feel a hand taking my fingers away from myself. My head turns with a snap, but I see nothing, just waves, beach, trees--the moon above. My ears are filled with the soft laughter of a male voice. Am I finally going mad? //

Words: 189

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 187
Male Score: 150
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Leaving out particles is allowed in Dutch, but only if you use a term in a generic sense. People instead of the people. However, if one of my students gave me a piece of writing like that, I would definitely use my big red pencil on it. :devil:
I think it's sloppy writing like this.

Apart from the particles I found that the use of present or past tense is an important factor as well.
The use of "was" is considered female and of "is" as male.

Anybody a clue as to why?
And why is the use of particles male? Who says so? :mad: ;) :D
Black T: //Apart from the particles I found that the use of present or past tense is an important factor as well.
The use of "was" is considered female and of "is" as male.

Anybody a clue as to why?
And why is the use of particles male? Who says so? //

Yes I think your implication is correct; tense should not matter.
The longer lists in 'gender genie' have to be weeded. The shorter list at the site I posted is more like what's necessary.

You have to remember that the algorithm is generated by considering several hundred works, mostly published, of written English. In statistics, the procedure you may know, it simply to see what characteristic discriminates, and how to weight so as to achieve maximum discrimination (degree of correct classification).
Obviously ordinary nouns and non-being verbs were not considered. But if most of the males used 'is', and the females used 'was', those words will come up as markers, and their weight can be determined.

Consider the problem I mentioned with 'she' and 'her.' That may reflect the same phenomenon as in common in movies: ever note how some movies--e.g., action-- have no or almost no women?
By the same token if female writers in the sample have prominent female figures, there will be lots of 'she's and 'her' s.

So the procedure is essentially mindless, unless certain purging is done; even then you have a statistical prediction only. Sort of like saying, "In Holland, if you're 180 cm tall or more, you're likely a man." This is perfectly good as far as it goes (I think??): If you say, 'There's a person outside my door, 180 cm tall, what gender?' It makes sense that I guess, 'male' though for female models and others I'll often be wrong.

Even that is not the best example, because sex and height are linked. So, instead, take a characteristic like 'wears a Rolex watch.' It may be a good statistical inference, from that, to 'is male.'

I've just looked at several masturbation accounts by females at lit. They come out 'male' (authored) because with a female pov and no other females, you never get 'she' or 'her', and there are necessarily constructions like 'the side of my ass', which up the count for 'the'.

I should mention another case regarding gender, which you may know: Most people thought _The Story of O_ was by a man. Particularly feminist critics. The assumption was that degradation of a woman is not something a woman likes or is interested in. But in fact, a woman wrote it, and it was for her male lover. a) she was, I think, intrigued by degradation; b) even if she were not, she likely knew her lover was; ergo....
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With all the analysing one fact still remains: the determination of the gender is not correct in a lot of cases, 40%.

I wager because the premisses were biased to begin with. The difference between male and female writing? Tricky, tricky, tricky.

Pure said:
...I've just looked at several masturbation accounts by females at lit. They come out 'male' (authored) because with a female pov and no other females, you never get 'she' or 'her', and there are necessarily constructions like 'the side of my ass', which up the count for 'the'...

I've been avoiding involvement in disecting the algorithm, because to me it defeats the purpose of the original posting. Gender Genie I felt is a just a quick little check one can run to give some indication of whether your copy uses language that one sex or the other will identify with. It seems to me this could help if you are aiming your story mainly at women, or mainly at men. Stop to analyse the algorithm and it's no longer a speedy check, it's a rather time consuming one. However, the statement above does point to another level of practical use.

According to Lauren's poll of who enjoys which categories, women are partial to stories of male homosexuality, that is: erotica with no female characters. So suppose you've written such a story and want to give it maximum feminine reader appeal. Gender Genie will say you haven't hit the mark because you have no feminine pronouns. To improve the story you find ways to introduce feminine pronouns.

Perhaps you describe the thoughts of one of the male characters, to reveal that he is conjuring up images of women in his mind because he's bisexual; maybe you introduce a third character, a woman who secretly watches the two men make love and herself masturbates. No matter what device you use, the theory I'm offering is that if you find ways to make the story get a feminine rating from Gender Genie then perhaps you have increased its appeal to female readers. Is it worth all the trouble? Probably not in most cases, but who knows? Maybe there are times when an individual author will see some practical value in such an exercise. Beyond that I don't think it's worth the trouble of analysing the algorithm, unless you're a computer programmer who wants to know how it works.