Try This & Report Back

Say what?

I guess what we have all been discussing here, for years now, with plenty of our own research, means nothing unless of course...

Some government grant is being bandied about, with the typlical set of leaches racing about to get it, drawing conclusions first, and leaving out anything that might refute.

Sounds alot like global warming research.

Ignor the facts, until mother nature intervenes.

I'll continue my studies under cover...
errrr ahhh,
under covers. ha ha
This is a response to the original post. I liked the post and found it amusing at times. I shared it with my BF. OMG he beat my g spot up! I was sooooo sore. It is possible to be too hard on the big G. Beating me up did not bring on any orgasms. I do tease my BF now and then with his beating me up.
Original post

I went back in time and tried to change the original post so more people would understand that "beat it up" was aimed at those whose women were already orgasming or it was that was imminent. SOME women will begin to orgasm in about 2 minutes even if this technique has never been used before. Others need a LOT more time and / or many attempts over a period of weeks or months. Just "beating it up" is NOT what I wanted to suggest. The GSpot if it doesn't react very quickly, has to be teeaasseedd as she become more and more turned on. It shouldn't be used alone unless she is reacting VERY positively within the first few minutes. As long as she is becoming increasingly aroused the technique can be used and the partner has to gauge how turned on she is and is it coming from other stuff they are doing or the GSpot pressure alone.

Once the woman is orgasming from the technique then you can get quite rough but let's get serious. "Beat it up" should be taken in context. You have your thumb INSIDE a woman's vagina pushing onto her abdominal wall. I'm sorry this was not very positive for you and I hope eventually your partner can stimulate you so you achieve GSpot orgasms. I forgot, when I posted the first time that you always have to take into account the lowest common denominator.
The G spot does need firmer stimulation. I was able to already have g spot orgasms as well at squirting orgasms before I shared this technique with my BF. I will try just about anything. What made the g spot orgasms happen for me was through experimenting. So, I wanted to try this technique. Nothing is wrong with it, I just wanted to share that it is possible to beat up a g spot.
The G spot does need firmer stimulation. I was able to already have g spot orgasms as well at squirting orgasms before I shared this technique with my BF. I will try just about anything. What made the g spot orgasms happen for me was through experimenting. So, I wanted to try this technique. Nothing is wrong with it, I just wanted to share that it is possible to beat up a g spot.

Over the years I have managed to suprise several girls with a G spot orgasm & had several of the squirting too but each had different amounts of pressure to hit their G spot right for them.
Hey Gil!

Over the years I have managed to suprise several girls with a G spot orgasm & had several of the squirting too but each had different amounts of pressure to hit their G spot right for them.

Glad to see you on the boards, hope things are still strong with you and Bandit...
The G spot does need firmer stimulation. I was able to already have g spot orgasms as well at squirting orgasms before I shared this technique with my BF. I will try just about anything. What made the g spot orgasms happen for me was through experimenting. So, I wanted to try this technique. Nothing is wrong with it, I just wanted to share that it is possible to beat up a g spot.

I totally agree. My g-spot orgasms were originally weaker than they are now because of "not beating up the spot", i.e. providing the extent of pressure needed to properly stimulate it. As was stated earlier, each woman requires different amounts of pressure. Some like it hard, some like it soft, and some like it in between. The fun is in the experimentation. Enjoy, Lilly
Try It

I totally agree. ..... Some like it hard, some like it soft, and some like it in between. The fun is in the experimentation. Enjoy, Lilly

And of course some don't like it at all. We are ALL different to some extent. The thread was started to share the wonders with couples who weren't aware of the actual mechanics of doing it and making it happen over and over again because many couples who have managed to make the GSpot fire were NOT aware that continued stimulation just kept that puppy barking. One orgasm and they stopped. What a waste!! The other reason which became apparent a little later was informing couples of the possibility of ejaculation. So many clods and ignoramusses still think it's urine - even doctors don't know the difference otr the possibility.

It you try this technique and your woman doesn't like it after she's allowed a true attempt then it just doesn't work for her. Some women HATE their breasts being touched. If she has never had it done and simply refuses to let a lover try then she's an idiot - IMHO - but respect HER feelings always.
New Favorite thread, thank you.

Although from what little on the thread I have read today, I know what similar things I have tried. my wife thinks she's some sort of experiment for ; but she enjoys the outcome as do I.

It is nice to know their are other explorers out there. Keep the post up, really good info. Thanks again, and we can't wait to try some new techniques.
Ok...So I have read quite a bit of this thread and my husband and I tried it last luck... I felt like I had to hurt alot...i tried to perservere, but to no goodness...after a while he tried another similar/close spot that it might be since there was no response after some time and I still felt like I had to pee...if he touched my clit then it did not hurt quite as much so we did that...but still nothing...

Has anyone else had the feeling like burning painful urinary infection almost? NOT pleasant...but so so turned on and really wanted to be touched. I have multiple orgasms (well not all the time because sometimes I am too sensitive) by my clit, mostly while having sex at the same time. This is good, but I am left wanting more...It took a long time for someone to be able to make me orgasm...needless to say, I am a very hard one to please...but very willing ;). Any advice? Maybe he is touching the wrong spot? Can someone describe the shape/texture/size of this specific spot? any other ways to describe the feeling while it is being touched? Bad pee feeling? Good only?

I have trouble with deep penetration also and someone mentioned that if that/ also not being able to take it from a doggy sort of position might mean a slightly tilted uterus?? Any thoughts?? HELP...I really want to be able to please my husband...(or should I say let him please me).

Also to note, I am young...seems that many people having success are a bit older than I am?? not really sure though...Thanks.

Hope someone can help us...he read the thread and is very patient and good with me...the only one who has ever pleased me...Any info will be greatly appreciated...
Hi Lama ... I'm sorry it didn't work for you. There DOES seem to be a higher % of women in their 30's, 40's and even older that this technique works almost immediately. Many younger women seem to need a combination of factors before it works or works well.

Those factors seem to be, in not particular order, a willingness to let loose. Control freaks have a difficult time allowing a partner that much control. It is usually subconscious too. Outwardly they WANT to go there but inside there are blocks. Another factor is self confidence and a willingness to experiment. You sound like you have that covered and your lover too so ... for others. Not so much for you guys. Factor 3 or 5 (?) may be a thinning of the vag. wall above the GSpot. Younger women have much thicker skin there and it may interfere with the mechanics of what ever happens in that area that results in the kinds of orgasms I've seen and so many other posters have described in here.

One thing I try an make sure that couples try is that if it is not working very quickly - a feeling of fullness, the feeling of the need to pee and a deep deep surprisingly intense feeling of imminent orgasm, then BACK OFF. Don't keep rubbing until there's smoke. There are things that happen behind that vag. wall that will tell you both if it is happening or if it isn't so continuing to rub when the trigger for whatever reason hasn't been pulled WILL result in sometimes PAIN, frustration and often a feeling of simply being a failed experiment.

One other factor that has popped up in PMs and emails is that for SOME women the GSPOT is not where I describe it. For them, after experimenting a LOT, shows up on the side of their vagina or another sensitive spot is at the base of the vag just above the anus. There seem to be nerve trunks all over the place in there that if poked under the right circumstances, will produce G-Gasms. The ASPOT works too and is most easily reached through her anus. Fun for some - not for others.

Keep up the open and exciting experiments. Remember that there IS the possibility of this happening at any time. I suggest putting it on the back burner and only when you are very very aroused then have your lover move fingers around to see if there is another spot that will make you trigger into this repetitive bliss you seek. Best of luck and FWIW you wouldn't believe how many notes I get where couples keep playing a little bit with this on and off for MONTHS and then one night for no reason either can identify - IT WORKS and once that happens it will happen again and again and consistently.

This is a short clip of a woman discovering what she never knew she had the ability to do before and leaves her wondering what else she has to learn. A good attitude to have.
Hey Mr. G,

Thank you so much for the feedback...I really appreciate it. One thing I wanted to know it very rough...sorta ridgy then when aroused changes to almost a sandpaper sort of texture? that is how the spot he was touching felt apparently. I felt like i had to pee, he was touching my felt really good when he did that, but hurt if he released touching the clit. I thought for a while I might...but then I kept moving away and here we are.

Good news on another front though, since reading this stuff, I realize how little I know about my own anatomy (i was unfortunately not a self experimenter) and so I have began exploring, which my hubby loves cuz I have never been real interested...(mostly because it never did me any good) so thanks for that...

Also i read it was good to push right above the pubic bone while rubbing the G spot and that sometimes makes it more intense? or maybe easier to locate, i am not sure...What are your thoughts?

Does it change after child birth? It seems I had no problem with any kind of stimulation prior and have a sort of reserve due to pain with intercourse for the past 2 years since I have had two kids...

Anyways...All i can think about now is getting back into bed and feeling really hot and sexy. I love sex, but seem to have some pain with deep penetration...doggy style majorly turns me on, but hurts like crazy...maybe that is my reserve when he is using his thumb...afraid of pain... hmmm...well thanks for your input and anything else you could add that might help with anything that could spice up my life...

Ever since I finished nursing my last baby about a month ago I am in a constant state of being horny...I need more experimentation...more new things....more hot things....more more more.....Ideas????lol Thanks again...
The best thing about sites like this is that it gives people the chance to SHARE - ideas, techniques, values, insights, fears, expectations and stories of success.

Realizing you may not or DON'T know everything about your body has been one of the biggest themes in here and some of the most rabid detractors have had that attitude - namely that NO MAN could possibly know something about the female body that she doesn't know about herself. Of course that is sheer nonsense. MANY women do not explore a lot by themselves so research with a loving partner or reading about a certain technique could well be how one discovers a new and wonderful aspect of their own bodies. Of course whether it is a man or a woman who has learned something and shares it with a partner is the most fun. MANY women email me or post and say that just searching for success of the GSpot technique has given them more confidence and a much healthier sexual outlook. They say that for the longest time even with a good lover the sex was ALL about him and now "it's about me too and I can't get enough ... " That's a nice feeling to be able to open many couples to almost a quantum jump in their mutual enjoyment of sex.

Yes, there is often a spongy area right near the top of the pubic bone (feeling from inside) which one can say, "Ahhh there is IS." but sadly there are those other factors that have to come together - not just the poke. When it does happen it can be unbelievably awesome - for BOTH of you. Absolutely it sounds like your hormones have come raging back after the bambinos so that's a huge plus. Many return from that"off" time and are somewhat ambivalent about sex. That you're horny is a great sign. Making the GSpot work will make you even hornier and forever!!!

Good luck. Keep trying but don't JUST do this. Make it part of everything else so there is no stress to "perform" for either of you and I'm sure it will happen.
So glad that this valuable thread is still going strong & people are still discovering the joys of the G spot, great work Mr G. :D
Hey Mr. G,

Ya, what you are saying is awesome and totally true...since this "technique" have had more foreplay and excitement then we have had in a long time, so though it has not worked for us yet, it is definitely fun tring ;).

We tried again last night in the middle of sex...which was really funa and hot, but still no success. At least it is a new fun part of sex that we can add to our list. I find it more comfortable when i am on my back for him to do it, but I am sure we will experiment and explore to see what is best.

If it does not happen now...maybe it will be a nice surprise when I turn 30 or 40 that can restart my sexual fire :) ....or with any luck I will not have to restart it and it will just be going strong. Thanks for the fun conversation and sharing your experience.
Mr G. be interested on yr view on the following (not sure its been covered)
but how does this technique differ to fisting.

My SO got off on yr technique big time but she now prefers getting fisted - the reaction she has is far more powerful. naturally the areas of sensitivity get a good pounding which i guess is waht we are getting at to trigger that endorphin release.

be interested on yr views.
G-Gasm from Fisting Versus Fingering

Mr G. be interested on yr view on the following (not sure its been covered)
but how does this technique differ to fisting.

My SO got off on yr technique big time but she now prefers getting fisted - the reaction she has is far more powerful. naturally the areas of sensitivity get a good pounding which i guess is waht we are getting at to trigger that endorphin release.

be interested on yr views.

I'd also be interested in your views about this, Mr. G. As far as I understand it, the difference is using a thumb (or other items) to press the g-spot versus using a fist to stimulate the entire interior of the vagina. As a regular fistee, I have yet to experience a g-spot orgasm from the fisting. I have had all other types of orgasms, though--vaginal, u-spot, a-spot, clitoral, and the list goes on. I think maybe it's because I've been very gently fisted...or it's hard to keep track of all the different sensations and the g-spot gets lost in the shuffle...and I require strong pressure to g-gasm. Any thoughts, anyone?
gonna try

I've read a lot of the thread and we're going to give it a try. Will report back soon.
Figging & Fisting

I haven't had the occasion to do much experimenting in one aspect of G-Spotting that was mentioned and discussed back in the middle part of this thread.

FIGGING - using a "finger" of freshly carved GINGER inserted in the anus during various other sexual activities to enhance sensations.

My early experiments indicated a burning sensation similar to what you feel on your tongue and mouth after eating hot spicy foods. While the GSpotting continued the ginger was duly embedded and the burning sensation produced a sensation that their back end was melting. Not overly painful but a buildup of heat that was, combined with the G-stimulation producing what could be described as panic orgasms. Anybody into spanking knows the diff between slow fairly painful swats and flurries of fast swats that discommbobbulates the brain. I found the ginger did the same thing but without the spanking although what the hell, right. One more sensation is only gonna ADD to the intensity.

Immediately after whatever number of G-gasms have been experienced the ginger has been removed and a cold cream applied. What ginger does is similar to cayene peppers or sauce. It is full of SULPHUR molecules that adhere to the base of the taste buds, over stimulate them with a sensation that it is HOT. Ginger does the same thing to the nerves in the anus. ComPLETELY harmless (unless you're allergic to ginger - I suggest you check on that first) and the "heat" disappears quickly when the ginger is removed.

I was reading recently that if the ginger is left in for more than 30 minutes or so the sensation of "BURN" changes from localized (anal) burn to a feeling of warmth that permeates the entire region. This sensation feels like being super horny for a woman where her entire vag area including her bum feels hot just from blood flow.

As stated, I haven't had a chance recently to experiment with this aspect - the long term application and how it might affect further G-Spotting. Has anybody else played with this? Has anybody gone from the short term and FRANTIC orgasms during that initial burn to a warm&tingly all over horny feeling by leaving the ginger inserted for longer than a few incredibly intense orgasms.If the sensation spreads as described it is well worth further experimentation.

Some further reading:–-figging/

As far as fisting goes .... each to his own, I suppose but IMHO vaginas are meant to accommodate bambinos occasionally and a normal sized erection night after night. A FIST is going to stretch her out like she's popping twins every other week. Unless you happen to be hung like a rhino all you're doing is ensuring she isn't going to be able to even feel a normal sized cock in her.

I'm sure it is intense but the muscles in the area are just not set up to endure that kind of abuse without some serious consequences. Prolapsed everything just doesn't sound fun especially when it's happening to a girl in her 40's or 50's. That used to happen when women routinely had 15 + kids. Not so much these days but fisting WILL do that.

Most of the time people who speak of fisting are either too young to have been laid yet or feel they are seriously deficient in dick-size and need to make her scream some other way. My suggestion is learn to gobble them. Learn to G them and even if you are hung like a gerbil she won't notice.
I haven't had the occasion to do much experimenting in one aspect of G-Spotting that was mentioned and discussed back in the middle part of this thread.

As far as fisting goes .... each to his own, I suppose but IMHO vaginas are meant to accommodate bambinos occasionally and a normal sized erection night after night. A FIST is going to stretch her out like she's popping twins every other week. Unless you happen to be hung like a rhino all you're doing is ensuring she isn't going to be able to even feel a normal sized cock in her.

I'm sure it is intense but the muscles in the area are just not set up to endure that kind of abuse without some serious consequences. Prolapsed everything just doesn't sound fun especially when it's happening to a girl in her 40's or 50's. That used to happen when women routinely had 15 + kids. Not so much these days but fisting WILL do that.

Most of the time people who speak of fisting are either too young to have been laid yet or feel they are seriously deficient in dick-size and need to make her scream some other way. My suggestion is learn to gobble them. Learn to G them and even if you are hung like a gerbil she won't notice.

As for me, I'm in my mid-40's, have had 4 vaginal births to small to mid-sized babies, and have a man who is above average in length and girth. I practise kegel exercises regularly, but find that my orgasmic contractions are not as strong as they used to be. This is the reason I have tried fisting and still occasionally have it done to me. By occasionally, I mean once every month or two. I find that it provides the intensity that I crave when I am in the mood to do it. I have to be extremely relaxed and in the moment to enjoy it. Even when I have g-gasms (no fisting), at least three fingers have to be inserted in my vagina or a penis and a dildo/vibrator. According to the family doctor, I am not suffering from prolapse. I would think that the vaginal muscles would go back to their original shape once the fist was removed. I find that I am sometimes very tight and sometimes very loose. If any of the readership has a suggestion for enhancing the strength of my orgasms (all types), besides fisting, I am all for it. The ginger idea sounds appealling, but I am not into inserting spices and creams at this time. Looking forward to a continued flow of ideas; yours, Lilly
Has anyone else had the feeling like burning painful urinary infection almost? NOT pleasant...but so so turned on and really wanted to be touched.

Yes! The first few times we explored my G-spot, I felt like acid was being squeezed out my urethra (sp?), the pain stopped when a droplet of liquid came out, then built up and released, over and over. It turns out I was 'squirting' for the first time, and the more we've done it, tghe less it's stung each time. Now, it's pain-free.

Mr. G !!!

Another milestone......

:rose: 600,000 viewers :rose:

Thank you Mr. G for all your advise and encouragement. :heart:

Ya, caught that the other night. WOOHOOO, huh? Assuming that 600,000 figure are people reading and then trying it on their partner it extrapolates out to 1.2 MILLION. For those w/out a partner I hope they all find one soon and can further this research and contribute. I wish a few more would drop in and say HI, post a personal story or add a variation we could all try.

Thanks again to the site for hosting this and for any and all who have taken the time to contribute and share. My PMs and emails are still running POSITIVE for about 8 out 10. So it IS happening for most and many who can't make it work right away keep at it and eventually it does happen. Don't forget once it happens ONCE it WILL happen again ... and again ... and again.


Be well Stay safe
Another milestone......

:rose: 600,000 viewers :rose:

Thank you Mr. G for all your advise and encouragement. :heart:

While I agree that 600,000 is a commendable audience and enjoy reading this discussion board, I am somewhat perplexed that ValleyO would rather extol the virtues of Mr. G's discussion board than share her own thoughts or experiences about the subject matter. While brown-nosing does have its place, I would prefer to see it combined with relevant thoughts and observations, as evidenced by other posters on this thread. Thx, Lilly
Sadly, I've never been able to reach this with the 2 partners that have tried. One went at it pretty hard and for (what I think) was a long time, but I often get the feeling I can't relax and don't want them to get tired and fed up so I distract them somehow, like move positions or push them off. One tried (just recently) with oral. Not sure why that didn't work - though oral to me is just a nice, sometimes awesome sensation, only one partner has ever gotten me to orgasm this way. Not sure if it was his skill or me being able to let go. (It was fireworks with him all-around...) Not sure if any other women are plagued in this way. I guess I need someone patient and the intimacy needs to be there. :( Maybe one day.

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