TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

If he took the Trump cognitive test,
I think he would fuck up his name.

Blast from the past:

We took our exams for the military and Sgt. C_____ asked us incredulously
about one potential recruit's score. He only got 30! You get more than that
for just getting your name right! How can you be that dumb?
We had a customer when I worked with an old foul-mouthed dirty old man. The customer was Hunt Gunter. My co-worker changed is name to Cunt Hunter. He almost called him that by mistake once. I wonder if he posts here???

Happy Saturday. Mandy is rolling over in her grave over that botched lyric. But then it reminds me of this ditty:

Momma, I'm dependin' on you,
are we really Jews?
Momma just hung her head and said,
Papa was circumcised,
didn't believe til I saw with my eyes,
and when he died,
he was planted by a rabbi.

I have guns if they come for me.

I have coffee until then.



Time for a second cup.

I used to love going over town and going down Broadway,
around 10th street they packaged the coffee and the scent permeated for blocks...
I've done the designer roast thing, but I'm just as happy with my production roast cans, especially at check-out.

So I scored a book on hot rodding Ford Anvil-esque flathead v8s. I think that many techniques are probably valid.

Ford's engine was a work in progress for several years. Packard had theirs all but right on Day 1
Ford's was a mono-block casting, as was the big anvil.
Ford only has 3 main bearings, whereas anvils have 9
Anvil valve lay-out is better.
Ford's have been re-engineered by the aftermarket community. There are a few anvil pieces, but they are few and far between and hard to come by.
I'm sure that more will be disclosed.

I did meet a fabricator last night. He likes old tractors. This could be the start of something.

Time for a second cup.

I used to love going over town and going down Broadway,
around 10th street they packaged the coffee and the scent permeated for blocks...

Reminds me of a little story. The eldest daughter of one of the founders of the company I was working for at the time was engaged to the son of a St Louis banker. When the great coffee freeze of '73 came along the kid bought up all the coffee options he could handle, many tons of coffee (37,500 lbs/contract). As I recall his contract price was approx $0.10/lb. Then he went and leased a couple of warehouses off the docks there in St. Louis, let the contracts run to term and took delivery. When the roasters ran the price up to approx. $1.75/lb he started selling it off. Ballsy move on his part.
There are times in life when you have to roll the dice.

That's, I think, the true hallmark of what it is to be an American.
And pack a heater, just in case.

A friend of mine has some weird shit going on. Seems we haven't talked in awhile, so we need to catch up. I think his old lady tossed him out. He was (seemingly) there for her when she was sick and he was well. He's now sicker (neuropathy in his feet - he's on a cane now) and she's better, so I reckon she don't need his dumb ass around no more. Figures.

But that could just be what the outside looks like.

Just wanna make sure he's okay is all . . . .

*chuckle* Yup. Of course being the son of a banker did give him an advantage........he knew how money works.

By the time the coffee was unloaded onto a barge in New Orleans the price was up to $0.70/lb. He went to a bank, probably his father's but it could have been any bank, and borrowed against the coffee. That gave him enough $$$ to pay for the coffee, the shipping, and the warehouse lease. Probably some 'walking around money' as well. In that it was a fully secured loan he got rock bottom interest rates to boot.
My beefy stew is in the cooker, all but the last minute fixin's. Need to take a quick run to the store for next weeks meals.
Oh, I can top you and piss off snowflakes at the same time:

I have veal patties ready to go into the oven as soon as it pre-warms.

Did you see me put that idiot on the ropes? I think I just scored a TKD by the way he's sputtering...