TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

You think these guys "like" foreigners?


Hell, they'll pull you over just for having an out-of-state plate.


(I have to confess, it's worse in KS which puts the county on the plate.
If it says WY or SG, you're getting a ticket. For something...)
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The only thing Canadian appreciated here is Goose when it's in season.


You could get shot for ending a sentence in, eh?
I'm going to run out and get some gas early. Lot of Catholics around here and they drink wine at church. Best to be off the road before church lets out. :D

Sunday is when our police are out in force.

They want the good church-going taxpayers to see their dollars at work...
It Just Keeps Getting Funnier

But it’s not Green’s fault. In reality, the conjunction of global energy shortages and the shutdown of oil and gas supplies have been due to bad luck. “Global demand for gas rose sharply just as winds in Northern Europe (where there is significant wind power) dropped off and gas reserves ran low during a long, lockdown winter.” The failure of wind power itself may be caused by climate change, a phenomenon called global stilling. “Industry experts are warning that climate change may have caused wind speeds in Europe to plummet this year in news that threatens to drive energy prices even higher.”

Some of you might remember how I used to joke that the Sargasso Sea was calmer than ever...

Too many forget that the road to Stalin was paved by Lenin...

The Road to Serfdom is paved with good, but misguided, intention.
I'm beginning to think they DON'T want to be free. They like it on the plantation and just want a Massa that says sweet nothings while enslaving them further.
Home from my shopping excursion and road trip. It was really good, and I got a story, too.

And I remembered not to bugger that People's Democratic Republic laws by hauling a godless firearm with me.

Off to run out to change the oil and to unload the big bike before dark.

And I gotta figure out supper, too.

I've always favored heads on pikes. <shrug>
This gets my vote

Get a plaid one and tell them you're Canadian. :D
Plaid is for Scots or old men on golf courses

You think these guys "like" foreigners?
:eek: Hell, they'll pull you over just for having an out-of-state plate.
:D (I have to confess, it's worse in KS which puts the county on the plate.
If it says WY or SG, you're getting a ticket. For something...)
He's right, I borrow my cousin's car to travel in the US, a Canadian plate any distance from the border guarantees you're going to get pulled over.

I thought everyone liked Canadians. :)
You know me right? The one with the sunny disposition?

The only thing Canadian appreciated here is Goose when it's in season. :cool: You could get shot for ending a sentence in, eh?
Too greasy and more American's say EH to tease Canadians than actual Canadians say it.

I think we agree that the lunatics are running the asylum.
In every political office of every country in the world.

Ditto, but snow is forecast for Monday.
Keep it, we cut the grass today.

The house is loaded with chocolate. I may have indulged.

Got the oil in the bike, and got the bike off the trailer. It's now parked with the other bike. They may have missed each other. This means that I can do some ridin' to work next week, depending on the weather forecast, of course.

So, there was this jumbo '47 anvil frame-n-motor for sale up the East Coast somewhere about a year ago. Wat ran across the ad and inquired with no response. So today, Wat ran into the guy who bought it. In fact, these pieces he sold me are bits he didn't sell when he disposed of the frame. He kept the drivetrain. He said that he's going to build a throw-back early 30s speedster. He has a '31 frame and cowl and front sheetmetal, and he's going to use the '47 engine. This makes perfect sense because this was likely their best long motor of all the ones they made.

And I'll tell you about his inspiration for this idea later.

Yeah, I know, but it makes for shorter posts, eh???

That would be this one:


Wat bought one almost identical (no radiator) in September about 1500 miles away.


A little footballish story.

This AM when I was at the store there were 4 Navajo dude loading up on beer. How did I know they were Navajo? Well, they were all wearing Washington Redskins sweat shirts, and I asked. The shirts all appeared new so I asked them how they got them. The story was that when the name change was looking to go through they started buying as many as they could. One said that if they only wore them on game days they figured they had upwards or 20 years worth of shirts.

The Navajo and Zuni almost all wear Redskins stuff. The Pueblo tribes are a mixed bag of either Cowboys or Broncos. I don't know what the Apache's go for, just don't see too many Apache around here.