TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I've caught burbot through the ice, had 'em freeze solid and then they start to wiggle when they thaw in the sink.
Hmmm, sleepy fishes.

Got kind of crazy when everybody showed up at once. I told FNG to keep an eye out for the plumbers and the wire butcher. Of course, I found the both of them first. And then the sprinkler system guys came out - like an ambush. With questions. Seems that their new plans reviewer is a total asshole/idjit. So they have lots of questions. At least they did seem to have most of their shit together.

And the plumbing inspector showed up a day early. We weren't ready. Still don't know how that turned out - yet. Probably poorly.

But lunch is tasty.


They are just normal aquarium fish. Nothing special about them.

I just watched that Joe Biden on the tv. I'm buddhist and try to live a kind life... but man, what a pant-load that fella is.

If you can't afford kids, you shouldn't have them.

Cradle to grave government care.
Before Joe was on the tv, I was watching some of that hearing with the fossil fuel ceos.

It was comical. You know who the single biggest consumer of fossil fuels is? Uncle Sugar!!!! Do as I say, not as I do.
Long but productive damned night. I worked from traffic down clean past traffic up.

Was going to take the weekend off to take the twice-vaxxed small one trick or treating but there's Wu Flu about and she's afflicted with some sorta misery. I pity the fool that's going to administer the Wi Flu test. She's a lot stronger than she looks.

Bought my second push type reel mower, my second example of a Polaroid camera, and my third sewing machine. I think I might be approaching major collector status on sewing machines.

Picked up a couple of coffee table books on hot rods. I don't actually have a coffee table.

This sewing machine is Japanese, 1960s two-tone, works quite well and is probably the one I'm actually going to sew with just as soon as I remember how to sew. It's been 40 years. Learning how to use the typewriter is probably going to come quicker because I did that 35 years ago.

Bought a vintage hacksaw style saw with what looks like a hand cut teeth blade on it that is unfortunately useless.

But another tool box because I'm a major collector of tool boxes. This one I was able to align the edges while I was still in the store.

Tacos for breakfast because I managed to miss Taco Tuesday.
I have a lovely wooder chest which was allegedly a sea carpenter's chest. I don't know, but it's nicely made and all of its bits are present and accounted for. I'd like to redo it one day. Maybe.

Gotta lotta anvils.

I need a laser rust remover.

And I need to get some more household shit knocked out. But it's mejor que antes, so there's that.

Home. Grazing in. Did a bit of cooking. A wee bit. Enough to make enough grub to keep my stomach from thinking that my throat has been cut.

At the rate of production that the concrete guys have done since I've been there - and they ain't coming tomorrow in the rain (forecast) either, they will be done in time to get hammered for Saint Paddy's. Seriously. Wat did the maths. It's time for Jabba senior to have the supplementation talk with them.

Got some drain cleaner at the box store. It's not like I wasn't there anyway. This stuff said to let it sit, saying "overnight is best." Yes, I read the inskruckshuns. It's the tub drain. Hope (the fuck) it works.

All the mail was political ad crap. Every fucking shred of it. Motherfuckers!!!




Happy Friday. Hmmm, looks like rain. Most of the daylight hours, at least.

We may have a wire butcher, and we will likely have plumbers. And we will all but guaranteed be out of there by 4, which is sensible.

Got a full weekend already. Firearms, a road trip for anvil parts, and work around la casa. I was going to change the downstairs toilet anyway and I have it all together and ready to go, and damn if the existing one hasn't started running. It's time.

Time for coffee, too.



You know that there are free anagram generators online, right?

People use shit like that to cheat at Word With Friends.

Friends - because with whom else would one cheat???




I've caught burbot through the ice, had 'em freeze solid and then they start to wiggle when they thaw in the sink.

I've done that with a copperhead as part of a HS independent study (herpetology).
I had the sucker opened up and pinned down when he came to life.
It was cool seeing his beating heart. I recorded it with pencil and paper
and then I went all Mayan/Aztec on him...
Morning folks.

The disappearance of an annoyance is just a click away. If only real life were that simple.

Does it type each and everyone of those keyboard blasts out individually or just once and C&P? Is any one even interested in finding out?

Here's a link for you Champ. The guy is a statistician that digs into things with a critical eye. He dug into the "official" Wuhan Flu death reporting and found some interesting anomalies. He makes no conclusions but does open up some very interesting lines of questioning.

Do the numbers add up?

There are some other jewels in his various posts.
I'll finish that in a little bit, but it's nothing we haven't postulated.

I do note a spate of reports that were released with zero fanfare
where all sorts of "official" entities are revising their death tolls
downward. It reminds me of Fauci's AIDS (AZT) death inflation.
Yeah, I got rid of stupid immediately.

I think he's converting pictures to text to get his effect,
once and then C&P. Now the question is,
why not the Political board too?
Hey Johnny, what a week for Uncle Joe...

He announces a framework which did not work
and then he takes his globetrotter act to Rome
where he's looking as frail and feeble as the
Generals (and I don't mean our PC political ones).
I'll finish that in a little bit, but it's nothing we haven't postulated.

I do note a spate of reports that were released with zero fanfare
where all sorts of "official" entities are revising their death tolls
downward. It reminds me of Fauci's AIDS (AZT) death inflation.

Might want to add him to your reading list. It's like PJ media for math dweebs. :D
Hey Johnny, what a week for Uncle Joe...

He announces a framework which did not work
and then he takes his globetrotter act to Rome
where he's looking as frail and feeble as the
Generals (and I don't mean our PC political ones).

I wonder if he's reached the point where he throws a tantrum if they don't let him "drive" the plane?
He went from, "I want to be elected,"
to, "I want to be sedated!"

I think the only thing he gets upset over is if
his handlers don't set aside time for ice cream...
We've quite a blow going on this morning. Starting to get light out, so I assume the Sun is still lit. Or at least it was 8 minutes ago.