TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

Happy Tuesday!!!

Looks like rain. Too bad my concrete work isn't inside, but it isn't. That bit of our repair work may get postponed to next week. That'll just suck, but what can a body do?

Meanwhile, not much else going on besides coffee.





Hey, looks like I beat everyone up.
Woke up to more rain.

Tragedy on Broadway, no one wants to see
the Bill and Hill show...

It's an illusion.

No one ever went to sleep last night except for you.

I could have built the Taj Majal for the whirling that my brain did.

Actually, it wasn't that bad, but it makes a better story this way.




Plumb Purple Crazy

I slept from 11P to 2A.
A big improvement over last night
but it still leaves me feeling tired, run down...
I like that color. I'd have one. Either one. I'm not greedy. Much.

Yeah, that takes it outta a person.

If it rains, it'll make the rest of the attics bit easier because of lack of radiant heat from the sunshine.

It's really not hard to be positive. Too bad no one here knows that save for the Sentient Few.





I'm more like Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven...
The grocery bagger tells him, "Have a nice day!"

"Fuck you!"

I love the double standardization of our woke culture.
White boy is denied Harvard for saying things about minorities
that minorities say about white people in order to gain advantage
in admissions and hiring. What a positive direction to be heading in...
You know, saying the same damn lie over-n-over don't make it verity-fied.

I'm sorry, I jussie had to do that.

I am very much a very bad person.

And I would happily disembowel a Select Litster to demonstrate said assertion . . . .




Don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to...

That's when I talk to God,
You understand...

;) ;)

I'm trying to decide which I like the least,
Golf or women's soccer.
I like dispensing with the adjective.

Most forget that it's a wish, not a statement of fact.

Summer comes Friday. It's been a lovely spring.

If a bit damp . . . . :rolleyes:

As long as Our Girls keep winning, it's golf.

Anything regarding draining your balls into holes worth doing . . .

is called Fuck . . . .



Mini golf was a bad summer date when you had seen every movie in town.

Oh, the suction!!!




Didn't I say "disemboweled" earlier?

I hope so.

Okay, off to see what our weasels can do in the weather today.

Both good articles.

As to the first, anyone that has bothered reading the Founders would be well aware of the danger of big government.

I would say that I'm amazed, although no longer, at how cheaply so many are willing to sell themselves off. They stand around with their alms bowls making contented noises every time the government drops a penny in not realizing that they are in reality selling themselves into what can only kindly be called indentured servitude and effectively signing away their constitutional rights in so doing.

Now, I don't care if an individual wants to barter their rights and their lives away. "Just sign here and your college will be paid for." In a free nation the individual should be able to enter into such agreements. But when those individuals gather together and conspire to barter away my rights and freedoms then that is a step too far. The exercising of your rights and freedoms does NOT grant you license to infringe on mine.

There is something called the Observer Effect, you can't watch or interact in any way with something without changing it. So it's impossible for an individual to exercise rights without having an impact on those around them and when a group of individuals impose their rights it affects a larger part of the population.

So basically your screwed unless you're in the majority that squeaks loudest.
Home. What a day. Lots of weather.

The weasels were very fierce today. They dropped two trucks of concrete on the ground for the new parking lot, and then Allah dropped an asspot of rain on it all. Poor bastards had to work much harder to save what was there and to get it to look like something. And they got it done.

It was cooler today but felt as bad or worse because the humidity was through the roof.

Grazing. It's going to be an early night.




Grazing myself, salad. Haven't decided on what the encore is going to be. Healthy or junk? My taste buds are screaming "Junk" while my better self is thinking "Healthy."

If I do one of each do they cancel each other out? Like I never ate at all?
Hmmm, no!!! :D

The internet connection here is swallowing great gobs of gopher goo tonight. Slow as a motherfucker. :mad:

Good thing I ain't watching no Netflix.

I'm just chillin' . . . .



I had some issues with my ISP on Sunday. Maybe they're doing rolling brownouts and it's your turn.