Tucker Carlson's documentary suggests 1/6 was a false-flag op

Correct, because "alternative facts" don't exist.

There are facts, and there are things that aren't facts.

Only morons like you and other Deplorables believe differently. :)

And then there are things which are facts, but do not tell the whole story. They are cherry-picked to advance a narrative that is false and destructive. This is the standard operating procedure of the port side.
It is true. This is what is behind the silencing of conservatives on social media by big tech and the left. it is what's behind the firing of all Americans who do not comply with the vaccine mandate. It's happening in the military. Just like the Biden administration labeled parents "domestic terrorists" in order to marginalize them and set them up for federal prosecution, the military is doing the same thing with conservative patriots in the ranks. They want a totally politicized and compliant military that can be easily turned on Americans who believe in their founding principles. Just the other day the President sneered at Americans who believed in their individual freedom. He's the one pushing companies to fire employees who refuse the vaccine.

It has never been about the vaccine. Remember when it was Trump's vaccine? The democrats were totally against it. Kamala Harris said she would refuse to take the very same vaccine they demand everyone take. It's about control. It's about stripping our most fundamental individual freedom from Americans so that their illusions about the rest of their freedoms can be removed and reeducated into compliance to big government. It's a totalitarian plan for the subjugation of the American people. It's about surrendering the United States of America as we know it. Joe Biden is not working for the American people.

:rolleyes: You make it sound like martial law is coming.
And then there are things which are facts, but do not tell the whole story. They are cherry-picked to advance a narrative that is false and destructive. This is the standard operating procedure of the port side.

And of you--except for the "facts" part, of course.
If there were any real 'alternative facts' surely the lawyers for the defence of those being prosecuted would have mentioned them. They haven't, therefore, the 'alternative facts' is bullshit to sell a TV programme.
Most of those arrested for the occupation of the Capitol Building have histories of right wing political activism. I do not think they accumulated those histories to conceal their left wing sympathies.
And then there are things which are facts, but do not tell the whole story.

Which Lit Deplorables use ad nauseam, far more than any other members here. A perfect perfect example are some of the crime / economic / other stats they post re: race or party affiliation. :rose:
Which Lit Deplorables use ad nauseam, far more than any other members here. A perfect perfect example are some of the crime / economic / other stats they post re: race or party affiliation. :rose:

Yet another datum showing the left has no meaningful connection to reality.
If there were any real 'alternative facts' surely the lawyers for the defence of those being prosecuted would have mentioned them. They haven't, therefore, the 'alternative facts' is bullshit to sell a TV programme.

Once again, worry about the shit going down in LimeyLand!
Anyone who thinks those who invaded the Capital were false flags, are also ignoring reality.

A. The pice hasn't even run yet. We have no idea what it actually says.

B. The blame for entering the Capitol belongs with those who did so. That said, there is ample and growing evidence that incitement to do so was by agents of the government acting on orders from same.
A. The pice hasn't even run yet. We have no idea what it actually says.

B. The blame for entering the Capitol belongs with those who did so. That said, there is ample and growing evidence that incitement to do so was by agents of the government acting on orders from same.

A. I probably can't see it.

B. The government? At that time it was Trump's government.
A. I probably can't see it.

B. The government? At that time it was Trump's government.

A. Sure you can, just sign up at Fox Nation. It's cheap and has really good programming from some of the contributors.

B. The FBI was never Trump's.
A. Sure you can, just sign up at Fox Nation. It's cheap and has really good programming from some of the contributors.

B. The FBI was never Trump's.

It's blocked by my browser and anti-virus programs for being full of bots...
It's blocked by my browser and anti-virus programs for being full of bots...

Or just shitty UK technology! The Falklands is another great example of top notch British technology sitting at the bottom of the ocean!