Tucker Carlson's documentary suggests 1/6 was a false-flag op

Or just shitty UK technology! The Falklands is another great example of top notch British technology sitting at the bottom of the ocean!

And so is the updated US technology that was the Argentine's flagship. Who still owns The Falklands, asshole?
And so is the updated US technology that was the Argentine's flagship. Who still owns The Falklands, asshole?

I spent a lot of time in Argentina in the '80s. The Argies were still quite butthurt over that dust-up.
Correct, because "alternative facts" don't exist.

There are facts, and there are things that aren't facts.

Only morons like you and other Deplorables believe differently. :)

They do in the minds of those working for CNN and MSNBC who present alternatives they claim to be "facts" to the American people on a daily basis, as we all saw during the four year long Russian Collusion fairy tale. We told you they were lies from day one, but you held on to your alternative "facts," those lies you swore were true, because you both believed and repeated them as true "facts." When in reality they were lies manufactured by the Hillary Clinton campaign they knew you would accept without reservation, as "facts", because they knew you lacked intellectual rigor and would readily accept another fairy tale in your life to go along with all the others they would you up with.:rolleyes:
I spent a lot of time in Argentina in the '80s. The Argies were still quite butthurt over that dust-up.

It was totally unnecessary and an attempt by their then President to divert attention from his internal mismanagement. His actions killed many Argentine youngsters who had no idea where The Falklands/Malvinas were, and were very unhappy to be there.

If US efforts to defuse the situation had been successful, and they nearly were, no lives would have been lost on either side. But once the Argentine troops were on British soil, and their government refused to withdraw them, the UK had no option.

In wider terms, if Argentina had been allowed to get away with it, many countries throughout the world could rely on a flimsy case for a claim, and everything might be up for grabs.
:rolleyes: You make it sound like martial law is coming.

I wouldn't put it past him or his communists advisors, but it's too late. The American people are poised to rise up in a state of defiance that will call Joe's bluff. The Democrats are about to drown in their own shit. Right now there are 9 hard votes against Joe's agenda in the House, all on the Democrat side. The squad actually kicked Nancy Pelosi out of their caucus meeting yesterday. She is a crippled lame duck Speaker, and the Squad are in no shape to take on the people of the United States. Joes dreams are fast becoming a lost cause.
They do in the minds of those working for CNN and MSNBC who present alternatives they claim to be "facts" to the American people on a daily basis, as we all saw during the four year long Russian Collusion fairy tale.

You know it's no fairy tale. The Russians did meddle in the election, on Trump's side, and they were in communication with his campaign. All we don't know is what Trump knew about it at the time.

We still don't know what Nixon knew about what CREEP was doing before the Watergate break-in hit the papers -- but it was his responsibility.
You know it's no fairy tale. The Russians did meddle in the election, on Trump's side, and they were in communication with his campaign. All we don't know is what Trump knew about it at the time.

We still don't know what Nixon knew about what CREEP was doing before the Watergate break-in hit the papers -- but it was his responsibility.

No there was no collusion by Trump or his campaign with the Russians, period. It was a lie, and a conspiracy for which people in the Clinton Campaign are going to be prosecuted.
There has to be, all of his plans are Marxist in nature. He isn't aware of a totalitarian scheme he isn't down for.

Nothing in any bill he has presented to Congress is "Marxist in nature." They don't even qualify as social-democratic.
It was totally unnecessary and an attempt by their then President to divert attention from his internal mismanagement. His actions killed many Argentine youngsters who had no idea where The Falklands/Malvinas were, and were very unhappy to be there.

If US efforts to defuse the situation had been successful, and they nearly were, no lives would have been lost on either side. But once the Argentine troops were on British soil, and their government refused to withdraw them, the UK had no option.

In wider terms, if Argentina had been allowed to get away with it, many countries throughout the world could rely on a flimsy case for a claim, and everything might be up for grabs.

Fucking British Imperialism!
You know it's no fairy tale. The Russians did meddle in the election, on Trump's side, and they were in communication with his campaign. All we don't know is what Trump knew about it at the time.

We still don't know what Nixon knew about what CREEP was doing before the Watergate break-in hit the papers -- but it was his responsibility.

The Russians did meddle, nobody disputes that. Many Russians were expelled and others charged. There was no evidence that Trump conspired with Russians to rig the elections, Hillary DID!!!!
Yea, but Trump let a Russian hoar piss on him in a hotel room in Moscow.

I'm inclined to believe the "pee tape" story, but not that Trump has that fetish. He just wanted to defile a bed Obama had slept in. He's strangely obsessed about Obama.
I wouldn't put it past him or his communists advisors, but it's too late. The American people are poised to rise up in a state of defiance that will call Joe's bluff. The Democrats are about to drown in their own shit. Right now there are 9 hard votes against Joe's agenda in the House, all on the Democrat side. The squad actually kicked Nancy Pelosi out of their caucus meeting yesterday. She is a crippled lame duck Speaker, and the Squad are in no shape to take on the people of the United States. Joes dreams are fast becoming a lost cause.

Biden is president, he has absolute power.
There has to be, all of his plans are Marxist in nature. He isn't aware of a totalitarian scheme he isn't down for.

I recall the RW spent 8 years saying that about Obama. It was bullshit then, at all times in all ways, so why should we believe you now?
Correct, because "alternative facts" don't exist.

There are facts, and there are things that aren't facts.

Only morons like you and other Deplorables believe differently. :)

Which Lit Deplorables use ad nauseam, far more than any other members here. A perfect example are some of the crime / economic / other stats they post re: race or party affiliation. :rose:

Check out the responses to these two comments.

They left Deplorables at a complete loss for a proper retort. ;)
I'm inclined to believe the "pee tape" story, but not that Trump has that fetish. He just wanted to defile a bed Obama had slept in. He's strangely obsessed about Obama.

Typical of a leftist to believe in something for which ZERO evidence has been produced.
:rolleyes: You make it sound like martial law is coming.

What is this about if the Biden administration is really all in on vaccinations:

AMERICAN NEWS Oct 28, 2021 3:56 PM EST
Democrats strike down COVID testing requirement for illegal immigrants
On Wednesday, the proposal made by Red. Marianette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) that would require a negative COVID test for any illegal migrant before being released from custody was blocked by 217 Democrats in the House.

On Wednesday, the proposal made by Red. Marianette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) that would require a negative COVID test for any illegal migrant before being released from custody was blocked by 217 Democrats in the House.

The proposal, called the REACT Act, was introduced twice this year, the first time being in March. On both occasions, it was blocked by House Democrats, despite a record-level surge in illegal migration over the summer of 2021.

"Today, I offered my REACT Act on the House floor, which would require DHS to give a COVID test to everyone crossing our border illegally. The majority chose to block this common-sense bill that would ensure the health and safety of border patrol and border communities."

"To quote directly from the report: 'CBP does not conduct COVID 19 testing for migrants who enter CBP custody and is not required to do so.'"

All people making an illegal crossing of the Channel in small boats receive a jab on arrival. Some have been quoted as saying that is one of the attractions of coming to the UK. They also get a free health check for any existing medical conditions.
Typical of a leftist to believe in something for which ZERO evidence has been produced.

It's a rumor. One chooses to believe it or not according to inclination, as with any rumor. The court of public opinion is not a court of law.
Watch out for the beam in your own eye, US asshole. How many places are now US colonies in fact.

Couldn’t fucking tell ya. Didn’t know we had any “colonies!”

The failed Imperialist British Empire is a joke!