Tucker Carlson's documentary suggests 1/6 was a false-flag op

Couldn’t fucking tell ya. Didn’t know we had any “colonies!”

The failed Imperialist British Empire is a joke!

Hawaii, Costa Rica?

The British Empire ceased to exist by giving the countries to their own people before you were born. When are you giving back to the Native Americans?
Hawaii, Costa Rica?

The British Empire ceased to exist by giving the countries to their own people before you were born. When are you giving back to the Native Americans?

When are you giving England back to the Welsh?
When are you giving England back to the Welsh?

When you give New York back to the Dutch who then give it back to the American natives.

PS. I AM Welsh. We have colonised England, and Australia, and New Zealand and there are Welsh-speaking communities in Patagonia too. You will even find Male Welsh choirs in the US.
When you give New York back to the Dutch who then give it back to the American natives.

PS. I AM Welsh. We have colonised England, and Australia, and New Zealand and there are Welsh-speaking communities in Patagonia too. You will even find Male Welsh choirs in the US.

I'm a Georgetown alum. For some reason, the alma mater is to the tune of "Men of Harlech."
It's a rumor. One chooses to believe it or not according to inclination, as with any rumor. The court of public opinion is not a court of law.

It's a lie perpetrated by people who understand people like you.
Not martial law.

It's way worse than localized martial law. It's about trashing federalism and imposing over arching federal dicta over every aspect of the country. It's about conspiring blue state governors willing to start the ball rolling.
It's something that could easily be true and probably is, based on Trump's petty and vindictive character, and you know it very well.

Trump's personal history had nothing in common with the kind of vile accusations Hillary perpetrated on the American people.
Trump's personal history had nothing in common with the kind of vile accusations Hillary perpetrated on the American people.

There was never any need for HRC to embellish Trump's personal history. It is vile enough as is.
It's way worse than localized martial law. It's about trashing federalism and imposing over arching federal dicta over every aspect of the country. It's about conspiring blue state governors willing to start the ball rolling.

The expansion of federal power is like the expansion of presidential power -- an irreversible rachet. Deal with it.
As Greg Sargent of the Washington Post noted on Twitter Thursday morning, "Their collective agreement to pretend the lies about 1/6 and 2020 are true is best understood as a collective unshackling of themselves from any obligation to abide by future election losses -- the precondition to overturning them by whatever means are necessary."

Sargent was responding to reports that Tucker Carlson of Fox News plans to do a "special" to amplify conspiracy theories that the January 6 insurrection was a "false flag" operation. As with the claims that the 2020 election was "rigged," it's important to understand that not only does Carlson not believe this, neither do his viewers — even as they eat up and repeat these conspiracy theories.

We know this for a very simple reason: The same people making claims that January 6 was a "false flag" will, depending on the situation, flip around and make the contradictory claim that the insurrectionists were patriots and martyrs. It's why Carlson will claim one minute that QAnon is a myth liberals made up to smear conservatives, and then the next minute defend the very real QAnon as a bunch of freethinkers resisting liberal hegemony. It's how MyPillow CEO-turned-fascist-propagandist Mike Lindell can keep moving the date for Trump's miraculous reinstallation in the White House without most of his followers starting to ask questions about why his predictions never pan out. It's why Republicans aren't rattled by the failure to turn up any real incidents of "voter fraud" for Biden. It wasn't something they ever believed to begin with.
Trumpism is just fascism by another name, and the rhetorical game-playing of fascists is a subject that's been well-scrutinized. Semiotician Umberto Eco wrote in his 1995 analysis of fascist rhetoric, fascism is "a beehive of contradictions," because the point is to destroy rational discourse. To the fascist, Eco writes, "Thinking is a form of emasculation" and should be rejected in favor of a raw will to power. And, of course, there's the popular quote from philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre about how fascists "know that their remarks are frivolous" and they "are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words."
Trump's personal history had nothing in common with the kind of vile accusations Hillary perpetrated on the American people.

But, dayum, ya gotta admit that ol' Hillary sure did nail it with her succinct description of the Trump movement.

That Deplorable label stuck like roaches caught in a glue trap. :D
It wasn't.

Funny that Fox News is distancing themselves from it now.

That whole promo was such an overdramatic dose of bullshit. Gitmo? Seriously? What a crock of shit that Fucker Charlton spews regularly
Hawaii, Costa Rica?

The British Empire ceased to exist by giving the countries to their own people before you were born. When are you giving back to the Native Americans?

The “Native Americans” fought amongst themselves for as long as they existed! They killed other tribes, took their land etc. Back in those days, the only rule of law was, whoever had the biggest gun wins. They lost!

“Costa Rica?????” WTF are you talking about???

Typical bloody, bloke Limey!
There was never any need for HRC to embellish Trump's personal history. It is vile enough as is.

Hillary Clinton and her husband have vile personal histories of their own. She went to foreign shores to employ agents provocateurs to defraud the people of the United States, in order to fix and American presidential election, and then to conspire to undermine and sabotage a lawfully elected President. Nothing in Trump's record even begins to rise to her level of destructive malevolency. Nothing on the level of what she did has ever occurred in our history. All involved belong in front of a military tribunal looking forward to a life or death sentence. My opinion.
Hillary Clinton and her husband have vile personal histories of their own. She went to foreign shores to employ agents provocateurs to defraud the people of the United States, in order to fix and American presidential election, and then to conspire to undermine and sabotage a lawfully elected President.

You're not talking about the Steele dossier, are you? :rolleyes:
I notice that the idea of a false-flag 1/6 does not appear to have died out even now.