Twenty Somethings

lost 2X returns

Hi Everybody,

sorry for neglegting you guys a bit. Something so uninportant as the real life collided with my online habbits for quite a while. But now I`ve set my priorities right and am back ;-). It took me a while to catch up with you, good thing that I am home sick and do have a lot of time on my hands :).

@Muna it is nice to see that my favorite readhaired mountain godess is still here, and you have gotten a new avatar. It is quite... distracting - in a good way though. If just I couldn't make out which book you are reading, could you maybe send me a larger version *looking innocent*
@Shigi: Add another Canadian to the tally. I'm from Ontario, but doing time in Montreal.

I know where my 20s are going: gooooo grad school.

Here's hoping it's worth it. I like writing smut a lot more than scientific papers.
welcome starlightqueen!

wow this thread has become slow.

Is there anybody out there?
23. Pretty sure I fit in here. With some 100+ pages of posts I'm not about to read the entire thread. I did notice the finishing college / grad school theme though. I'm in more of the "don't forget the mortgage payment" mode though.

I'm somewhat envious of the folks who did the college thing. At the same time though, being 23 and having recently purchased my second home isn't a bad position to be in right?
Hi to the four of you!
I hope this thread get's revived now that there are some new people on here. Everybody else seems to be on lit-holidays.
I'm glad I can finally post on this thread. I guess I've been looking forward to being able to post on it for quite a while. I meant to post on my birthday, but I guess I'm a bit belated.
Hi Kokopelli,

welcome in the 20's and a belated happy birthday.
Hi I'm 23. This is my first post on Lit. I've been reading stories on this site for a while, since I was about 18 or 19. I finally got the balls to join the forum. :D
What I find tough about being a twenty-something is that its sometimes tough being on the cusp of adulthood, so much pressure about whats going to happen in your near future.
I wont feel old until im in my 30's. Not that 30's are old, but seemingly in your 20's you can still get away with more.

Great Corey Smith song...."maybe next year"
petition for reanimation

Hi Twens,

I herewith start a petition to reanimate the twenty somethings thread... come on let's get new life into this dying thread... I start feeling like a lonely twen

What I find tough about being a twenty-something is that its sometimes tough being on the cusp of adulthood, so much pressure about whats going to happen in your near future.

Oh, God, that. Yeah. I've become personally convinced that all the adults who are telling us that they had their lives sorted out by their 20s are lying. Or grew up in the video game Oregon Trail and had only three jobs to choose from. (Darn them.) Me, I'm 25 and I only figured it out a couple months ago.

The other hard part is being adult enough to know better than to get drunk--but having absolutely no idea how else to meet people. Most twentysomethings are either 1) getting drunk, or 2) already married and spending time at home. (Or, 3) single and sober, but so discouraged that we all stay home on the Internet instead.)

some fictional newspaper headline said:
Scientists, Perplexed, Return to Study of Asteroids
your avatar is ehm... distracting ... in a good way

Hi Munachi,

nice of you to stop by again. How are things in the capital? Has anything special happend in the time I've been gone?
I'm still trying to grow up... more or less successfully :)... and am still at the university.

Hi Watson,

welcome to the club :). So are you seriously saying you have your life figured out?!? That's impressive :eek:.
Mine isn't quite... and honestly I don't really want it to be for another few years. Somehow a lot of responsibility seems to come with a "figured out life"... which I don't really want to have just yet :rolleyes:.
By the way... that is a nice avatar you have, too. But somehow I think it is not you.. ;) . Are you male or female?
Hi Munachi,

nice of you to stop by again. How are things in the capital? Has anything special happend in the time I've been gone?
I'm still trying to grow up... more or less successfully :)... and am still at the university.


hi... the capital is rainy with gray skies, but else okay, it seems.
i'm still at university too, though i now am done with my exams, yay! only the magisterarbeit left...
Oh, God, that. Yeah. I've become personally convinced that all the adults who are telling us that they had their lives sorted out by their 20s are lying. Or grew up in the video game Oregon Trail and had only three jobs to choose from. (Darn them.) Me, I'm 25 and I only figured it out a couple months ago.

The other hard part is being adult enough to know better than to get drunk--but having absolutely no idea how else to meet people. Most twentysomethings are either 1) getting drunk, or 2) already married and spending time at home. (Or, 3) single and sober, but so discouraged that we all stay home on the Internet instead.)

hm well not sure i agree with that - first of all i don't know if we should know better than to get drunk - if it isn't throwing-up-passing-out-making-a-complete-fool-of-oneself drunk, then i don't see the problem with getting drunk every now and then. on the other hand, if you have no idea how to meet people without getting drunk, then that is a problem no matter what age you are (also as a teenager, or in your thirties, or whenever)... and if the people in your area all fall into one of these three groups then it must be your area that has problems, not the age group, because none of the people i know (except the few ones that are married) fall into these groups...

actually, i think i meet less people when drunk than else. the only thing for which i meet people most likely when drunk is one night stands - and there once i am sober i usually realize (or realized, back when i did that type of thing) that they were the type of people i'd only do anything with when drunk...