Twenty Somethings

Munachi said:
oh... well then... will remember to masturbate every day.
and remember
pix or it never happened ;)

as for everyone else
any new people from up here in Canada land?
I found that the early 20s, whitch im now early to mid 20s (23) that i found it hard to know what i wanted from my life and i have just decided that it may be time to go back to college/uni for more education as i want to do something more meaningful with my life. I have found it hard to be taken seriously, but the fact i dont go to any work related things is another thing, i dont like popularity contests, i dont want to be popular, more to the other way for me, the more un-popular i am the better i feel.

I just want to find my place in society, be needed and (pos' dia-ambiguity) have a good job and good health, that will suit me, i like my own company, but like to be in company, but not the centre of attention.

What i am trying to say is, in your early 20s its hard ro try and find your own way in life.
oh, i KNOW it happened. i felt it and stuff.

and soon i will be too old for this thread. i feel older than my own great grandmother today, somehow.
I finally got a labret piercing. I got it Friday afternoon. Both my friend and I went in and I went first cause I wanted to show my friend I wasn't going to punk out. Surprisingly, it did not hurt at all. It stung a little, but it didn't hurt. I hope to get a picture or two up of it to show you guys soon.
I can't remember and I'm too lazy to check previous posts of mine, but did I mention I've been living on my own renting an apartment since May? This is going to be an interesting winter for me since I actually have heat. So far my electric bill has only been in the $25 and $30 range per month because I work 3rd shift so I don't need anything but the fridge on. I'd imagine the bill will go up due to heating for the winter, and the last few winters have been pretty cold.

Also, originally we were going to get shut down at the end of the week, but they decided to keep the department open til the end of the month. I just hope I don't get laid off. I think I can BARELY afford the rent and bills while collecting unemployment, but I would also like to use the time to attend a class or two if I can do it. Might see if I can't take a loan out to pay for the classes so that'll give me more money towards food and such. We'll just have to wait and see.
you can get grants and financial aid that will help with schooling cost and living cost. check with wherever your looking to go to school.
well here the nice thing is, that so far university is still for free (except for an administrative fee and the public transport fee), and for the first nine semesters you get money calculated on what your parents earn (i.e., you are entitled to like 500 or 600 euros per month, and if they calculate that your parents can't afford that, then they give you those or part of those) of which you only have to pay back 50 % after your studies... someone like me who has been in university for seven years by now, doesn't get that kind of state support of course...
over here you can get some grants pretty easy
and student loans you only have to fib a little bit to get them
I've gotten over 25k in loans and because I come from a low income family I only have to pay about 18k back or less, I think its down to 16k now
Welcome to the rest of you.

As far as loans and grants go, unfortunately the first time I went to college, I screwed up on my grades. I was working 2 full-time jobs and I guess I wasn't thinking straight. So, until I get my grade point average back up to like above a 2.0 or something like that, I have to pay out of my own pocket. I'd borrow from the bank, but I already have a loan out on my car, which I am trying to pay off ASAP. Right now I am thinking about moving back in over to my mom and step-dad's once my lease is up so that I can have more money in my pocket, and get my car loan paid off quicker. Plus, I only have to give them $125 a month as rent, opposed to $400 a month here.
yeah thats always good they're willing to let you move back in
mine did, thankfully I don't have pay rent
just keep the house in order
hm i am not sure i agree it is a good idea. yeah, it saves money - but living alone is an important experience, and from what i remember you mentioned in this thread, living there wasn't conflict free. do you live alone or in a shared place right now? maybe you can find something a bit cheaper rent-wise?

car loans aren't common here - living in the middle of a big city with a good public transport system means that you don#t really need a car. i don't even have a driving license.

the good thing about the loans/grants here is they aren't connected to the grades (except after graduation, you can get another discount on the fifty percent you have to pay back, if you graduated with very good grades, i.e. you might end up only paying 30 or 40 percent back). and they are enough to live off as long as you don't buy expensive stuff all the time. so theoretically you don't have to work...
You're right, it wasn't exactly conflict free, but I honestly don't remember all the bullshit that was going on except my step-dad giving me grief about college, not living on my own and being 23 years old at the time. I live in an apartment complex that resides in a community of 6 complexes owned by some company that has about several communities in different parts of Ohio and probably the rest of United States as well. I live by myself in a 2-bedroom apartment. I'd gladly get a roommate to help with the costs, but aside from my step-cousin, I'm not really close with anybody and my step-cousin has just recently moved into a rented house with his g/f and her kid, so that's out of the question. As far as money goes for cheaper rent, I think this is the cheapest I can get, plus I didn't have to put down $400 deposit. That's the thing I hate about finding places to rent, having to put down 2 month's worth of rent upfront, only the first month gets paid and the other "month" is a deposit. Paying my mom and step-dad $125 a month would definitely be the cheapest, but I dunno. I'll just have to wait until I get to that bridge.

I work with a guy who said back when he was younger and went to college, credits were only $15 an hour. Cheapest I've found is the community college and that is going for 3 credit hours of $381 total. It includes lab fee, but not the books.
Around here people often share without knowing each other beforehand. For example, I used to rent a two room apartment and sublet one room to someone else. First I stayed with a girl I knew from school, but when she moved out, I put up ads at various parts of university (we have boards for that) and met up with the people that called, to see who is nice and I could imagine living with them. Of course in such a case there is always a risk for conflict - but that is there when moving in with friends, too... Cheapest is of course to rent a place with four or five or more rooms and share with that many people, but I never shared with more than one other person, because I am not that much of a group person...
To take from entitled:

Perks: Getting carded (but I'm only 22) and yeah that's all I can think of now

Downfalls: People asking me if I'm 16 (NO! Are you 61??), my mom still being on my back about everything even though I'm an adult (I guess that's a downfall of still living at home), getting carded (I'm only 22).

That's about it for now- if I get more then I'll post 'em. Thanks for starting this thread!