Two questions

Isn't twelve talking about the illustrated poetry guide thread? I'm wondering if white or rye is refering to Uncle Buk's Ham On Rye.
No idea, but what is his meaning for zeitgeist, and yours for that matter. and what does art and craft have to do with all that?
looked at zeit: very good ...geist: ghost or spirit
.. therefore excellent entity ...extrapolate further... holy ghost?
Zeitgeist means the spirit of the times. For example, there was a zeitgeist in the 1960s that had to do with love and rejecting one's parents' values. A lot of young people caught that zeitgeist and changed their life as a result.

I'm not sure when the term came into use, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were 1930s Germany.There was a definite zeitgeist there. Anyone? Derivation of zeitgeist? Bueller?

PS I'm voting the pun is with "rye" which could be read as "wry" or rye whiskey. 12?
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That's one of the meanings it's a beer and a religious movement too; do you know there is a zeitgeist Jesus? Wasn't once enough for him?
Zeitgeist means the spirit of the times. For example, there was a zeitgeist in the 1960s that had to do with love and rejecting one's parents' values. A lot of young people caught that zeitgeist and changed their life as a result.

I'm not sure when the term came into use, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were 1930s Germany.There was a definite zeitgeist there. Anyone? Derivation of zeitgeist? Bueller?

PS I'm voting the pun is with "rye" which could be read as "wry" or rye whiskey. 12?
ooh, good one, now I'm out punned
I probably stole it from a comic book
but don't tell mr. b, i'll never be able to look at him with a straight face again
That's one of the meanings it's a beer and a religious movement too; do you know there is a zeitgeist Jesus? Wasn't once enough for him?

Well yes but to the best of my knowledge the meaning I stated is the one in most common use, now. Generally, not necessarily regionally. :)

ooh, good one, now I'm out punned
I probably stole it from a comic book
but don't tell mr. b, i'll never be able to look at him with a straight face again

Made me think of this? :D
looked at zeit: very good ...geist: ghost or spirit
.. therefore excellent entity ...extrapolate further... holy ghost?

Zeitgeist was a philsophical term, often attributed to Hegel but he apparently never used it, he used the term der Geist seiner Zeit or spirit of the time.
The power in the bulb thread is Champagne

The zeitgeist is spirt of the times.

The second amendment is the right to bear arms and the pun is loaded. Shooking cork from a champagne bottle?
The power in the bulb thread is Champagne

The zeitgeist is spirt of the times.

The second amendment is the right to bear arms and the pun is loaded. Shooking cork from a champagne bottle?

I thought I remembered some past whiff of that "zeitgeist" word though I couldn't place it. And then I was reading the Wiki last night and I saw Thomas Carlyle (the bane of my undergraduate literary study) popularized it in his "Great Man Theory," which is all about the difference between men and heroes. He discusses that idea at length in his incredibly boring novel Sartor Resartus, which would put the first real attention to the term in mid-19th-century England.

Bogus? Did you have to read Carlyle as a young student? I have to tell you that by the time I finished that novel (and some of his essays) I was ready to toss him and Goethe (though it wasn't his fault) in the Thames.

but 12vie said he got it from a comic book....Great Caesar's ghost!
No idea, but what is his meaning for zeitgeist, and yours for that matter. and what does art and craft have to do with all that?
craft is the ability to cut down a tree with a power saw without killing yourself or your neighbors, art is when you make a bear out of the stump. Literotica's woods are full of artists, stumpy bears killing themselves and their neighbors. Zeitgeist auf gang mit glee und gangly, or as Anna once said "Outen der lights", as for the bulb, did it really want to be screwed by you, or was it a case of screwing the bulb before the bulb screwed you. Either way, there are terms for these such things, scary terms, such as Afflatus, Assonance,which the US Supreme Court just ruled on and often they are prime examples of, and Onomatopoeia, which they put you on a list for...
so why do you write?

MODERATORS -this is not spam, just me, riffin on that wonderful spam they used to write to break though the fire walls, but you can delete if you want.
NSA - Onomatopoeia is a code name for Osama, datamine the rest.
Literotica - go find similar posts to this.

now my question is after Face fuck book 999, do the numbers roll over again?
Bogus? Did you have to read Carlyle as a young student? I have to tell you that by the time I finished that novel (and some of his essays) I was ready to toss him and Goethe (though it wasn't his fault) in the Thames.

but 12vie said he got it from a comic book....Great Caesar's ghost!

I read Chartism by Carlyle (because we had to), along with Das Kapital and The Condition Of The Working Class In England. Then Goete, Balzac in literature. Not much went in though. Far too Victorian for my tastes. Too long winded and convoluted language. Suicide is preferable to going through that again.:eek:
serious answer harry
craft can be defined as the skilful use of a tool, to a certain extent in can be measured, poetry uses a variety of tools, art can be a successful intersection of the use of those tools, but art more often is a value judgement, like good or bad, here I get flippant again, so if someone says it's Art, how much do you value their judgement.
trust no one,
two trust even less
three they may have a point
and at five I'll generally go along
and then plot
but 12vie said he got it from a comic book....Great Caesar's ghost!

Great Caesar's ghost! was from Superman, Superman was from Nietzsche.

It was the Hulk, Zeitgeist make Hulk angry, Hulk smash Zeitgeist, and then he would go off on an existentialist rampage all the while spouting Camus. It's not easy being green.
How do you follow that. Funny though. Never read Camus, oversight or fortune? I like green, not sure about zeitgeiste but I can spell it. So was the hulk mad at a beer, a pseudo religious group, or people joining in enlightenment?
Camus's The Plague is a must read like Orwell's 1984 and Kafka's The trial.
One out of three's not bad for me. Thanks, not hot food, more like granola. I'll put them on that long list.. Read the preface to Dorian Grey by the way; he had a lot to say about art also, whatever medium it possesses.
If you loved Plato, you'll like Camus
No, if you loved Plato. You'll love Haiku

see the shadows on the wall
a dance of meaning
why is the one finger up

now outta here before Kaishaku shows up and cuts my head o
No, if you loved Plato. You'll love Haiku

see the shadows on the wall
a dance of meaning
why is the one finger up

now outta here before Kaishaku shows up and cuts my head o
How did you manage to fuck up a 5,7,5 haiku. is this one of those moving away from the form things you talk about?
How did you manage to fuck up a 5,7,5 haiku. is this one of those moving away from the form things you talk about?
must have been a bad translation from
Basho pokes a frog's ass in the Paris Metro Station
(which for future reference, some anon will accuse me of stealing from)

shadows on the cave
the play and dance of meaning
big finger pops up

no season reference, more important no mora, no kanji
no ganja, no mora, mora, bora-bora

besides you can't write an english haiku, french maybe

and I never talked about moving away from form, more often it would have been make your own damn form up.

anybody here ever read C.K. Williams?
besides you can't write an english haiku, french maybe

Nah, just Japanese. From what I understand the poem relates to/plays on the symbols it is written in. Therefore the haikus are multi-layered in a way they never can be written in any other symbols but kanji.
Nah, just Japanese. From what I understand the poem relates to/plays on the symbols it is written in. Therefore the haikus are multi-layered in a way they never can be written in any other symbols but kanji.
thank you, I was joking about the french
Basho pokes a frog's ass in the Paris Metro Station

There is also a huge degree of "coding" like culture references, and ambiguity, which if you noticed, I used in the fake title, but if pressed, I'll deny it.
and I should never listen to you, I actually started work on my tripsch poem, which besides being totally offensive to just about everyone, is just fucking weird, even by my standards, or lack thereof.
I was joking about the french

I gathered that but am too hung over from a party to be witty and I have a bee in my bonnet about haikus, especially written in English, they are boring and crap.

Un corbeau
se déplie en vol
nuit tombe​

(absolutely no idea if that is any good. The marvels of computer translations. Far too early for me to ahve a bash at translating french myself.)

my tripsch poem, which besides being totally offensive to just about everyone, is just fucking weird, even by my standards, or lack thereof.

I don't know 1201, your standards are low but not rock bottom..............yet!

Well, I've woke up in Amsterdam and I'm off to the Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk and maybe the erotic museum and then I'm going to an exhibition opening of a friend this evening. I'll end up art fatigued and sloshed and hopefully sexually molested (by a woman hopefully!):eek:
I have a bee in my bonnet about haikus, especially written in English, they are boring and crap.
Have you read Oneiria

I don't know 1201, your standards are low but not rock bottom..............yet!
Highest low standards I've ever seen.