Two questions

Un corbeau
se déplie en vol
nuit tombe​

(absolutely no idea if that is any good. The marvels of computer translations. Far too early for me to ahve a bash at translating french myself.)

I don't know 1201, your standards are low but not rock bottom..............yet!

Best french haiku, I've ever seen! I can't do it justice, but the idea of finding a vole in your tomb...
I'd like to see a LOL cat haiku.
Little cat, furred white
Outside my window screaming
Lord love a duck, shut up
not a true haiku (laughs as Bogus frowns)
5,7,6 moving away from the form :D
In response to OP, my work is very rarely autobiographical. There's so much more to write about than just me, and I'm more interested in creating something beautiful than something that is a representation of me personally.
Yes and no

and I don't know why
just some poems come from my experiences
and some don't
and all of them suck, in my mind,
but I keep trying

and I over-share all the time.
and I don't know why
just some poems come from my experiences
and some don't
and all of them suck, in my mind,
but I keep trying

and I over-share all the time.
that is a good attitude
and thank you for leaving comments, dive a little more into specifics (in the comments)