Under-18 fantasizing allowed at all?

Hey, LK.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned a school teacher that I thought was from PLeasanton, and I said that I thought he was shafted because he did nothing wrong. Even so, he was convicted of molesting children and is doing a stretch in state prison. Do you remember that case
Boxlicker: No, I don't remember it. But I never pay much attention to the news, I don't like the way media warps things.
Svenskaflicka said:
I was never in the bedroom with Michael Jackson and those kids, so I don't know what he did or did not do to them.

Until he says plain out: "I fucked with them", I'll think of him as not guilty.

Ah, balance in my world!

Yet, this admired comment aside, no one actually answered my question. MUST I thread it?

Agree though, we all have different maturity levels. Interesting, and the closest to my answer yet.
Svenskaflicka said:
I was never in the bedroom with Michael Jackson and those kids, so I don't know what he did or did not do to them.

Until he says plain out: "I fucked with them", I'll think of him as not guilty.

Obviously, he is denying it and is going to deny it the way Bill Clinton, until and unless absolute proof is produced that he did "fuck with them". With him, actually because he is only accused of molesting one child. I don't know what the proof might be, testimony from the boy, and maybe from some others, including the one who was paid off, and maybe DNA from semen taken from a rectum or saliva from a penis.

Even if he never laid a hand or anything else on the kid, I still say that a 45 year old man who likes to sleep naked with children is a pervert of some kind.
Pots, kettles and the colour black

Boxlicker101 said:
Even if he never laid a hand or anything else on the kid, I still say that a 45 year old man who likes to sleep naked with children is a pervert of some kind.

I'm guessing that someone who claims to write the "dirtiest stories" on Lit could be said to be a pervert, and that's not just hearsay.

At the age of ten Jacko was richer than everyone on Lit put together. And you expect him to have a 'normal' psyche?

Obviously even this is no defence but, until he is proven guilty on any charges of which he stands accused I'm with Svenska. Even then, with my jaundiced and possibly innaccurate view of the American 'legal' system I'll still be skeptical unless he signs a confession (sans beating).

And where the fuck do you get the idea that he forced any child to partake in anal sex?

Box, I find your gratuitous and graphic displays offensive (even disturbing, to me), and obviously needless in this 'discussion'.

Re: Pots, kettles and the colour black

gauchecritic said:
I'm guessing that someone who claims to write the "dirtiest stories" on Lit could be said to be a pervert, and that's not just hearsay.

At the age of ten Jacko was richer than everyone on Lit put together. And you expect him to have a 'normal' psyche?

Obviously even this is no defence but, until he is proven guilty on any charges of which he stands accused I'm with Svenska. Even then, with my jaundiced and possibly innaccurate view of the American 'legal' system I'll still be skeptical unless he signs a confession (sans beating).

And where the fuck do you get the idea that he forced any child to partake in anal sex?


:) Without quetion, some people would consider me, you, Flicka and everybody who writes or reads on this site to be perverts. There are those who believe that persons who have any kind of sex for any other purpose than producing childgen are perverts. I disagree with them but I concede they have a certain point. :cool:

I believe Jacko did what he is said to have done but I will wait until he is convicted before calling him guilty. He will never sign a confession but that won't necessarily keep him from being convicted, and it certainly won't prove his innocence. Onlhy the testimony of his accuser and whatever evidence is available will prove his guilt. We don't know what evidence is available but we will find out.

I have no idea what happened in that bed and neither do you and neither does Flicka. I mention one of the possibilities, and there are others. If anal sex occurred, and there is no reason that I know to believe that it did, it would be child molestation whether it was forced or not.

No, Flicka, I did not see him, but that is how Jacko says he sleeps.
perdita said:
Box, I find your gratuitous and graphic displays offensive (even disturbing, to me), and obviously needless in this 'discussion'.


What graphic displays? Gratuitous, I suppose, because I am not being paid anything for my opinions but they are not graphic. I'm sorry if I have offended you but I have read many posts on many threads that are far more graphic than anything I have said here.
Boxlicker101 said:
I don't know what the proof might be, testimony from the boy, and maybe from some others, including the one who was paid off, and maybe DNA from semen taken from a rectum or saliva from a penis.
The words "child molestation" are sufficient. Your graphic example was gratuitous. Noting that you've read more graphic posts was I daresay cowardly, or at least unmanly.

perdita said:
The words "child molestation" are sufficient. Your graphic example was gratuitous. Noting that you've read more graphic posts was I daresay cowardly, or at least unmanly.


:eek: I am sorry if I offended you or anybody else but the words I used are medical or anatomical terms and are used in dewsapers and other widely read publications.:confused:
Box, I truly believe you don't mean to offend, yet it is so difficult to make you understand that you do, even if only me ('we' have a brief history here). Don't you get that using those medical, journalistic, whatever terms in the context of child molestation simply brings up too awful images and thoughts? Perhaps I'm too sensitive to this, so I'll back off.

thanks, Perdita
LipstickKiss said:
Mental maturity comes at different stages, but the general public seems to agree that most people are mature at age 18. Hence the laws, because you cannot make law for each person specifically.

Pedophilia is a different matter than attaction to a 16 or 17 year old. When I was 15, I was mistaken for being 18 all the time. When I was 13, I was mistaken for being 15. And not because I wore tight skimpy clothes, because I just find those uncomfortable for the most part.

I am a very affectionate person. I hug my friends. I kiss some of my friends on the cheek. Most people like affection (once they get used to it) and so it should become more commonplace.

And I love children. Children need affection, if they feel neglected or unloved then it will grow to greater problems later in life.
Couldn't agree more! :)

Today, I was sitting in the mall, waiting for my wife to drop, and thinking over a story I have started that is a sequel to two others when it occurred to me that I had described sex with a 16 year old in one of the first stories. This was written before I got onto Lit. and I didn't think about it when I submitted. :( The story was "Ruthie Calls on Me", and it describes how, after she got married at 16, Ruthie was deflowered by her new husband. To call the description of the deflowering "Nonerotic" would be too mild; if there is such a thing as "anti-erotic", that would be more accurate. Even so, she was only 16 at the time, and the sex act is described.:mad: