USS Dark Fire OoC

Hora will say more, but I thought Reeves or anyone else can address the new Ensign Cook data.
On earlier posts:
Ambassador M’Chel figured something out about P'Jem and humans

Also Astrophysics figured out a lost klingon coming back and blowing up.

Does Hora know about these reports?
yes, she'd have a report about the Klingons waiting after the meeting was adjured.

Ambassador M'Chel is still investigating The Human/P'Jem situation she'll provide a report when she'd done.
This is the one I was asking about:

P’Jem Holodeck.

But P’Jem was a Place of Vulcan Meditation, it was a Monastery. It didn’t have Holodeck. It didn’t even have a EMH on file. Yes it had once been a listening post to spy on Andoria, but that had ended centuries ago.

That had been the results of another Experimental ship with a human Captain and a Vulcan science officer. Sha Ka Ree! Grabbing a data pad she made a quick search Query: P’Jem. First Human.

Looking at the file she nodded. Of course!

The "of course" moment. LOL. Also, did the crew members die during transport because of the mimic aliens in them?
Here are my thoughts:

I'm not sure who should win the boxing match? Hora is stronger than a human and she is determined to win.

However, during the fight... Reeves can tell her what she did wrong in the fighter simulation. She will address Chief medical officer position. She wants to put Dr L'Sa in charge. She will also state that it is time to call deep star nine. See what they can learn... and start thinking about retaking the station.

We can also end the boxing in a tie (dual knockout?) or both of them are so bloody they call it a draw. The important part is afterwards... Hora and Reeves will be laughing and trusting each other better.

Reeves quarters are set for the climate and conditions of Vulcan. Plus a little. Hot and heavy. He has it this way so L'Sa doesn't get weaker in earth ship normal, and it makes him stronger and more tolerant of heat, and endurance.

He'll box if she wants to, but he is a trained hand to hand combatant, and served in the military aspect of Starfleet
FYI... Hora did not know Lt Sol was in a containment field. If the silver parasites know what is happening... Hora trick will not work. They could also try torture to get her to tell them the release code. (ouch!)
and Reeves took a projectile to his stomache, but he hasn't realized it yet (overonfidence) strikes again.

Time scaling will slow during this encounter.. about 2-4 minutes per timecode instead of normal 15-60 minutes.
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