Veroe's idea box

Maybe I should talk to my other half and see if we can postpone getting that TV... Doesn't sound like a very appealing appliance. And a pricey one at that.
Well, if you're buying one that you can hook up the internet and if you have Netflix or another online movie provider it could be a nice addition of technology.
I wouldn't go that far...

plus citing me as an example pushes you more towards strange than away from it.

Strangeness is only relegated to the oppinion of those around you, my friend.

If you were the only sane man in a room full of lunatics and we did a poll of which of you is the strangest they would all point to you. If strangeness is not conforming then I consider it a virtue.

What I'm trying to say is you're far from strange. The rest of the world just has to catch up with you.
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It's nice to know that insanity is subjective

So Veroe, how do you juggle real life and writing? I feel like since I started working over a year ago, my ability to write has been drastically reduced. Where do you find the inspiration?
It's nice to know that insanity is subjective

So Veroe, how do you juggle real life and writing? I feel like since I started working over a year ago, my ability to write has been drastically reduced. Where do you find the inspiration?

Oh I know its tough.

You just have to make the time to write at least one post for one thread a day if not a day every 2 or 3 days no more. With one reserved for socializing with your writing partners or just other litsters here in the lounge. If you get to know your cowriter well enough to know what turns them on the two of you together will work a thread so the scenes and dialogues flow easily. Also if you're like me you go to work go to eat at mcdonald's or somewhere and be working out in the back of your mind what you want to do with this scene you're on.

Its like all writing the occasional block may happen but you can't let it stop you. Stick to the discipline, if you're blocked on one thread switch to another, but write atleast one post that day.

Oh and my experience with my thread with Asa which uses shorter more concise posts than most of my longer posting threads has taught me, is that a thread with light writing per post can help knock loose a pesky writer's block or two.

But really it comes down to you sitting down and telling yourself I'm gonna write something today god damnit. On this thread or another I'm gonna write something today. Every writer's block because you're tired or busy or had a really crappy day is an opponent that will not let you proceed unless you deal with it with the iron will of discipline. You have to stand up to whatever mental obstacle is stopping you and stare it in the eye and punch it squarely in face again and again shouting I will write something today and it will be brilliant and you're not gonna stop me. Do it over and over again until that writer's block finally gets out of your way and the words start coming to you.

I find an easy thing to get the ball rolling is copy and paste the last thing your character said in your previous post and then proceed with how your partner responded to that and then write what your character's response would be to that and suddenly you find yourself (Miracle upon miracle....drumroll please) WRITING!!!!

Take that RL with your crappy job, crappy busy day, crappy headache, crappy dog peeing on the carpet, crappy smoke alarm on a low battery chirping at 3am and waking you up so you got little to no sleep the previous night...I am writing, and I won't be stopped.

You have to be strong, determined. If you doubt your own voice's value the writer's block will win. You have to believe you have something to say and its worth writing and nothing will stop you from doing just that today.

You have to be a little narcicistic. I'm not saying be a jerk that's full of yourself and will spew your arrogance at anyone and everyone, but be certain of your own worth, love your own writing voice, read what you have written without cringing. Read it with an objective eye. Say it wasn't perfect, but it accomplishes this and this, and that is great, that will make your cowriter pleased even eager to write a response.

Be strong. Be confident. Above all be relentless.
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Wow that was encouraging. So that's how you hold down so many threads! Thank you for that advice.
Thank you Veroe & VT for this topic

I should have asked that question of you before Veroe your answer has helped a lot.:rose: I sat down and made myself write but was not consistent and I am blocked again.

I know what I want for LP but cannot get it down on paper.

Tomorrow I shall simply write it and see where that takes me.

I have dreampt it in exquisite detail it is conveying that in words where I am stumped

getting the atmosphere, the subtle nuances of their interaction, the tension i am wanting as I envision them :eek:

*hugs you close*:kiss:

Please forgive the typos I am on my phone in bed...took a bad fall on the ice while trying to save the discus/angel fish I was carrying home lol
I hope you didn't hurt yourself Yeishia. You need to take care of yourself too!

And Veroe, if you've the time to spare (and your post of the day is taken cared of - priorities first!), my ulterior motive for stopping in, was because I wanted to bounce an idea off of someone.
I hope you didn't hurt yourself Yeishia. You need to take care of yourself too!

And Veroe, if you've the time to spare (and your post of the day is taken cared of - priorities first!), my ulterior motive for stopping in, was because I wanted to bounce an idea off of someone.

* giggles * I just knew you had one VT.

Just a badly sprained wrist and back that will heal.

I am off to sleep if I can no luck so far... Have fun both of you. :rose::rose:
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Thank you Veroe & VT for this topic

I should have asked that question of you before Veroe your answer has helped a lot.:rose: I sat down and made myself write but was not consistent and I am blocked again.

I know what I want for LP but cannot get it down on paper.

Tomorrow I shall simply write it and see where that takes me.

I have dreampt it in exquisite detail it is conveying that in words where I am stumped

getting the atmosphere, the subtle nuances of their interaction, the tension i am wanting as I envision them :eek:

*hugs you close*:kiss:

Please forgive the typos I am on my phone in bed...took a bad fall on the ice while trying to save the discus/angel fish I was carrying home lol

You would be stumped if this were a novel and you were all alone to write it, but thats the beauty of doing these RPs you're not alone.

So write it without fear of falling short Yeishia. Trust me to catch you where you don't quite get the nuance and atmosphere. We're partners in LPR so after you've written it PM me with what you didn't quite get, and we'll see if in my response I can't just push the scene over that little bit to where you want it. If I miss it, no worries, you'll have another crack at nailing it.

So just let it be what it is and trust in the partnership we have to fill in the holes it leaves behind.

I hope it wasn't too bad a fall, Yeishia.
:kiss: to make it better.
I hope you didn't hurt yourself Yeishia. You need to take care of yourself too!

And Veroe, if you've the time to spare (and your post of the day is taken cared of - priorities first!), my ulterior motive for stopping in, was because I wanted to bounce an idea off of someone.

I'm always open to be your sounding board, VT, send me a pm of your idea and we'll see if I can't help you iron out any wrinkles in it.