Virility Crisis Alert

Re: Men driving trucks

cbrmale said:
Am I being controversial?
Not at all, Cbr. Most women I know joke about this. We see a guy in a "big" (might only be big in status) car and think small dick.

Cars and men in America: ¡Aye carumba!

Re: Re: Men driving trucks

perdita said:
Not at all, Cbr. Most women I know joke about this. We see a guy in a "big" (might only be big in status) car and think small dick.

Cars and men in America: ¡Aye carumba!


OK, perdita, I get that part.

My question remains. Since my 5 foot nothing wife bought the big SUV is she
a) making a public statement about the size of MY equipment
b) doing her own femine comp thing about being short
c) finally getting to see over everyone, when most of her life has been spent looking up noses. ;)
Old, absolutely!

I'm 5'4" on a good day, standing as tall as I can, and sitting in a sedan makes me feel as if I'm driving down a crevice when I'm on the highway. When my office was 28 miles from the house, I convinced my husband to buy a Rav4--well, a Rav3 actually, I guess, since it's a two-door and a back that opens. FINALLY! I can see what's coming down the road. (And it ain't pretty, friends! The stories I could tell.) And I can brake in time now!

(On topic: I love John Carroll and read him daily in the SF Chron. One of his daughters is an aerialist with Cirque de Soliel. I can't even imagine how I'd get through the day knowing my daughter was an aerialist!)

Blows a kiss to those who need (or even just want) one!
Re: Re: Men driving trucks

perdita said:
Not at all, Cbr. Most women I know joke about this. We see a guy in a "big" (might only be big in status) car and think small dick.

Cars and men in America: ¡Aye carumba!


There is certainly some truth to that. For me, I drive and have driven larger cars (and trucks) because I am a big guy. Not so much tall as I have broad shoulders. If I'm driving a smaller car, I can't move my left arm.:(

When we built our house, I made the builder put in doors that were four inches wider than what he wanted to. I have to turn sideways for a two foot wide closet door. Same with hallways, Added a foot.


Built for comfort not for speed.
Huh, must be like the people who were in this house before us. We have a shower a person can dance in! (As well as do other things in! No shortage of space for two people. We like to speculate about the previous owners--especially since we bought the house during their divorce proceedings.)
Re: Re: Re: Men driving trucks

The_Fool said:
There is certainly some truth to that. For me, I drive and have driven larger cars (and trucks) because I am a big guy. Not so much tall as I have broad shoulders. If I'm driving a smaller car, I can't move my left arm.:(

When we built our house, I made the builder put in doors that were four inches wider than what he wanted to. I have to turn sideways for a two foot wide closet door. Same with hallways, Added a foot.


Built for comfort not for speed.

Yes, part of the problem is that small cars take a crowbar for me to get into, while a truck, even a mini van like our Aerostar has a lot more room in it, and is more comfortable than our Escort for me. Also as the Aerostar is only slightly smaller than a regular van both me and the wife can see over the traffic in it. Actually, most trucks don't interest me in the slightest, and that's especially true when it comes to Pickup Trucks. Pickup Trucks are work horses, and if you have one all of your friends want to borrow it, and you when they move, haul lumber, or other large objects. So why in the hell would I buy a Pickup Truck just so that I could work free for somebody else at some back breaking job? And by the way, my penis is the same size seated in the Escort as it is when I'm in the Aerostar. We're just more comfortable in the Aerostar is all as the Escort cramps us up like sardines in a can.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Back when Microsoft stock options were actually worth something, the must-have vehicle for the suddenly affluent nerd exec was a Hummer. Not enough to just have one, it had to be painted an outlandish color, purple or orange or something. One I used to see frequently was a robin's-egg blue ... looked like a UN Inspection Team roaming the neighborhood. As you can imagine, it's a necessity to have a military offroad vehicle in the manicured suburbs of Redmond.

Me, I own a battered old Fiat convertible and drive it about once a month (when it starts), except in the summer ... more cars than people in this country. Ridiculous.

P.S. Perdita, the thing I miss every Sunday about living in the Bay Area is the Chronicle ... our papers up here are such crap.
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There are actually two Hummers here in our town, one is yellow and one is red. Less than 30,000 people live in our town, so we definitely aren't a hotbed for anything.
Greed versus dick size........

15 cars/vehicles for 6 people.......... not counting boats, atv's, snow mobiles, motorcycles.

Truly-I am 6'6" tall. One son is also. Smallest kid is 5'11" - daughter. Spouse is runt of litter........ 5'4" tall.

I will not fold myself up for tiny cars. I will make myself fit in my turbo! Goes fast!

If you had all the funds you wanted, and could afford to buy any set of vehicles, would you not buy for fun. Drive based on mood!

House is just over 12000 sf. Separate bldg for gym, pool, racquet ball court, and weight room. Does not count house in Beaver Creek, Oregon, loft in Dallas.

I can, kids are spoiled rotten. I & spouse are spoiled rotten. Including ultra toys for my business.

Best part...... have a big dick too!

Excessive...... so what. We give upwards of a mill a year to homeless shelters, salvation army, united way, and others.

So it goes from there. Definitely enjoy life.

Will this cause concern with the readers/posters here?

Re: Greed versus dick size........

mtnman2003 said:
15 cars/vehicles for 6 people.......... not counting boats, atv's, snow mobiles, motorcycles.

Truly-I am 6'6" tall. One son is also. Smallest kid is 5'11" - daughter. Spouse is runt of litter........ 5'4" tall.

I will not fold myself up for tiny cars. I will make myself fit in my turbo! Goes fast!

If you had all the funds you wanted, and could afford to buy any set of vehicles, would you not buy for fun. Drive based on mood!

House is just over 12000 sf. Separate bldg for gym, pool, racquet ball court, and weight room. Does not count house in Beaver Creek, Oregon, loft in Dallas.

I can, kids are spoiled rotten. I & spouse are spoiled rotten. Including ultra toys for my business.

Best part...... have a big dick too!

Excessive...... so what. We give upwards of a mill a year to homeless shelters, salvation army, united way, and others.

So it goes from there. Definitely enjoy life.

Will this cause concern with the readers/posters here?


And Jesus said to them; "See the woman there who has given the two copper coins? I tell you this, she has given more than all of those who made a great fuss about their extravegant giving as they gave little of their wealth while she gave everything that she had.

Just a thought, but you might want to give a couple more million next time. I'm sure the money won't go to waste.

Re: Greed versus dick size........

mtnman2003 said:
15 cars/vehicles for 6 people.......... not counting boats, atv's, snow mobiles, motorcycles.

. . .

I can, kids are spoiled rotten. I & spouse are spoiled rotten. Including ultra toys for my business.

. . .

So it goes from there. Definitely enjoy life.

Will this cause concern with the readers/posters here?


It doesn't cause ME concern. Not in the same league, but my kids are definitely indulged when it comes to material things, because we can. What I won't indulge in, though, are bad manners and mistreatment.

Hijacking the thread a little here. I think it is humorous when a guys virility does seem attached to his vehicle. I don't think it's humorous when they take that big vehicle and drive rudely.

My kids go to school with teenagers whose first cars are BMW's, Luxury SUV's and Sports Cars. I could care less. But the way some of those 'preppies' treat others is sinful. As DS points out, writing the check is not the guage of good, bad, or ugly. It's the sentiments that surround it.

To paraphrase a popular saying about guns, "It's not Big Trucks that cause problems, It's the nut behind the wheel."
Totally random point: One can have 4 wheel (or at least all-wheel) drive in a car as well. I myself would never buy a truck or one of those monster SUVs for environmental and personal reasons. (Where I come from, if ya gots a truck, you's a redneck. Or else you live on a farm. *grin*) But I still have all-wheel drive, which I need just to get out of my driveway if it snows.
Hmm.. I've driven (and owned) everything from clapped out old bangers that are older than me to big SUVs to full-size pick ups to flash red penis-extension sports cars.

Each served its purpose at the time - Got me, my passengers and our stuff from A to B.

Raph, who just got rid of his old Astravan (It's a UK thing) - And yes, it really was white

p.s. Mhari's AWD comes courtesy of the WRC-winning combination of Colin McRae and Subaru (Back when Colin used to drive for Subaru)... And my god it's fast, and corners like it's on rails.

Warp Speed Mr Sulu
raphy said:
p.s. Mhari's AWD comes courtesy of the WRC-winning combination of Colin McRae and Subaru (Back when Colin used to drive for Subaru)... And my god it's fast, and corners like it's on rails.

Warp Speed Mr Sulu
*grins* And I didn't even put it through all its paces for you!

I try not to give my passengers whiplash... ;)
Hmmmmm....Mhari and Raphy whipping around there's a show I'm sorry I missed.

Careful around those curves, you two! :kiss: