
I hope I didn't chase anyone off, with that last post. But, some people just need a push, now and then.

Below, is a good site. Snopes.com is good, but it is mainly for checking for those stupid email viruses that say "there is no cure"..."tell all of your friends". Now, THAT is the cheap virus. Unsuspecting people send those emails on to others, and everybody panics and deletes some needed file, because some email told them to. I have about 15 different sites like snopes.com. Actually, those emails are becoming more obvious each day, with how they are worded.

Anyway, the below link is a government site. The department of Energy. It is updated pretty well, and keeps you "in the know" about things. It might look cluttered, at first glance, but it is full of info, when you get to understand it. Check it out. OK?

An additional step, but very important- when CERT, McAfee, Norton, or even the local news mention that MS has a "hotfix", "service pack", or the like- please go to microsoft .com and install them.

The last round of virus's exploited known errors in the operating system, which would not have been vulnerable had the affected systems been updated.
