Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))

I think the rest of us should board. The tempest can attack.

Thought we were sleeping in the inn for the night. Oh well, it makes more sense for it to be on the ship. That way when it gets attacked we'll be right there for it. I'll write a post having those of us still stuck in the tavern move to the ship for the night.
When this tempest does strike I think we should describe the ship having some cannons and have some of the crew(not us!) get killed by the tempest.

To make writing this scene more easy I'm going to post what Veroe posted on the crew of the Silverpike:


Capt. Merrelle Saldea: Half-orc female, 10th lvl gunslinger fighter. Pistol and rifle, trickshots
Eyes of the Blue Sea: Tabaxi female, 8th lvl Swashbuckler Rogue. Scimitar and dagger
Dresdell Crestopper: Gnome male, 7th lvl Eldritch Knight. Twin shortswords, warmagic.
Orreck Halland: Human male, 8th lvl Storm Sorceror, Storm sorcery

Unnoticed crewmen so far.
Jarl Hammerfist: Goliath male, 7th lvl, Berserker Barbarian, Great hammer.
Orrellin Logbottom: Halfling female, 7th lvl, Scout Ranger, Rifle and shortbow.
Danara Veneris: Human female, 8th lvl, Phantom Rogue, Rapier and dagger
Merritt Saldea: Human Male, 9th lvl, Champion Fighter, Greatsword-husband to Capt. Saldea
Eremei Valindesar, Sea Elf Female, 7th lvl, Soulknife Rogue, Throwing Daggers
Averice Hardrowe, Tiefling male, 7th lvl, Drunken Master Monk, drunken martial arts.
Endo of the coast: Tabaxi Male, 7th lvl, Beast Barbarian, fangs and claws.

That's a VERY big crew and there are 6 of us on top of that so if we all worked together with the crew and they did have cannons it actually would make sense that we could take down such a powerful beast. I'm just sure a good number of the crew would die in the process.

Here's the stats on the Elder Tempest again.


And here is some artwork I've found of the thing so we can describe it well.


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Okay I posted. I got us set up for the fight with the elder tempest. Me tusk and priscilla are below decks just outside where Verity is bunked. And once we deal with old Tempy Halland should settle back down into his normal sane self Verity was being entertained with the night before. Tempy's presence is agitating the storm trapped inside him.

Also I had it use the Thunderous roar stunning attack from my defunct storm serpent idea as soon as it came out of the portal, which is the only time it'll use it so just say that your character made the con save involved, but we're the only ones who did. So when we come out to fight it we'll look like the big damn heroes while all the pirates are still struggling to shake off being stunned.

Also Tempy will be a tough fight for level 7 characters so in the beginning stages of the fight have it drop air and water elementals for us to tangle with like it was fighting a pokemon battle with us. That way we'll look impressive to Saldea and the crew.

And that's all I have to say, unless one of you guys wants to chime in.

Oh other than everybody roll initiative.:D
I posted. I also sent a PM to TheQueenofCups and ProfLittleGiant so they don't miss out on the fight.

I used the spell summon undead. I told you I would use it again! :D

I also had dust mephits be what got sent against us. I went with them cause I'm kind of a fan of using lesser known monsters. Also we are up against an Elder Tempest so I wanted to use something weaker cause the main bad is going to be hard enough as is!

Here is the stat sheet for them and I had seven of them show up.

Was waiting for the fight to be over before raising this but its a little slow right now so here goes.

I think we'll use a milestone leveling system, which raises the question what are the milestone.

first milestone: defeating the Sea Fury and finding the secrets of Marquel Lepenne's tomb beneath Darktow. She's using the tomb as a lair.

Second: defeating Evandrine Dawnspire, Jon's crazy ex girlfriend paladin.

Third: To be determined.

What do you guys think? I want to include at least one milestone to provide alot of juicy drama for each of your characters.
Good work JSB. Throwing some Mephits into it was a nice touch. Should be interesting for us to fight.

Oh and the wind and rain will cause ranged melee attacks, namely my character's attacks to be at disadvantage. So Jaena's skills with a bow might not be a real benefit for us in this fight.
Was waiting for the fight to be over before raising this but its a little slow right now so here goes.

I think we'll use a milestone leveling system, which raises the question what are the milestone.

first milestone: defeating the Sea Fury and finding the secrets of Marquel Lepenne's tomb beneath Darktow. She's using the tomb as a lair.

Second: defeating Evandrine Dawnspire, Jon's crazy ex girlfriend paladin.

Third: To be determined.

What do you guys think? I want to include at least one milestone to provide alot of juicy drama for each of your characters.

Something relating to me becoming a new kind of Warlock for sure. Maybe the Sea Fury has a Marid stuck in a jar that she is using for power, or a Kraken. Whatever it is, it gives her great power, but against its will and it is hidden away in a deep and complex maze under the water full of traps. By finding this item we take away a lot of the Sea Fury's power so this would be done before we fight her and it would be done to weaken her.
Milestone is fun. Not sure what the third should be we can look at everyone's backstories and figure out what would be the best for the third.
All, I can contribute to the fight at some point tomorrow - setting up my spells so I've got a sense for what Verity will do.
All, I can contribute to the fight at some point tomorrow - setting up my spells so I've got a sense for what Verity will do.

Ok when you do get your spells set up post them here so we'll know which ones you have and also post which ones you do cast during the fight here so we'll be able to describe the effects of them without contradicting what you wrote without having to dive into the Players handbook for it.

This is our first chance to try out the coordination system we were talking about so we're all on the same page in this battle.
Not sure what all this "coordination system" is, but here's my DDB page for brevity's sake: https://ddb.ac/characters/41228299/6S3EaO

Yeah that phrase: "Coordination System" kinda got away from me there. I'm not exactly sure what I meant either with it. :rolleyes::eek:

ddb.ac/characters/41119556/ECmTMV for spells and abilities of which there are not a great many of martial quality, but Thunderwave + Hellish Rebuke will be go-tos, I think.

Thanks. When you use a spell just try to mention that you did here in the OOC thread so everybody will know it.

I'm just afraid someone will contradict your post by not realizing Verity just cast a spell because they weren't reading it closely enough.
It has been a long time since ProfLittleGiant posted and he never got back to me when I sent him a PM. Has anyone heard from him?
My post will have Tashas' Hideous laughter on a Mephit near Jon, in hopes of giving him something to hit.
I used my Healing Light to try and heal the fallen Goliath. Two of the Mephits were killed by my skeleton so that makes five to go.

I then had the Elder Tempest show up and kill Jarl Hammerfist, the Goliath. Wanted to give this big bad a big introduction.

Sucks that it seems like ProfLittleGiant is out of the game. I do think we should have at least one more guy player so we should try to get someone new to join.
Posted guys. I had Jaena have a bad turn (Anyone playing D&D would recognize a turn that has someone repeating the word shit from their own personal experience), but she now knows her bow and arrows are pretty much a liability under these conditions.

Also I worked hard on trying to include everyone just to give everyone but mostly myself an idea of where everyone is.

Her arrows narrowly missed hitting Verity and and struck one of the crates Priscilla was hiding behind.