Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))

damn that's way too challenging than what I had in mind...can it be just a junior tempest instead?
Also I would feel Priscilla would possibly draw a Dagger on our paladin. She is a girl from the Skew
damn that's way too challenging than what I had in mind...can it be just a junior tempest instead?

Well, it has an intelligence of 2! That means it can be out smarted. I would imagine using some good distraction could save our butts. Also, with it being so dumb it maybe charmed in someway by the sea fury. So maybe hitting it a few times, or casting remove curse on it will free it from the spell on it.

But yes, it could also be a weaker version. Going off the mythology suggested in Mordenkainen's it is an elder elemental, which simply is a normal elemental that fed on so many other elements over time it became God like. In this case air elementals. That would mean there would be different power levels of it. I would imagine the older it is, the more of its own kind it has eaten, the stronger it is.

So it could be one that just hasn't been around that long.
So it's pretty much a bigger badder version of an air elemental?
So it's pretty much a bigger badder version of an air elemental?

Ya, like demons they gain power by feeding off their own kind. Its one that has been around forever and is the high point of their kind, brought forth out of the air plane only ever to bring about the end of humanity.

Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes is a great add on book for 5e. I pretty much have all the main official books. :D
And I only have the monster manual.

My problem is tempest creature doesn't really fit what I had in mind...well maybe it could if I let go of my idea.
Hi all, I think I've contributed. I think I've got the threads all subscribed so I have that added notification as I've another thread on a bit of a hiatus and I have to retrain my brain to check in here.

Verity will flirt with anyone and everyone. She likes attention, but not where seeking it would be rude. She will sleep with any gender or race or size where that can be made physically comfortable, and happily has done, but she is thoughtful about it. She will find an NPC as required to sate her appetites instead of risking real emotions.

She does have a significant romantic preference for men, given a particular human in her past she has a fraught, hot, developing rivalry with. She wouldn't pursue anything long-term until she's dealt with that unless Extremely Sufficiently Charmed.

She will be curious and kind about Diva'ss interest in her, it's all an adventure to her, and she doesn't mind. She has insight enough to not toy with her or push things without respect. This is true with everyone.
I think I've come up with a really good idea for my character AND a cool idea for this first fight we have coming.

Okay, so the first fight on the ship happens and we actually do fight an Elder Tempest. It's a fully empowered one, challenge rating 23 and everything. It is indeed FAR to powerful. We give it our all, fighting it with everything we have, but we are over whelmed. It gets ready to hit us with a lightning bolt, ending us all for good. Diva'ss prays to Erathis for help and then suddenly a massive tentacle comes out of the water and knocks the beast aside. A kraken! comes out of the sea, smacks around the tempest, and sends it running(we will fight it again down the line when we are strong enough for it). The kraken does not introduce itself or explain its actions. Once it saves us it goes back into the sea.

Time passes and over the course of our story it becomes clear the kraken is actually fallowing us. It could even save us once or twice more. After a significant time Diva'ss just becomes sick of the mystery and asks the beast to explain itself.

It does. Krakens(in the forgotten realms mythology at least) were originally pets and tools made by and used by the Gods. This one served Erathis, and since they were simply a kraken and seen as a tool of war, Erathis used the kraken to fight and kill countless demons. The kraken would die in its war against demons only to be brought back from the dead by Erathis to fight some more. Erathis saw nothing wrong with this because this was what krakens were made for and it needed to be done to stop the demon hordes. In the end the kraken was killed and brought back 100s of times and it grew to hate Erathis.

Now that it has its freedom from its Goddess it wishes to fight against her. It saved the ship because it wishes to bring Diva'ss over to its side. Diva'ss is left dumb struck, as the deaths the kraken was forced to have seem to be beyond justification. Diva'ss starts to question her faith as a result and over time she becomes a fathomless warlock and stops worshiping Erathis and comes to worship and serve this kraken.

And there you go, character ark! Thoughts, input? Good way to take the character and does it make sense Erathis would have done this?

And yes, I do kind of want to have a tentacle sex scene with Diva'ss and the kraken, but of course I wouldn't do such a scene unless everyone was 100% good with it.
I mean, it sounds good to me. It doesn't look like anyone's characters are mutually interested in fucking each other anyway. Maybe we just write our own sex scenes with NPCs?
I mean, it sounds good to me. It doesn't look like anyone's characters are mutually interested in fucking each other anyway. Maybe we just write our own sex scenes with NPCs?

Like I said, I think the problem is everyone is flirting lightly with everyone.

I think Priscilla and Jaena have something good going. And Diva'ss would be pretty good with a one night stand with Tusk, Jon or Verity, she would just need them to suggest it and be pushed into it a little.

In any case, I'm having fun, that's all that really matters! :D:D:D
The first rule of playing D&D is to have fun. If you're doing that then your playing the game right.

Same with SRPs if you're having fun with it then you're doing it right.
The first rule of playing D&D is to have fun. If you're doing that then your playing the game right.

Same with SRPs if you're having fun with it then you're doing it right.


Hey Veroe, what do you think of my Kraken idea? Is it a go or a nope?
Hey so I am planning on having Jon "chase" Diva'ss and all that, with the goal of having our inaugural sex scene. If anyone wishes to chime in before that happens, please do so soon.
Hey so I am planning on having Jon "chase" Diva'ss and all that, with the goal of having our inaugural sex scene. If anyone wishes to chime in before that happens, please do so soon.

Ya, the idea we've ran by each other is he's going to come to my room on the ship to apologize for ignoring me and I'll feel flattered to be so wanted for a change. So Diva'ss will flirt back a bit and then ask him to make it up to her and then we would do a pretty simple sex scene.
Well I do like the idea of the tempest being teased as a threat to face later.

As for the Kraken...I don't know. It could work I suppose but I worry that it feels like it will take some of the suspense of the story if every one reading along wonders why not have them do what they did against the elder tempest.

What does everyone else think?
posted. I may go back and clean up some grammatical errors I made but its late and I can do that tomorrow.
Well I do like the idea of the tempest being teased as a threat to face later.

As for the Kraken...I don't know. It could work I suppose but I worry that it feels like it will take some of the suspense of the story if every one reading along wonders why not have them do what they did against the elder tempest.

What does everyone else think?

Good point there. Didn't think of that. For the first little while it would be fallowing us and we wouldn't know its deal, but once it is revealed we do end up having a kraken body guard. That can have it problems...


I suppose the way to solve it is the BIG BAD, whatever that may be, casts banishment on the thing and it becomes stuck in the water plane, not able to return. Like, when the main bad can beat a Kraken you know you be doomed.
It might work if instead we have say tusk use divine intervention and Serenrae calls in a kraken to help us out that way but its a one time deal since divine intervention is one of those things that work only a small percentage of the time anyway.
@Shadowlace: I was going by your character artwork you posted way back. Jon of course has no religion-related conflict with dating, sex and all the rest. And he believes the Gods' power is unaffected by mortals; rather, their INFLUENCE is what is felt daily in everyone's lives.
@Shadowlace: I was going by your character artwork you posted way back. Jon of course has no religion-related conflict with dating, sex and all the rest. And he believes the Gods' power is unaffected by mortals; rather, their INFLUENCE is what is felt daily in everyone's lives.

I know she does have tattoos but it's a thing. She has all the Known gods tattooed on her body. She doesn't like the fact she has them. She is self-conscious about it.

As for the religion, she mostly stays away from religious types as she has had bad experiences with those wanting to "Cure" or "Help"
Hah well Jonny wouldn't wanna ruin a potential good thing by doing stuff like that, although I imagine that those bad experiences had more to do with wanting to cure or help with shit that THEY wanted to, not that was actually wrong with her. Perhaps a possible relationship/character development could be built on how Jon treats her as an equal in all things and doesn't repeat those same shitty things that she's seen in holy men before?