Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))

I liked the post spitballing, but I'm just trying to get the geography right. Tusk and Jonathan are going down a street towards the docks and diva'ss after just leaving the docks is following after them now?
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I liked the post spitballing, but I'm just trying to get the geography right. Tusk and Jonathan are going down a street towards the docks and diva'ss after just leaving the docks is following after them now?

Lol, just realized that. Also, in case anyone is confused, I gave PLG permission to sort of "god-mod" my intro a bit cause I won't be available today...but it turns out I will be? Confused nerd noises. Ahem. Anyway.
I liked the post spitballing, but I'm just trying to get the geography right. Tusk and Jonathan are going down a street towards the docks and diva'ss after just leaving the docks is following after them now?

Ya, I felt if a fight broke out my character couldn't just ignore it. Like, they are law bound, they CAN'T ignore that stuff. So yes, they are following after them.

And thanks for posting the map. :D

We are just starting, but I did notice Tusk moved Jonathan a little in his post, which is clearly fine. But before we get to far into this and if it does become an SRP I just wanted to point out, I really can't handle my character being moved in an SRP by a different poster then myself. It really makes me uncomfortable. So if any player needs me to do something, or they don't like how my player is acting, please PM me and let me know and I will work with everyone here. Just don't move my character. Just had to put that out there.
Oh I just thought of something we need to figure out what oceanic monsters or island-based monsters out there in D&D we can come up against as well as some twists for the pirates characters.

Oh and magic items. We need to figure out what magic items we already have and some we can get as loot later on. So think about some stuff that is helping your character to do the stuff they are good at or maybe covers for the stuff they're not good at.

So any ideas?
Oh I just thought of something we need to figure out what oceanic monsters or island-based monsters out there in D&D we can come up against as well as some twists for the pirates characters.

Oh and magic items. We need to figure out what magic items we already have and some we can get as loot later on. So think about some stuff that is helping your character to do the stuff they are good at or maybe covers for the stuff they're not good at.

So any ideas?

Well, we HAVE to fight this Sea Fury. The creature is from the Wildemount rule book so she shouldn't be to hard to run. I for sure think she should be a main bad and pop up a lot. A leviathan(from the book Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes) would be perfect to bump into in this setting. It would be scary as hell though.

I think we should all agree that we can all shear the monsters we fight.

As for magic items, I kind of like the idea that Diva'ss has been down on her luck, thus why she has gotten almost killed a couple of times and feels like she could use some help. So she doesn't have any magic items yet. I think maybe down the line she could be gifted by her Goddess a flying two-headed battle axe that would fight by her side. That would be very fitting, but she would have to earn it.
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Seeing as Jon is a Paladin but he's a seafaring one at heart, perhaps his armor could be imbued with a spell that allows him to control his own buoyancy? If it's not in any of the rules, let's have that be our inaugural homebrew item, yeah?

Also, Spitball, I love how your character is like "is this lawful good paladin who would sooner wrap me in a warm fuzzy cloak of protective energy than murder me a threat to my safety?" So adorable and endearing, in a way.
I like the sea fury idea, also its reported the revelry pirates have a dragon turtle that protects their island. So those two can be some major encounters we'd have to face.

I was thinking to simulate random encounters they can cross a ghost ship, or a sahaugin boarding party that work for Ukotoa, maybe a sea serpent too, and sea harpies for an aerial encounter.
Alright. Where do I find the info on that? And I apologize if I seemed impatient or rude, it just seemed like you sort of skipped over that and regardless, I'm kind of all over the place at the moment.
Mariner's Armor
Armor (Light, Medium, or Heavy), Uncommon

While wearing this armor you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. In addition whenever you start your turn underwater with 0 hit points, the armor causes you to rise up to 60 feet towards the surface. The armor is decorated with fish and shell motifs.
Thanks! So I guess it already takes care of ensuring you don't sink like a stone, because the whole point of your swimming speed being reduced is because part of it is keeping yourself from, well, sinking like a stone. Okay so Jon is currently wearing the Heavy form of the Mariner's Armor.
Sahguagin, Deep Ones, any of the aquatic fiends, pirates, Koapolintchs[? Sea hobgoblins] Scags [Seattle Trolls] Lacedons[Sea Ghouls] iyhixcthul, Kopru[ not sure if they are a 5e thing yet]

As for my magical items, Lens of Darkvision, potions of water breathing, maybe a bag of holding. Nothing major, maybe a +1 dagger
I think I'll give Jaena some boots of striding and springing to help her be more like Lara Croft.
I think the only thing I'd be after for magic items are Longstrider boots (I think that's what they are called) so his movement speed doesn't slow the party down.
JustSpitBalling: No writing actions, thoughts, etc for other characters without permission. Duly promised!
Veroe: I think Tusk would be most interested in magic items that increase his stats or AC, such as Ioun Stones and +1, +2, +3 magic armor, etc.
Everyone: I'd like to let at least two more folks post before I write another section.
JustSpitBalling: No writing actions, thoughts, etc for other characters without permission. Duly promised!
Veroe: I think Tusk would be most interested in magic items that increase his stats or AC, such as Ioun Stones and +1, +2, +3 magic armor, etc.
Everyone: I'd like to let at least two more folks post before I write another section.

The everyone rule is a really good one, especially for me! I think I will stick to this until there is a scene really focusing on what my character would do that I kind of have to respond to.
Okay so I just bought The Chronicles of Exandria on impulse when I was in Walmart a little while ago. Two questions. One, will it be in any way useful for us? Two, does anyone know if it contains CR spoilers?
The book is an art book of fan art of the show's adventures in their 2nd campaign the one our adventure is based off of with some text about the lore of Exandria I believe. So yeah it probably has spoilers for the show. I don't own it so I can't tell you for certain though.

The book I'm using as reference for us is the Explorer's guide to Wildemount campaign setting book WOTC published in partnership with Critical Role earlier this year (Like pre-covid earlier this year if you can remember the "before times")
Fair enough, I'll keep the shrink wrap on for now. And I thought the "before times" was 2019 more or less. Just because the Trumpsterfire didn't do shit doesn't mean the governors didn't.
I hope my entry wasn't too much of a monkey wrench in the works. Just my way of trying to get everyone in the vicinity of the same boat if not on it together. If it doesn't work narratively, I can rewrite it.