Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))

Just waiting on some of the others to post. Probably not their fault perse Lit always slows down some during the holidays as people are busy IRL with christmas stuff.
For future reference: The Madori's lost city, Shara'Balamb, is on an island referred to now as the Phantom Isle. It's an island known by many sailors of the Lucidian Ocean for it appears suddenly and randomly out of nowhere (Kinda like the Tardis materializing in Doctor Who) lasts a day and then suddenly fades away as if it was never there taking whatever brave but unlucky soul that ventured onto it with it wherever it goes.

What no one knows is that during the seige of fiends from the nine hells during the Calamity the defenses of the temple, The Hall of Distant Horizons, was damaged and went haywire and ever since has been planeshifting the entire island at random time intervals to a different random plane in the D&D multiverse including the not so nice ones and taking whatever creatures with it that gets trapped in the city with it too.

What no one knows is that the secret cult of big bads I'd like this campaign to deal with is a devil from then that escaped the seige and has been trying to locate and take the temple still ever since. I imagine her kinda like the villain Obann in the show.

That's the seed that made me want to do this. No idea how it will grow as we go though.

What's some stuff you want your character's to accomplish or a secret you'll want them to uncover in the long term of this thread?
That also sounds a bit like the island from Lost. As for your question, not really sure. We'll see how it goes.
Yeah something like lost, but with D&D.

Well your character has beef with those pirates, right, so once that's been settled it could lead to a greater quest for your character from your deity.
For future reference: The Madori's lost city, Shara'Balamb, is on an island referred to now as the Phantom Isle. It's an island known by many sailors of the Lucidian Ocean for it appears suddenly and randomly out of nowhere (Kinda like the Tardis materializing in Doctor Who) lasts a day and then suddenly fades away as if it was never there taking whatever brave but unlucky soul that ventured onto it with it wherever it goes.

What no one knows is that during the seige of fiends from the nine hells during the Calamity the defenses of the temple, The Hall of Distant Horizons, was damaged and went haywire and ever since has been planeshifting the entire island at random time intervals to a different random plane in the D&D multiverse including the not so nice ones and taking whatever creatures with it that gets trapped in the city with it too.

What no one knows is that the secret cult of big bads I'd like this campaign to deal with is a devil from then that escaped the seige and has been trying to locate and take the temple still ever since. I imagine her kinda like the villain Obann in the show.

That's the seed that made me want to do this. No idea how it will grow as we go though.

What's some stuff you want your character's to accomplish or a secret you'll want them to uncover in the long term of this thread?

I would, as I suggested a bit, like my character to go on a path of spiritual growth. Her feeling that she's better then others because she's lawful and that verdan are bad because they are made by a chaotic God(and maybe she hates elves too because they are often seen as chaotic. This is the case in the Forgotten Realms setting that I always play in, but it may not be the case at all in Wildemount). Point is, her blind faith in law and bigotry against other races are really bad and in time because of her dealings with the party she comes to see her wrongs and by the end she becomes a different kind of Warlock. I don't know what kind yet, it would matter how the story goes.

Also, since my character doesn't like people knowing she's a verdan I will imagine that she will keep her human disguise on for sometime. Her dropping the disguise will be kind of the first sign she's getting better.
We'll have to collaborate on ways to handle that journey for her as we go.
We'll have to collaborate on ways to handle that journey for her as we go.

For sure! But I can't see it happening anytime soon. We got to have the main story going first. :)

Oh, but are elves seen as chaotic in this world like they are in other D&D settings? I want to know if she would distrust your character on meeting her or not?
Oh the Forgotten Realms....so many memories so many games played there From 1st through 5th

So many games.
I understand Rogotten Realms is the unnofficial official world of 5th edition.
For sure! But I can't see it happening anytime soon. We got to have the main story going first. :)

Oh, but are elves seen as chaotic in this world like they are in other D&D settings? I want to know if she would distrust your character on meeting her or not?

I don't think so...at least its never came up in the show. However its pretty much the same origin. Elves a long time ago migrated to the prime material plane from the feywild so they do have that chaotic bent from that heritage, but it's never really a big deal in the show.
I don't think so...at least its never came up in the show. However its pretty much the same origin. Elves a long time ago migrated to the prime material plane from the feywild so they do have that chaotic bent from that heritage, but it's never really a big deal in the show.

Ya, it's not like it's built into them to act a specific way, but my character will likely be a bit untrusting first. Likely wont like orcs to much either. They will have some growing to do.
Yeah something like lost, but with D&D.

Well your character has beef with those pirates, right, so once that's been settled it could lead to a greater quest for your character from your deity.

Oooh yeah, he has a SUPER beef with those pirates.
Hi all, I'm about ready to post - life got a bit hectic past few days. Is the goal to have everyone aboard one of the already described ships?

Magical items for Verity: nothing specific, save maybe a ring of protection? A pair of raaaaaaarely used daggers that are above standard gear.

Goals: She would like to learn what her mentor's son's deal was, where did he come from so quickly after his mother's death, why did he hate her so, more about the woman's fae ancestry and skills that she's taken on. This is not an active quest yet for her, she's driven mostly by art and hedonism, but she is curious and would act to learn more.
Priscilla goals are simple she wants to get money and artifacts. However secretly she wants to be a real spell caster, not just a street rat scrabbling and clawing her way for spells and money, but a true mistress of the arcane!!
Perhaps I should clarify that the CR book I got that has the title "The Chronicles of Exandria" is as big, if not bigger than the DnD sourcebooks and has a sub-title of "The Mighty Nein" and the back cover makes it sound like some sort of compendium or even a quasi-sourcebook of CR content ready to be used in an OOC DnD campaign.
Alright! Everyone has kind of made their introduction post! :D

I'm not going to post again until either desperado1089 or ProfLittleGiant does. Since my character is now kind of fallowing them I want to know if they notice me before I respond. And remember, my character is right now presenting as a human, blond headed woman.
Isn't your character under the spell disguise self to look like a beautiful blonde woman, Spitballing?

I think PLG had Tusk notice that Diva'ss was green. Not his fault. It's an easy inconsistency to make and easily fixed via an edit.

QueenofCups, I'm going to say she's boarding the same ship Jaena is on, just to give my character someone to interact with. I hope that's okay.
Isn't your character under the spell disguise self to look like a beautiful blonde woman, Spitballing?

I think PLG had Tusk notice that Diva'ss was green. Not his fault. It's an easy inconsistency to make and easily fixed via an edit.

QueenofCups, I'm going to say she's boarding the same ship Jaena is on, just to give my character someone to interact with. I hope that's okay.

Ya, my character does have disguise self on, but I just went with the idea that Tusk saw through it without realizing it and ran with it. I think it plays out well.
I think it does very well. Great job managing that by the way.
Yeah, I just went with, if Tusk can see through it, so can Jon. He, of course, pointed it out to her in confidence, and tried to reassure her that he saw no issue with her appearance. Up to Spitballin how she reacts, of course!!
I posted as Jaena, bringing in Verity into the scene. Tag you're it QueenofCups.

Also I expanded a little on why the Sea Fury is pissed with the pirates, and how Saldea and these Pirates feel about it.

Also: I named the guy Verity couldn't remember the name of Halland. I hope your okay with that.
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Sounds good. Maybe if the Sea Fury is somehow omniscient, she will see that at least some of the party is after the Plank King's head, and won't whallop the ship? At any rate, I see this becoming a possible combat encounter fairly soon, as it'll be rather difficult to hide Jon's and Tusk's status as holy warriors once they get within spitting distance of the Silverpike. But Jon will insist the Captain be left alive, if only for interrogation purposes.
Yeah. Just sit tight and give Queen of cups a chance to respond. Also we'll need the other characters to come within the Silverpike's vicinity before you and Tusk and probably Diva'ss (to use a D&D term) roll initiative against these pirates.