Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Very much. Thanks. I'm an amateur but as Bobby DeNiro said about the 1911, it's served well.

( O O )

Very much are you welcome, now and tomorrow. Two world wars and a couple of police actions make for a good legacy. It works for a lot of hand sizes. These days, it's available in several calibers.

I prefer to stick with calibers which have been adopted by government entities. This makes them ubiquitous. I've said it before. Clyde Barrow was a big fan of the BAR (also designed by John Moses Browning, who designed the 1911) and he stole them from National Guard armories. Availability will become crucial in the coming Rainy Decade, which is likely closer now than we've seen before.
I feel the call of the domesticated omelette calling.

Can you hear it? Like the wild geese...

Gouda breast o' turkey.
Ham Mañana
The recoil sounds surprisingly like *cha-ching* each time you pull the trigger.

I probably should have joined the reload club...
Tip for the ammosexuals: Don't put a sock over the barrel before you start kissing and stroking it.
You are a profoundly nasty, creepy individual.

Call me an ammosexual. I don't reject the label.

My father taught me to break down, clean, load, and fire a .22 pistol in fulfillment of the Jewish religious commandment on teaching self defense.

I don't own a firearm now but am about to purchase one. I've applied for a CCP and am assured by police that i will get it.

I had an experience i doubt anybody else on this site can claim: i witnessed the confiscation of firearms in the ex-Yugoslav territories of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Hercegovina. And the consequence: dead children.

PooPoo PeePee, the Professional Defecator, thinks it's funny to treat children as topics for idiotic badinage.

I documented this for the Kosova Liberation Army:

"Infants were killed before their parents' eyes. 'I saw my [son] Redon,' [an informant] remembered. 'I said to myself, in two months, he would have been two years old. He...died. They shot him in the head....Ismet [aged 2] died.' She herself was shot and injured by grenades.

"After agonizing hours, [the informant] and at least 40 dead and half-dead people were thrown into a truck. Her son Altin remained alive, but when his body was moved the Serbs realized he was breathing and killed him. In the truck, she said, 'we were covered by the lifeless bodies of our children.'"


I carried out the task of investigating these horrific crimes from 1984 to 2016 when i was disabled by Serb terrorism in a Novichok assault. For that reason I am on a walker. But that doesn't stop me from defending myself quite adequately. Guns are good that way.

Yes, they are. I helped Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina rearm. We bought AKs from Poland, Nicaragua, and South Africa. I was investigated but never charged, and became a cross-border smuggler.

I follow in the footsteps of my Great Mother:


Don't try this at home. I don't play with weapons and don't allow others to do so.

A bed is a place to have fun.
But to sleep well in it someone needs a gun.


( O O )
That is one strong cup of tea. I might have to recalibrate.

It is highly refreshing though.

I imagined mint...


I call BS. Everyone who's ever hunted knows that all the deer have already flown (first class even!) to Jamaica or the Bahamas for the winter and won't be back until March.

Whaddya mean how would they afford it? You ever think about how much the royalties are for that red nosed reindeer cartoon/movie/song are? Of course they can afford it.
I'm thinking a bit o' hot cereal for starters. Maybe an omelette later.

Oh you didn't.

Dammit Wat, I was thinking of pancakes. Now I gotta go buy some more eggs for that omelette you got me craving.

I swear, this place sometimes...
I planted mint a decade ago and its still out there.
The sage finally made like a tumbleweed though...
Oh you didn't.

Dammit Wat, I was thinking of pancakes. Now I gotta go buy some more eggs for that omelette you got me craving.

I swear, this place sometimes...

There be French toast later.

Freedom toast.

Wat has 15 eggs . . . .
I don't own a firearm now but am about to purchase one. I've applied for a CCP and am assured by police that i will get it.
You've been saying that about your Concealed Carry Permit for quite a while. I wonder what the hangup might be? Could it be that authorities in San Francisco have reservations about someone who rants about being at the vanguard of armed revolution?

Anyway, if those libturds in California deny your CCP, you could always move to Wat's Out-West ranchette and teach him how to be a published author. In exchange, he'll make sure you can be a pistol packing mama.

For the remainder of her life, Edith Wilson steadfastly insisted that her husband performed all of his presidential duties after his stroke. As she later declared in her 1938 autobiography, “My Memoir”:

So began my stewardship, I studied every paper, sent from the different Secretaries or Senators, and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I, myself, never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs. The only decision that was mine was what was important and what was not, and the very important decision of when to present matters to my husband.
Over the last century, historians have continued to dig into the proceedings of the Wilson administration and it has become clear that Edith Wilson acted as much more than a mere “steward.” She was, essentially, the nation’s chief executive until her husband’s second term concluded in March of 1921. Nearly three years later, Woodrow Wilson died in his Washington, D.C., home, at 2340 S Street, NW, at 11:15 AM on Sunday, Feb. 3, 1924.

OMFG, not telling the public!!! Who would think such things???
You've been saying that about y Concealed Carry Permit for quite a while. I wonder what the hangup might be? Could it be that authorities in San Francisco have reservations about someone who rants about being at the vanguard of armed revolution?

Anyway, if those libturds in California deny your CCP, you could always move to Wat's Out-West ranchette and teach him how to be a published author. In exchange, he'll make sure you can be a pistol packing mama.
First, dork, i don't owe you any explanations for anything. You are a troll of very low intelligence and even less discernment or sophistication.

I don't live in your world of incels, amateur intellos, and pathological liars.

I spent this morning with Francis Ford Coppola's staff, then helped locate an elderly man close to death who had fallen out of contact with his people, then had a conference with my partner in our small jewelry business. Waiting now for word about a protest event against MACE NANCY MACE/RIGHT IN THE FACE. At which i will advocate for this:

You and your crush, PooPoo PeePee,
would be diagnosed with memory problems were it not that the criminal "culture" of this internet sewer has corrupted you into the habits it flaunts: deception, deviousness, duplicity, and disrespect.

All behind screen names that afford you the illusion of security as you pursue your criminal career.

If not for that, this would be your fate:

For your information:

You clearly know nothing about my city. You are ignorant of things everyone else in the contemporary world knows.

My city is a bastion of the radical left. Being a communist here is a conservative position. Marxism-Pelosism dominates.

Not long ago our district attorney was a gentleman who had directed a training school for Communists, which i attended.

If you weren't a wilful imbecile, yiu could learn about it here:

From West to East: California and the Making of the American Mind https://a.co/d/3iaGKSN

I ran for office. My political itinerary is known to everybody. I was staff writer at the main local daily for 10 years and am a leading figure in the trade union movement hereabouts.

That i am a neoconservative in American foreign policy and an extreme anarchist communist in domestic policy is about as startling up in here as Xmas gingerbread

Everyone knows i was a terrorist. A real one. Everyone knows i used CIA and Mossad money to finance terrorists off the books. Everyone knows i worked with Iran to support armed struggle.

Everyone knowa everything about me.


Everyone knows Larry David was after my Big Domme, and that these film characters are based on her:

I have a magical anal vagina. I am known and admired under the nickname Butt Slut.

As a leader of the trans community, in which none of the dire negative outcomes predicted by your lover PooPoo PeePee about me have taken place, my right to concealed carry is celebrated by local police.

My son is a firearms dealer. In a shop, not on a gun show circuit.

I began discussions through my human-rights attorney for the CCP about three months ago. The process is complex.

I obey the law when i have to.

Thanks for reminding me about my friend Wat. I'm inspired to suggest he could work with me on a short book about this topic, in which he and i enjoy adjacent expertise:

From this volume unknown to the chuds here:
Homage To Catalonia https://a.co/d/iYT9p3P

"there was the complete lack of war materials of every description. It needs an effort to realize how badly the militias were armed at this time. Any public school O.T.C. in England is far more like a modern army than we were. The badness of our weapons was so astonishing that it is worth recording in detail.

"For this sector of the front the entire artillery consisted of four trench-mortars with fifteen rounds for each gun. Of course they were far too precious to be fired and the mortars were kept in Alcubierre. There were machine-guns at the rate of approximately one to fifty men; they were oldish guns, but fairly accurate up to three or four hundred yards. Beyond this we had only rifles, and the majority of the rifles were scrap-iron. There were three types of rifle in use. The first was the long Mauser.

"These were seldom less than twenty years old, their sights were about as much use as a broken speedometer, and in most of them the rifling was hopelessly corroded; about one rifle in ten was not bad, however. Then there was the short Mauser, or mousqueton, really a cavalry weapon. These were more popular than the others because they were lighter to carry and less nuisance in a trench, also because they were comparatively new and looked efficient. Actually they were almost useless. They were made out of reassembled parts, no bolt belonged to its rifle, and three-quarters of them could be counted on to jam after five shots. There were also a few Winchester rifles. These were nice to shoot with, but they were wildly inaccurate, and as their cartridges had no clips they could only be fired one shot at a time.

"Ammunition was so scarce that each man entering the line was only issued with fifty rounds, and most of it was exceedingly bad. The Spanish-made cartridges were all refills and would jam even the best rifles. The Mexican cartridges were better and were therefore reserved for the machine-guns. Best of all was the German-made ammunition, but as this came only from prisoners and deserters there was not much of it. I always kept a clip of German or Mexican ammunition in my pocket for use in an emergency. But in practice when the emergency came I seldom fired my rifle; I was too frightened of the beastly thing jamming and too anxious to reserve at any rate one round that would go off.

"We had no tin hats, no bayonets, hardly any revolvers or pistols, and not more than one bomb between five or ten men. The bomb in use at this time was a frightful object known as the 'F.A.I. bomb', it having been produced by the Anarchists in the early days of the war. It was on the principle of a Mills bomb, but the lever was held down not by a pin but a piece of tape. You broke the tape and then got rid of the bomb with the utmost possible speed. It was said of these bombs that they were 'impartial'; they killed the man they were thrown at and the man who threw them. There were several other types, even more primitive but probably a little less dangerous – to the thrower, I mean. It was not till late March that I saw a bomb worth throwing.

"And apart from weapons there was a shortage of all the minor necessities of war. We had no maps or charts, for instance. Spain has never been fully surveyed, and the only detailed maps of this area were the old military ones, which were almost all in the possession of the Fascists. We had no range-finders, no telescopes, no periscopes, no field-glasses except for a few privately-owned pairs, no flares or Very lights, no wire-cutters, no armourers' tools, hardly even any cleaning materials. The Spaniards seemed never to have heard of a pull-through and looked on in surprise when I constructed one. When you wanted your rifle cleaned you took it to the sergeant, who possessed a long brass ramrod which was invariably bent and therefore scratched the rifling. There was not even any gun oil. You greased your rifle with olive oil, when you could get hold of it; at different times I have greased mine with vaseline, with cold cream, and even with bacon-fat. Moreover, there were no lanterns or electric torches – at this time there was not, I believe, such a thing as an electric torch throughout the whole of our sector of the front, and you could not buy one nearer than Barcelona, and only with difficulty even there."

Your collective obsession with painting me as Wat's sex partner shows you are incels. I don't do sex with friends and colleagues.

A short work on the material above will make Mr. Tyler a published author, esp. with his terrific handle.

Welcome to the 21st century. Relax. Have a beer: Chud Lite.


Still, you are as innocen as a newborn kitten. I hate doing this. Eschew PooPoo PeePee. Please.

( O O )
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