Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!


I liked the contractor who filled her convertible up with concrete while she was cucking him...
I had to Google "drop saw." That's cruel to have to do first thing in the morning. I watched Scarface last week. They used a chain saw. Either will sling bloodybits everywhere, so if you can find where she cut him up (basement, garage), there will be something flung somewhere unless vermin carried it all away.

The one who should be next is the peeping weirdo who claims to have seen her nefarious deed.

I'd also say that, if he did what she said, he had it coming. Then again, I tend to side with women in situations like that.

I don't abuse the cats, and they reward me letting me live . . . .
That's why I always keep the poacher's saw handy which, when referenced, prompts Two Left-Wing Loons to triumph:

So you think cooking oil is cheaper than bar oil...

But it's an EC!

electric chainsaw

The Landlady has an ECS. Eeelecktrick chain saw.

I made her buy the chain file and showed her how to use it and when.

So, if I ever turn up missing . . . .

Of course, she might put in pigs, so there's that.
I keep the file in the chain/bar plastic cover gizmo. So far so good.

I also buy extra files.

Those come up missing . . . .
I think that she guards her file pretty well.

She was going to buy the "tool only" one because it was nearly $100 cheaper than the one with the battery. How big is the battery? 12 amps. Holy shit, get the one with the battery! That's a $200+ item. Oooooh.

Got wood on the ball that time.
I watch the sales. If a larger batt'reh can be acquired for cheap, I get it. Most of the tools are sold without them any more. The batt'rehs do last better than they used to.

There's Cold November snow in the NE and they call that News...,

I want to hear about new applications for guns
and Canadian residencies...
I want to hear of the cancellation of the applications and registrations for guns and simply the monthly sales figures.

PSA: ammo is still damned cheap. 9mm barely over $200 for a 1000-round case, brass, reloadable, free shipping.

When the whip (of high prices) comes down . . . .
PooPoo PeePee,

I work at night, producing books. Not very different from defecating. Except that unlike you i produce things that make me rich.

( O O )
But can you produce something that doesn't make you look and sound like a retarded old man?

Didn't think so. At least you have another tranny who giggles at the nonsense you spew, you're rich in dumbfuckery.

Just stay away from our children, you grooming creep.
Liberty is easy to steal when Teh Masses act like asses and hand that shit over with all three hands.

st000pid short-sighted motherfuckers.
That way, they "feel" like they have a "voice" in the outcome. Of course they don't, but it's all about Their Tiny Feelings/Feelers, not ain't it?

There has always been the patricians and the plebeians. See: Nancy Pelosi

Hell, see the Post Turtle. A most egregious example.

Lyin' piece o' shit . . . .
