Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

If there is a tree, I do not like letting them go to waste.
I have a cherry cabinet. I'll sell it.
Fragile thing. Old. Red.

'Member Foxx?

Back when comedians could be funny...
I'd rather be that than a confused old man in clown make-up who everyone laughs at because they look like a retard.

As long as you and wat stay away from our children you'll both live longer, Jabba the Steve.
PooPoo PeePee,

Thanks as ever for your recognition of my greatness as revealed here:


Meanwhile, little bitch, please don't whimper. And don't pick the disgusting scabs on your ugly face.

Once again your seizure has ended, you're deflated like an old bicycle tire, and you're trying feebly to stand erect. You're lying in the gutter babbling as i walk by with no panties on and my delicious buttcheeks dancing like huge Christmas lights.

Hank Bukowski compared writing with defecation, but at least he did some work. Your income of "six figures" (at best, £1000.00 or €1000.00 monthly on the dole) culminates a life of pure parasitism.

Obviously you failed as a nice gay cosmetician, which is why you obssess about my makeup. There's no other possible explanation.

Sorry, Chester, that I'm too pretty for you.

Stick with this role model:

You aren't material for this:

We trans don't get along with you gayboys and Mr. Tyler is obviously very hetero. You're SOL though you may get work sucking pig peckers on the cutting line at the Spam works.

You're a gay incel. Face it. These children you fantasize about will never be more than wraiths spitting at you on the street.

I have never been Buddha or Jabba obese. My belly is flat, a wall joining my monumentally fuckable buttage with my incredibly alluring tittage.

I will outlive you. Humans will drive you Chuds to your fate:

Edward Abbey Lives!

( O O )
Most people count income figures to the left of the decimal.


Including the right side, welfare will get any clown into six figure country.

Lit liars lie so st000pidly.

That coffee was good for fifteen minutes and now it's just not what I want.

Time for tea. I could see a fire in the near future too.

All I need is one cloud/smoke signal...
All praises to Allah for his manifold blessings and great mercies. Somehow, I, too, managed to wake up in an unkilled condition. It's amazing how that happens. I thought that guns kill people.

WDS causes ass cancer in the afflicted and that kills "people."

They have it comin' . . . .
Collectively, here, real-life as well, we have paid the trolls far too much attention and given our powers to shrug and ignore scant attention and it is time to turn to that meditation tuning out the shouters.

When they hold a mostly peaceful discussion, just watch the fire and head to the coffee shop to talk about it.

That's your next thread: Wat's Coffee Shop: featuring a fresh hot cup of stfu and do-not *holes

PooPoo PeePee,

Thanks as ever for your recognition of my greatness as revealed here:


Meanwhile, little bitch, please don't whimper. And don't pick the disgusting scabs on your ugly face.

Once again your seizure has ended, you're deflated like an old bicycle tire, and you're trying feebly to stand erect. You're lying in the gutter babbling as i walk by with no panties on and my delicious buttcheeks dancing like huge Christmas lights.

Hank Bukowski compared writing with defecation, but at least he did some work. Your income of "six figures" (at best, £1000.00 or €1000.00 monthly on the dole) culminates a life of pure parasitism.

Obviously you failed as a nice gay cosmetician, which is why you obssess about my makeup. There's no other possible explanation.

Sorry, Chester, that I'm too pretty for you.

Stick with this role model:

You aren't material for this:

We trans don't get along with you gayboys and Mr. Tyler is obviously very hetero. You're SOL though you may get work sucking pig peckers on the cutting line at the Spam works.

You're a gay incel. Face it. These children you fantasize about will never be more than wraiths spitting at you on the street.

I have never been Buddha or Jabba obese. My belly is flat, a wall joining my monumentally fuckable buttage with my incredibly alluring tittage.

I will outlive you. Humans will drive you Chuds to your fate:

Edward Abbey Lives!

( O O )
Ha ha, my success at my job sure has you and wat bitter about having to live pay cheque to pay cheque. I'm glad it bothers you bottom dwellers (no pun intended) so much. I worked hard to get where I am today. Even pocahantas the loading dock worker is jelly. :)

You are over weight, steve. You were fat when you pretended to be a man and you're fat when you pretend to be a woman. Your chin looks like a flappy vagina, Jabba the steve.

Just keep away from our children, that goes for you and your obviously gay lover wat. We will fight to the death to protect them from you incels and rapists.
Wat's Coffee Shop and Shootin' Range. Auto shop next door.

No pussies allowed.

We will take your lunch money, however. Consider it to be "manning up" lessons.

Maybe the shop should be above the garage and the range out back...

... where you can shoot at cans...

MexiCANs, CAN-adians

What does spelling matter when words don't mean things?

The 'can'ts . . . still the bestest targets ever.

Pigs gotta eat, or else No Bacon, and we can't be havin' that shit.
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It is a new day dawning.
And with a dawning comes an awakening.
This is a long-sleeve shirt, but it is a thin long-sleeve shirt...

It is time to cycle through some clothes and come up with a less-than-transitional sweat shop-shirt.
It will be the "naked" Belichick; it will have sleeves, but my hands will be out to give handouts and alms for the poor.
It is a new day dawning.
And with a dawning comes an awakening.
This is a long-sleeve shirt, but it is a thin long-sleeve shirt...

It is time to cycle through some clothes and come up with a less-than-transitional sweat shop-shirt.
It will be the "naked" Belichick; it will have sleeves, but my hands will be out to give handouts and alms for the poor.

We are officially unburdened by all that shit.

I am just a poor boy
Though my story’s seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises . . . .

Yeah, whatever.

Just get out there, find something to do, and do it.

My favorites are the libturds who mock an honest day's work for an honest dollar, like they've ever sullied their pasty hands doing a motherfucking thing.
That they have to mock anything rather than establish a point or put forward an argument is a self-mockery.

Breakfast melange: rice, beans, turkey, ham'n spice warmed over and eaten with a side of erecting tree.

The lazy Greek Viagra will not help; it's just too blue: election cycles (it's that time one-note blues)

I need to go and give Smaug his morning kickstart.
Maybe steal an ArKANSAS diamond,
while out in the fields...,
Dr. Tyler called. She was nattering along, so I toild her I was fixin'ta leave so we could do brunch.


Yeah, okay.

I hope I will always remember when people do things for me. I know that I never forget when they do things to me . . . .