Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!


But your hate becomes malignant ass cancer.

My Symphony

By William Henry Channing

To live content with small means.
To seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion.
To be worthy not respectable,
and wealthy not rich.
To study hard, think quietly, talk gently,
act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes,
and sages with open heart, to bear all cheerfully,
do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never.
In a word, to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious,
grow up through the common.

This is to be my symphony.
Once upon a time,
we had empires ruled by emperors.
Then he had kingdoms rules by kings.
Today, we have countries . . . .
1 + 3 = 13

One of the interesting (and not in a conventional "interesting" way) is the binary view of politics and society in so very many observations and articles. Swear to Allah, I don't recall its being that divided 30 years ago. Whereas I find humans less trustworthy now more than ever, at least then I found the sense of society to be a bit more unified. I disagree with you but you're not some extreme characterization - then. Now, it's all horrible if it isn't lockstep with (what passes for) that person's thinking.

I discovered/observed several years ago that nothing is about good or bad, or right and wrong. It's about, does it work or does it not. And this shit is broken, badly, and has been for awhile. It's just that in all the din of bickering, no one is looking.

In March, 1668, Adriaan Koerbagh, a Dutch physician in his mid-thirties, hired Johannes Van Eede, a printer in Utrecht, to publish his new book, “A Light Shining in Dark Places, to Shed Light on Matters of Theology and Religion.” But Van Eede, after setting the first half of the manuscript, became uneasy about its highly unorthodox contents. Koerbagh argued that God is not a Trinity, as the Dutch Reformed Church taught, but an infinite and eternal substance that includes everything in existence. In his view, Jesus was just a human being, the Bible is not Holy Writ, and good and evil are merely terms we use for what benefits or harms us. The only reason people believe in the doctrine of Christianity, Koerbagh wrote, is that religious authorities “forbid people to investigate and order them to believe everything they say without examination, and they try to murder (if they do not escape) those who question things and thus arrive at knowledge and truth, as has happened many thousands of times.”

Now it was about to happen to Koerbagh himself. Van Eede, either outraged because of his religious beliefs or worried about his own legal liability, stopped work and turned over the manuscript to the sheriff of Utrecht, who in turn informed the sheriff of Amsterdam. Koerbagh was already well known to the authorities there; in February, they had seized all copies of his previous book, “A Flower Garden of All Sorts of Delights,” in which he had denied the existence of miracles and divine revelation. Realizing that he was in danger, Koerbagh went on the run, ending up in Leiden, where he disguised himself with a black wig. But a reward was offered and in July someone turned him in. Koerbagh was interrogated, tried, and sentenced to ten years in prison for blasphemy, to be followed by ten years of exile. The long sentence turned out to be unnecessary: he lasted just a year in prison before dying, in October, 1669.

A few months later, an even more subversive book was published in Amsterdam: “Tractatus Theologico-Politicus,” an anonymous Latin treatise that declared the best policy in religious matters to be “allowing every man to think what he likes, and say what he thinks.” In the preface, the author gave thanks for the “rare happiness of living in a republic, where everyone’s judgment is free and unshackled, where each may worship God as his conscience dictates, and where freedom is esteemed before all things dear and precious.” But the fact that the author withheld his name, and that the book’s Amsterdam publisher claimed on the title page that it had been printed in Hamburg, told another story. The author and the publisher were well aware that their unshackled judgment could put them in shackles.

These feints couldn’t stop readers, or the authorities, from quickly figuring out that the “Tractatus” was the work of Baruch Spinoza. Although Spinoza, then in his late thirties, had previously published only one book, a guide to the fashionable philosophy of René Descartes, he was one of Amsterdam’s most notorious freethinkers.

Pity that it seems to be falling by the wayside . . . where everyone's judgment is "free" . . . .
We are free to tell religious nuts that their superstitions are crap and have no place in government.
Well, you once again totally missed the mark with all your unsupported conjecture about the life I lead. Funny how trolls have nothing to work with, simply because I keep most of those details to myself.

Self-promoting braggarts like you are so easy to read. That's why I know you will not be granted a concealed carry permit in California. And that's why I know it will be easy for law enforcement officials in California to check out your past public statements about being a terrorist.

Bragging about being a terrorist on a public forum was not a smart move.
This raccoon latrine post is characteristic of this 4chan site: peevish projection by a human dustspeck.

Everything on this site is allegedly purportedly necessarily "unsupported conjecture." Here you are swimming in a huge sewage break created by your dom Poo Poo Pee Pee, whose uncontrollable leaks of poo poo and pee pee have brought about a national security inquiry into this bizarre enterprise, and your only concern is to try to undermine my CCW.

My terrorism is known throughout media and government globally. My CCW will be facilitated so i can continue fighting terrorists, including by terrorist means. That also means neutralizing enablers of terrorism, like you.

People like me:

You're pathetic.

( O O )
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Wat's a lot like Trump- and other trolls stuck in perpetual adolescence-- obsessed with ratings and resentful of those who maintain positive relationships in their communities.
I presume the ratings you refer to, TrashPanda, have to do with the arcana of this site.

I maintain positive relationships in my communities: in My City, My Hood, My Literary and other professional links, in my gender cohort.

Because you resent the natural pride of an achiever and the traditional culture of trans aggression -- i.e. transgression -- in me you engage in feeble swipes that are about as interesting as a non-paying lottery ticket.

Regarding WT: I am pleased to encounter anyone anywhere (except Nazis and pedos) with who i can have a collegial dialogue.

I relate to WT as i would to any colleague in media whose opinion i valued. Which covers plenty ground.

Philip Roth and Hank Bukowski would approve.

( O O )
Natural swamps do, yes, and I give them the respect they have earned by pronouncing with a broad A.

DC is an in-ground covered cesspool without outlet. It backs up regularly all over the country.
A cesspool has an ecological purpose. It lacks a natural ecological niche, which a swamp possesses.

It is a wonder of the mind that i can write of a swamp possessing a thing. Chomsky approves.

( O O )
Whomever you talk to, you hear the same cry: The resettlement never should have been permitted. We should have run into the street, set fire to everything in sight, have torn down the walls, and escaped to the Other Side. The Germans would have taken their revenge. It would have cost tens of thousands of lives, but not 300,000. Now we are ashamed of ourselves, disgraced in our own eyes, and in the eyes of the world, where our docility has earned us nothing. This must not be repeated now. We must put up a resistance, defend ourselves against the enemy, man and child.

~ Emmanuel Ringelblum, “Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: The Journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum,” ed. & transl., Jacob Solan (N.Y.: Schocken Books, 1958), p. 326
May G-d bless you for posting a quote from Ringelblum, a true hero and model for every real intello.

I think of him daily.

( O O )
May G-d bless you for posting a quote from Ringelblum, a true hero and model for every real intello.

I think of him daily.

( O O )

Thank you!!! Hope you and yours had a very pleasant letting/ushering in of the New Year. I rather preferred to take it as a non-working (for The Man) Wednesday.

I ran across that yesterday in my perusing. I had seen it before and knew it fits here. Very much so. It dawned on me that here was a book I had never seen, so I ordered it to put into the queue.

Each year, I observe 19 April: Lexington and Concord, the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Waco massacre. Government always needs a message from its citizens. It simply takes from its subjects.
Live in serenity and joy. The wise person delights in the truth and follows the law of the awakened. The farmer channels water to his land. The fletcher whittles his arrows. And the carpenter turns his wood. So the wise direct their mind.

~ Dhammapada