Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

I know.

I'm still here.

So, rigged cards . . . .

The whole Wat narrative has no basis in fact - that's the short version. The true version is, they have contracted a fatal case of WDS and have commenced growing malignant tumors. Wat will be around to bury them all, except that buzzards have to eat, same as worms. Wat wins.
Wat's reported - still here. The alphabets will come to carry Wat away - still here. The Internet Poepoe is coming - still here. Project 2025 will get him - still here. Wat is little and fat and weak and puny and st000pid and pathetic - well, invite Wat to lunch and see what you whinge at F2F like 30 other Litsters have done and find out that your odds of being right are better on your next lottery ticket. Nothing is as you say, and the truth is nothing like your narrative. But please, do keep following him around the PB and casting aspersions at your better from afar as though anyone with two working braincells gives a shit.
Gosh, you sound a bit defensive. Hope it wasn't something we said with our word-triggers.
Consent of the governed may be withdrawn without notice at any time.

And it doesn't have to be done quietly or politely.
Consent of the governed may be withdrawn without notice at any time.

And it doesn't have to be done quietly or politely.

I disagree. As did the Founders:

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Freedom isn't free, nor will it ever be free. True freedom is the Darwin Seed to eliminating st000pid whingers, however, by eliminating the gummint teat.

No one minds that you sit there with stupid look on your face because you have nothing intelligent to say. Because it's better for us that way.

Meanwhile . . . :nana:
Says this after a multi paragraph rant about being persecuted.
His bitch just recently said the poor dude is being "bullied". Apparently he feels persecuted enough to ask BTB to protect him.

Why are we being so mean? Maybe he was just diagnosed with ass cancer caused by his terminal WDS. We should show more compassion while visiting his klubhouse.
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This will always be funny 😂🤣
I defend lesbians by 2A methods. My Big Domme is a lesbian. I don't intend to stop doing this no matter what an imbecile lez says. And i bet they won't complain when i show up with my bear spray, straight razor, etc.

Lesbians can be chuds.

Most Americans can't defend themselves.

I'm glad to intervene. I love using my bear spray.

BTW, just today i prevented one of Poo Poo Pee Pee's Pathetic Pals (6x) from abusing a homeless man.

5 SFPD vehicles showed up. They know me. They thanked me.

Of course once Poo Poo Pee Pee's close friend Chief Bill Scott hears about this...

There is no justification for the existence of this website.

( 🥞 🥞 )
Something in so-called "civilized society" seems to render otherwise sensible people into pussies. The police won't protect you. They write reports. The only person they usually have information on is the victim. Perp walk? Try, perps walk.

Self defense is a state of mind. "I will not be a victim!"
Something in so-called "civilized society" seems to render otherwise sensible people into pussies. The police won't protect you. They write reports. The only person they usually have information on is the victim. Perp walk? Try, perps walk.

Self defense is a state of mind. "I will not be a victim!"
As i say, it's all about attitude.

Cops will act when they witness a crime or when a veridical witness is present. Otherwise they react, and they don't anticipate unless, like Poo Poo Pee Pee, criminals document their crimes extensively. And even then, procedures are slow.

( O O )
As i say, it's all about attitude.

Cops will act when they witness a crime or when a veridical witness is present. Otherwise they react, and they don't anticipate unless, like Poo Poo Pee Pee, criminals document their crimes extensively. And even then, procedures are slow.

( O O )

Attitude. Angle of approach. If I'm a victim, nothing has to happen and I'm a victim still. If I am not a victim, it doesn't matter what happens.

I have had poor results with the police around here. That will change when I leave.
Terminal delirium.

Srpski peder govori govan.

We bombed your nasty, stinking little cesspool of a country. You should all be deported forthwith to Afghanistan, whence you came as Homohos for the Huns. We need to bomb you again on the way to nuking Moscow.

And then Muskrat named his car after another Croat pretending to be a Serb:
Tesla. They'll self-destruct as Muskrat is doing now.

Why are you here? Nobody wants sex with a bloated Serb. You represent a whole mess of pedos and babykillers:

Car Lazar bio kurva turcima.

( O O )
Attitude. Angle of approach. If I'm a victim, nothing has to happen and I'm a victim still. If I am not a victim, it doesn't matter what happens.

I have had poor results with the police around here. That will change when I leave.
They're constantly observed in SF. When i ran for office i formed a rank and file committee of officers to study means of reform. I argued that as a journalist i could ask any U.S. soldier anywhere about any war, but that journalists ignore The Social War.

The institution is obsolete.

This worked better:


As would this:

Putting a positive spin on it i hope your local cops realize you are more capable of defending yourself than most.

And I hope your neighbors appreciate you.

( O O )