Wax Art

Shadowsdream said:
Do you recall how long this scene actually lasted cellis?

It was at a fetish night and I am thinking that it took the better part of an hour. I was amazed that the sub could lay on that long without moving.
cellis said:
It was at a fetish night and I am thinking that it took the better part of an hour. I was amazed that the sub could lay on that long without moving.
Thank you cellis...
I had envisioned the scene as an hour or more and certainly see the beauty in the application and the removal of the wax. Very worth persuing.
All this talk about wax, is making Me want to do some wax play. I have some unused wax in my toy box that cries out, "Use me, use me!"
His_sugar said:
I have never used one of the home spa paraffins for this. I have always used a small crockpot made for potpourri. They are much cheaper and meant to be left on for very long periods of time. I had a friend who tried one of the home spa's and found if he used any colored wax at all it melted at too high of a temp and the wax actually boiled.

What a great suggestion! Using a potpourri crockpot! There is a crafts store chain in the US, Michael's that has them very cheap!

Thanks, His_sugar, I would have never though of using one of those.
Shadowsdream said:
Actually I have thought of that and have been looking for one that I like in Sweden. It is actually one of the waxing tools I think I would get a great deal of use from on a continual basis. Is this something you have tried personally?


I first got introduced to it when I had surgery on my hand and they used the wax to relax and loosen the muscles for physical therapy. Being the ever clever dom I saw other purposes for the wax and bought a home version. I have never had a problem with the wax boiling or overheating which I have heard of with using crockpots but have no personal expeirence with. If you throw down a piece of plastic you can reuse the wax.

Edited to add. I use the wax that is sold for theapy use with the pot. It's more expensive which is why I reuse it. It comes in an assortment of scents and colors and has a kinda oily, slippery texture which peels off rather than chip off.
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I wish to thank you all for contributing to this thread. I am getting many ideas that will definately bare fruit. I can see some interesting benefits to combining many of the posts and creating a scene that could last several hours.