We Are Better Than What Is Being Pitched to Us from TV

So speaks the voice of Paranoia doing exactly what Herman Goering said he should.

If you can find any references to America and Americans in my post. Please reveal them to us all.

Maybe you think that anyone who disagrees with you hates America and Americans. However, it looks to me like an extension of Goering's principle.

You compare me to a Nazi like Goering for speaking truth, shame on you. The left really never could quite handle the truth. That's why you have the MSM to rewrite the truth and set the new narrative. Trump's words have been twisted and distorted to set storylines. Ooooh, it's the big bad wolf!!!! Trump hates this and Trump hates that! OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Shivering!!!! Trump may not be the most eloquent of speakers, but he brings up topics which are taboo in some circles. They need to be addressed. in your profile you say you speak English and not American. Seems you might have a problem with American English. Oh wait, there is a smiley face, so you really do love us?
You compare me to a Nazi like Goering for speaking truth, shame on you. The left really never could quite handle the truth. That's why you have the MSM to rewrite the truth and set the new narrative. Trump's words have been twisted and distorted to set storylines. Ooooh, it's the big bad wolf!!!! Trump hates this and Trump hates that! OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Shivering!!!! Trump may not be the most eloquent of speakers, but he brings up topics which are taboo in some circles. They need to be addressed. in your profile you say you speak English and not American. Seems you might have a problem with American English. Oh wait, there is a smiley face, so you really do love us?

They don't need to be addressed. His topics are taboo for a reason. They are hateful, ignorant and cause harm. That is all the reason for them to be taboo. Lots of other topics are taboo in many countries, communities and websites.

It's no wonder that the extremists like the Klan and neo-Nazis can march down your streets! You have "potential" candidates and ordinary citizens egging them on. Not just plain egging them.

You take Trump seriously as a possible candidate. A fucking nightmare if he ever got in. Like that's ever going to happen.
You take Trump seriously as a possible candidate. A fucking nightmare if he ever got in. Like that's ever going to happen.

Considering how well he's doing it would be stupid to not take him seriously.

And as insane as you might think he is, he's probably one of the best people on the right simply because he's not anywhere near as religiously whackadoodle as the rest of the (R) field.

Trump wants to make money....he's not trying to get old testament on the USA like the rest of the (R) lunatics.

But there are so many detractors and lack of support on the right. Hillary is going to railroad everyone because pretty much everyone left of center watched CNN say "Vote Hillary, because Clinton." and every (D) in the country went lock step moron for some more of the same ol' shit.

She's going to whore America out to the highest bidder.

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You compare me to a Nazi like Goering for speaking truth, shame on you. The left really never could quite handle the truth. That's why you have the MSM to rewrite the truth and set the new narrative. Trump's words have been twisted and distorted to set storylines. Ooooh, it's the big bad wolf!!!! Trump hates this and Trump hates that! OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Shivering!!!! Trump may not be the most eloquent of speakers, but he brings up topics which are taboo in some circles. They need to be addressed. in your profile you say you speak English and not American. Seems you might have a problem with American English. Oh wait, there is a smiley face, so you really do love us?

I just said you were applying Goerings rules. I disagree with what you say so I have to be a person who hates Americans. That is just the same as branding people who don't want to fight wars as being unpatriotic.

As far as Mr Trump goes I have seen him on the television calling for all Moslems to be registered, and to carry identity cards. Note, only Moslems would have to carry these cards.
I have seen him reading his own press release calling for all Moslems to be barred from entering the United States. No other grounds would be necessary just holding a religious belief.
Now you may not realise this but in the nineteen thirties, Europe had a man who wanted to be leader of his country. He rallied his people using just that rhetoric. For him, it wasn't Moslems, it was Jews. it led to some very nasty stuff, so perhaps you can understand why we get a little edgy when we hear a presidential hopeful using the same rhetoric.

Regarding Herman Goering's quote, it is a rule that most politicians use. Blair used it to justify civil rights removal. Thatcher used it to rally the people behind her when her supporty was flagging. They all use it, and as Goering says it works in every country. We, the electorate have to be aware of this ploy and know when we are being played.

I have nothing against American English, I read enough of it and I get plenty on the TV. I do object to being called illiterate by some of your countrymen because I have used my native language and they do not realise that we have different spellings and turns of phrase. Hence the little joke about refusing to learn foreign languages (something for which Englishmen are notorious).

George Bernard Shaw said we were two nations divided by a common language and that is probably true.
I just said you were applying Goerings rules. I disagree with what you say so I have to be a person who hates Americans. That is just the same as branding people who don't want to fight wars as being unpatriotic.

As far as Mr Trump goes I have seen him on the television calling for all Moslems to be registered, and to carry identity cards. Note, only Moslems would have to carry these cards.
I have seen him reading his own press release calling for all Moslems to be barred from entering the United States. No other grounds would be necessary just holding a religious belief.
Now you may not realise this but in the nineteen thirties, Europe had a man who wanted to be leader of his country. He rallied his people using just that rhetoric. For him, it wasn't Moslems, it was Jews. it led to some very nasty stuff, so perhaps you can understand why we get a little edgy when we hear a presidential hopeful using the same rhetoric.

Regarding Herman Goering's quote, it is a rule that most politicians use. Blair used it to justify civil rights removal. Thatcher used it to rally the people behind her when her supporty was flagging. They all use it, and as Goering says it works in every country. We, the electorate have to be aware of this ploy and know when we are being played.

I have nothing against American English, I read enough of it and I get plenty on the TV. I do object to being called illiterate by some of your countrymen because I have used my native language and they do not realise that we have different spellings and turns of phrase. Hence the little joke about refusing to learn foreign languages (something for which Englishmen are notorious).

George Bernard Shaw said we were two nations divided by a common language and that is probably true.

When did you hear him call for all Moslems to be registered and carry ID cards? This is simply media fantasy. He simply stated that for a period of time, we need to make sure we watch who comes walking through the door. Everything else is media hysteria. They start with the endless name calling. Racist! Etc, etc. Enough already. He says what's on people's minds, left and right. That's why he gets crushed by the MSM, for speaking the truth. It hasn't been spoken for decades, it has been decades of endless placating. Endless terms like " a thousand points of light", and the like. A bunch of bullshit. He isn't a hater, he asks for accountability from government. Obama is the ultimate do nothing. He reads off his TelePrompter and basically says nothing. He trots out Josh Earmest to feed us a daily dose of bullshit. We are on to them. The jig is up.
When did you hear him call for all Moslems to be registered and carry ID cards? This is simply media fantasy. He simply stated that for a period of time, we need to make sure we watch who comes walking through the door. Everything else is media hysteria. They start with the endless name calling. Racist! Etc, etc. Enough already. He says what's on people's minds, left and right. That's why he gets crushed by the MSM, for speaking the truth. It hasn't been spoken for decades, it has been decades of endless placating. Endless terms like " a thousand points of light", and the like. A bunch of bullshit. He isn't a hater, he asks for accountability from government. Obama is the ultimate do nothing. He reads off his TelePrompter and basically says nothing. He trots out Josh Earmest to feed us a daily dose of bullshit. We are on to them. The jig is up.

No! not media hysteria. I watched him read from his press release


You will also notice that after he reads his press release he goes on to implement Goering's principle.

You are being played my friend. wake up to it.

If we are serious about defeating ISIS, ISIL, Daesh or whatever you want to call them, we should be doing the opposite of what Trump is calling for. It will only reinforce the rhetoric of the terrorists. "The Infidels hate us" they say. "They are frightened of the one true religion," they say. They point to the foreign fighters and say "All these people flee the land of the infidel, because of their persecution." The Trumps of this world are acting as a recruiting sergeant for these people.

What we, yes I include Europe in this, should be doing is to stop the bombing of civilians and use our aircraft to supply battlefield air support for those prepared to fight them on the ground. Children who see High explosives raining down on them, do not blame the occupier, they blame the people dropping the bombs. We should welcome the refugees who are fleeing the ISIS held territory. Let the Moslem world see that we are the good guys and that it is ISIS that are spreading the lies.

If Mr Trump was serious about protecting your country he would be calling for the merging of your many security agencies. Bring the number down to two, one internal and one external, and make sure they have the powers and facilities to monitor people of interest.
Now this one will really upset the apple cart. He should be calling for the end of anonymous purchase of weapons and ammunition. All the time you allow people to build up huge arsenals of weapons without anyone knowing about it, you will never be safe.

What I see in Mr Trump is an opportunist politician who is willing to tell people what they want to hear in order to get elected. What people want to hear is that none of their problems are their own fault. They are the fault of the immigrants, the Moslems, the Jews, the blacks, or any other group that cannot or do not vote. He tells you that your way of life is under attack and that you must clamp down on these groups who are attacking it. He tells you that people who speak up for these people are unamerican, or even that they are not American. In short he implements the Goering principle.

Remember what Goering said "It works in every country." We have politicians that do the same thing. Thankfully we only have to deal with this every five years. In your country you don't have time for wounds to heal before it all kicks off again.
When did you hear him call for Moslems to be registered and carry ID cards? I missed that one? Those were your words? You go on once again about Goering, you go on about gun control, but you haven't answered my question. It is called leadership when you try to address an issue and bring it to the forefront. Whether your solution is the answer or not. By broaching topics that need to be addressed you are leading. Trump is not afraid to discuss topics which need addressing. As far as the angle that we are inciting ISIS; do they really need incitement? We will never forget what happened in NYC 14 years ago. They tried to take it down in the early 90s, and we seemed to forget. Never forget, means just that. The left wing loves those olive branches and they are fine sometimes, sometimes speaking softly works just fine. The American people need to know we can carry a big stick when we need to also. I'm not so sure our current President gives us that feeling. He trots out the smarmy Josh Earnest to meet the press with his ridiculous statements about Trump being "disqualified" to be President. How childish! Lead! Address issues!
When did you hear him call for Moslems to be registered and carry ID cards? I missed that one? Those were your words? You go on once again about Goering, you go on about gun control, but you haven't answered my question. It is called leadership when you try to address an issue and bring it to the forefront. Whether your solution is the answer or not. By broaching topics that need to be addressed you are leading. Trump is not afraid to discuss topics which need addressing. As far as the angle that we are inciting ISIS; do they really need incitement? We will never forget what happened in NYC 14 years ago. They tried to take it down in the early 90s, and we seemed to forget. Never forget, means just that. The left wing loves those olive branches and they are fine sometimes, sometimes speaking softly works just fine. The American people need to know we can carry a big stick when we need to also. I'm not so sure our current President gives us that feeling. He trots out the smarmy Josh Earnest to meet the press with his ridiculous statements about Trump being "disqualified" to be President. How childish! Lead! Address issues!



Here you are hear it for yourself. He would "absolutely" support that.

I didn't mention Inciting ISIS. I Said they couldn't have a better recruiting sergeant than Donald J Trump. Every time he makes a statement about clamping down on Moslems a few hundred more foreign fighter rush to join ISIS.

The world knows that the US carries a big stick. We have seen that big stick used to support several right wing corrupt governments in the past. It has always been on the basis that "My enemy's enemy is my friend" that's why you are so confused in Syria. Your Enemy is ISIS but their enemy is Assad and the Russians are supporting him.

What I see in Donald Trump is a man who repeats bar room banter in an effort to make himself popular by being "One of the Guys". That is not the role of a leader. A leader is a man or woman who can make public opinion, not follow it.

No I haven't forgotten 9/11 neither have I forgotten the London bombings of 2005, Timothy Mcveigh or all of the terrorist acts committed by the IRA. We've been living with terrorism since before WW2. I appreciate it is a new phenomenon for you but for us it has been there for a lifetime. What we have learned in that time is that penalising whole groups of people doesn't work. It only rallies support for the people we want to defeat. Intelligence works quite well, but it can never catch everybody. Of course, we have the most stringent gun laws in the world so that helps. When even the police don't routinely carry guns it becomes easy for the public to identify the bad guys.

I'm not saying that something like San Bernadino couldn't happen here but they would have a lot more trouble building their arsenal and it is more than likely that the security services would know they were doing it.

BTW I quote Herman Goering because he is the widely acknowledged king of modern propaganda.
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Considering how well he's doing it would be stupid to not take him seriously.

And as insane as you might think he is, he's probably one of the best people on the right simply because he's not anywhere near as religiously whackadoodle as the rest of the (R) field.

Trump wants to make money....he's not trying to get old testament on the USA like the rest of the (R) lunatics.

But there are so many detractors and lack of support on the right. Hillary is going to railroad everyone because pretty much everyone left of center watched CNN say "Vote Hillary, because Clinton." and every (D) in the country went lock step moron for some more of the same ol' shit.

She's going to whore America out to the highest bidder.


If Trump wants to make money and Clinton will sell to highest bidder sounds like both are raving capitalists. So might as well go with the one NOT promoting what could be seen as a racist and fascist agenda. And if she is a corporate whore, then she can keep economics slanted slightly right to appease industrialist machine. With Bernie Saunders having a chance on the left, Hillary sounds more centrists than Trump does. Trumps business record is very up and down. A bit of long term stability is better for governments not wild swings.

Best on the right! The right is in shit shape in the US then. Democrats must be doing happy dances all over the country. Our right up here imploded after the Mulroney years. The very righty (for Canada) Reform Party sprang up and contested with established Conservatives. Liberals stayed in for a long time until right finally got it's shit together and reunited under a new Conservative Party. Party had shifted further right economically and politically. But had to ditch far right social agenda to have any chance of winning. Harper came out of that.

From the sound of it. I might prefer Bernie. Billy's wife gets all the news up here. The right is fractured and divided. The Dems have two good candidates. One establishment type and one a lefty do-gooder. That's enough to keep most Americans happy.

The right needs a stable middle of the road guy to be palatable enough to win.


Here you are hear it for yourself. He would "absolutely" support that.

I didn't mention Inciting ISIS. I Said they couldn't have a better recruiting sergeant than Donald J Trump. Every time he makes a statement about clamping down on Moslems a few hundred more foreign fighter rush to join ISIS.

The world knows that the US carries a big stick. We have seen that big stick used to support several right wing corrupt governments in the past. It has always been on the basis that "My enemy's enemy is my friend" that's why you are so confused in Syria. Your Enemy is ISIS but their enemy is Assad and the Russians are supporting him.

What I see in Donald Trump is a man who repeats bar room banter in an effort to make himself popular by being "One of the Guys". That is not the role of a leader. A leader is a man or woman who can make public opinion, not follow it.

No I haven't forgotten 9/11 neither have I forgotten the London bombings of 2005, Timothy Mcveigh or all of the terrorist acts committed by the IRA. We've been living with terrorism since before WW2. I appreciate it is a new phenomenon for you but for us it has been there for a lifetime. What we have learned in that time is that penalising whole groups of people doesn't work. It only rallies support for the people we want to defeat. Intelligence works quite well, but it can never catch everybody. Of course, we have the most stringent gun laws in the world so that helps. When even the police don't routinely carry guns it becomes easy for the public to identify the bad guys.

I'm not saying that something like San Bernadino couldn't happen here but they would have a lot more trouble building their arsenal and it is more than likely that the security services would know they were doing it.

BTW I quote Herman Goering because he is the widely acknowledged king of modern propaganda.

You are right and so is the reporter. America trying to vet terrorists is just like the Germans making Jews wear the star of David. What galaxy are you people from?
You are right and so is the reporter. America trying to vet terrorists is just like the Germans making Jews wear the star of David. What galaxy are you people from?

Now You are just being silly. I don't think America will elect Donald Trump, even if he wins the nomination.
Even if he were elected he won't do what he is talking about. The world becomes a different place once you have to start taking responsibility for the things that you say and do.

My point all along has been that all politicians tell lies and it's very easy to spot when they are doing it. Their lips move.