Weave got another STC!!

Tathagata said:
Riffing on sneeches?
a mother of two?
what a else might a mother
of two try to do?


one kid two kid
old kid new kid
this one's hogging up the phone
that one won't leave her alone
say! what a lot to make a mother moan!

some are teens
and some are not
this one called the other "snot"
oh, what a headache I've got...

(see what you started....)
Angeline said:
some are teens
and some are not
this one called the other "snot"
oh, what a headache I've got...

(see what you started....)

this ones writing on the walls
that ones running down the hall
this ones eating sara lee
that ones drinking lipton tea
lets see if kitty likes to drink
lets see if she fits in the sink
daddys sleeping lets cut his hair
let wash his car with underwear
all the rest of that day
in that wild screaming kitchen
the fix-it-up parent ignored her kids' bitchin
up again! down again! in again! out again!
leave the fridge door open and shout again
They keep asking for snacks. They keep racing through,
until their poor mother near fell in the stew
and this one hates that one
and that one hit this one
and pretty soon I won't be able to tell
which one is what one
or what one is who....

(yes everyone...have children..it's sooo fulfilling, lol)
Angeline said:
all the rest of that day
in that wild screaming kitchen
the fix-it-up parent ignored her kids' bitchin
up again! down again! in again! out again!
leave the fridge door open and shout again
They keep asking for snacks. They keep racing through,
until their poor mother near fell in the stew
and this one hates that one
and that one hit this one
and pretty soon I won't be able to tell
which one is what one
or what one is who....

you win
Tathagata said:
you win

T? I can quote that entire book. Sneeches was my children's favorite--I read it at least three times a day every day for about six years. ;)
Angeline said:
T? I can quote that entire book. Sneeches was my children's favorite--I read it at least three times a day every day for about six years. ;)

yeah I'm the same way with green eggs and ham
Tathagata said:
yeah I'm the same way with green eggs and ham

Would you write a bob in a house?
Did you write one with a mouse?

(I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.) :rolleyes:
I would not write an in house Bob
I would not do that nasty job
I would I would
do Jim or Frank
But Bob's are out
I think they stank!

Hey! I thought we were supposed to post our Bob's today? How'd they get posted so soon?
Oh!!! You meant submit the 23rd for posting on the 24th to the new poetry list. We gotta get our terminology straight.

You submit a poem.

Lit posts it.

Then, I just know some of yas are gonna luv this part, y'all bend ovah fer spankin's in yer submission

Grab yer ankles and I'll fetch mah switch.

edited to add: Go read Jim's and my weave poems.
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Igotcha, Champ. My bad then. Sometimes Lit doesn't get them posted the next day. Well, mines posted now. No biggie.......
BooMerengue said:
Well that beats the hell out of mine!! I LOVE it!! LOL

Thanks, Boo, Tess, et al. :)

A point I was hoping to make in my comment, and by posting that Bob here is this:

On these STCs, when it's tied to a form, sometimes you might want to write one as an exercise, but that doesn't mean you've been inspired to write something you want to publish 'for posterity'. Perhaps on form challenges we might think about posting them in a thread. That way people can submit them if they want, but also have the freedom just to play.

Here's another example of just playing with Bob. It's about as minimal as you can get and still follow the rules, though it could be shorter, but it's not really something I'd submit. And anyway, the Weave part is pretty... um... let's call it 'understated'. ;)

Bobbing on the Sea









My entry has been submitted.

Almost forgot! Whew.. glad I checked here last night and saw the message thread once more.
I only submitted mine because if I chickened out tara gets to spank me....Oh shit
I screwed up huh?
Damn it
It's 1 AM, and I'm half asleep. Perfect time to write my Bob. :D
Liar said:
It's 1 AM, and I'm half asleep. Perfect time to write my Bob. :D

You're writing it NOW?? Do I need to start following you around with the whip the way I do Lucky? :devil:
minsue said:
You're writing it NOW?? Do I need to start following you around with the whip the way I do Lucky? :devil:
Hey, quit bitchin', baby, it's done already. :)
Liar said:
Hey, quit bitchin', baby, it's done already. :)

How about the story? Fishing for excuses to follow you about with the whip ;)

minsue said:
How about the story? Fishing for excuses to follow you about with the whip ;)

Done, do you want the finished one as proof?

You got nothing on me. nyahahah. :D
My bob's hanging in "Pending Limbo". Oh well.

The red, red robin goes bob-bobbin' along.......................