Weave got another STC!!

Argh! That's going to be going through my head all night now, Tess! My mother, the sadist, used to wake me up for school singing that song in a very loud cheerful voice.
minsue said:
Argh! That's going to be going through my head all night now, Tess! My mother, the sadist, used to wake me up for school singing that song in a very loud cheerful voice.

:D <<<<< evil grin.
Wow, you guys! What I've seen so far blows me away! (glad it's over tho- I had a lot of trouble with mine).

I was gonna try and do a review but have a sick grandchild- don't know if I can now.

I like the idea of putting the entries here. That keeps them all together- no reason someone can't put them both places if they like...

I will try and do a post about all of them. Maybe tomorrow am...

Thanks everyone!

Boo :rose:
Edited to say: He showed up.

It was a very interesting title Boo!!

The poems I read so far, were very good. Great work everyone.:rose:
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here we go...

Weave (an interlocked bob)
by champagne1982

There are three aspects of Her face
Crone, matron and maiden fair
Her design in each glimmering string
Woven through the tapestry of time.

Her design in each glimmering string
Warp, weft, and color bright
Enriching the souls within her care
The dye in the wool sublime.

Enriching the souls within her care
Life, lust and loving true
Unwinding a skein of the strongest thread
Humanity a moment's history.

Unwinding a skein of the strongest thread
Faith, hope and giving heart
Truths caught up in the weaving of it
Wisdom no longer a knotted mystery.

Truths caught up in the weaving of it
Unwinding a skein of the strongest thread
Enriching the souls within her care
Her design in each glimmering string.

Enriching the souls within her care.
Sphere, circle and golden ring.
There are three aspects of Her face
Each one fates' fortunes bring.

Champ! I love it! I have her tattooed on my left shoulder; Her name is Morrighan. And this Bob is wonderful! Thank you!
and this...

by jthserra

What a pity
artist Paula Becker (1876-1907)
as she died in childbirth

A woven mass
a thousand we
(found lacking hope)
had longed to be.

Found lacking hope
they chose a voice
whose bitter words
had screamed, Rejoice

Whose bitter words
repeat his cry?
A woven mass
believes his lie.

Jim, you are the Master¡K to say so much by so little. Thank you!!
and Tris...

Weave (Bob format)
by Tristesse

Bending, blending
Shifting shuttle
Smooth move loom
Weaves warp to weft.

Smooth move loom
Makes perfect patterns
Spreading seamless
Right to left.

Spreading seamless
Plotting gossip
Stitching stories
Wordless wend

Stitching stories
Pleaching poems
Melding meanings
To "The End".

Tris¡K I could see you at your loom, and hear the cock and shuttle and low hum. Very nice! Thanks!

by tarablackwood22

I held the broken wooden doors
enchanted by the rain which broke
through dying shafts of twisted light
that interlaced a mighty oak.

Through dying shafts of twisted light
I watched you climb the cellar stairs
refusing shelter from the storm
that bent the corn and raised our hairs.

Refusing shelter from the storm
we walked and dripped across the farm
to climb and thread into the tree
and sat along its crooked arm.

To climb and thread into the tree
and face the fury unafraid
while others huddled down below
described the weave our hearts had made.

While others huddled down below
we let the wind blow back our hair,
we raised our faces to the sky
entwined in flesh and wood and air.

We raised our faces to the sky
and laughed and dreamed and made believe,
refusing to allow our youth
to frighten us or shred our weave.

Refusing to allow our youth
to run away before its day,
we sat and watched the funnel cloud
spin by and vanish through the hay.

We sat and watched the funnel cloud,
then walked back to the cellar stairs.
I held the broken wooden doors
and helped the others mount in pairs.

Oh! Tara- this is great! I have sat out in the tornados that blow thru Tupelo, with my daughter on my lap¡K rather than huddle in basements with mewling frightened women! I do like this a lot! Thanks!
Tath... Tath... Tath...

Bob the Weaver
by Tathagata

"The world is basically amoral"
That is what she believed ,she said
and it took a minute for me to grasp
the meaning inside my head

and it took a minute for me to grasp
this wasn't a judgment call
for the world didnt care one way or another
in fact it didnt care at all

the world didnt care one way or another
about war or race or creed
all thing under the sun just were
all things fulfill some need

all things under the sun just were
a dream with in a dream
who can say this flower's wrong
object to the sound of a stream

who can say this flowers wrong?
who can fault the rain?
who can say who's a savior come?
or who has gone insane?

who can say whose a savior come?
a wolf in shepherds clothes
who put poison in mushroom caps?
who put the thorns on a rose?

who put the poison in mushroom caps?
who causes grief and strife?
the same thing that makes mockingbirds
and weaves the cloth of life

the same thing that makes mockingbirds
and cherry blossoms pink
why is that a wondrous thing?
and green swamp water stinks?

why is that a wondrous thing?
it's all wondrous I said
the world is basically amoral
the morals are in my head

Well,I¡¦ll be¡K¡K. I¡¦m always glad to see someone else gets the big Cosmic joke! Kudos,Tath! And Thank you!
and Syndra's

by Syndra Lynn

inspired by Sue Monk Kidd

When Tereus rapes her
he cuts out Philomela's tongue
to silence her voice
and locks her in a tower

To silence her voice
patriarchy devalues the feminine
for fear she'll tell the truth
and rend from men the power

For fear she'll tell the truth
a woman silences her own creative voice
to gain love, validation, esteem
and over and over again

To gain love, validation, esteem
she sells her sexual soul
for this above all else
is the value of women to men

For this above all else
is the reason we must weave
our angers, truths and visions
Into poetic tapestries, our stories

Our angers, truths and visions
must be shared with sisters, daughters
brothers and fathers too, must see
our triumphs and our glories

Brothers and fathers, too, must see
that a woman's life depends upon
the tapestries she weaves
with her voice, despite fear of rejection

The tapestries she weaves
tell Philomela's story to her sister
when Tereus rapes her
Finding her voice is her salvation

Ohh, Synnie! You¡¦ve done it again! Good job- good imagery! Thank you!
and mine...

by BooMerengue

Go! Weave the starlight
in your hair hanging down.
Run through the forest
past rivers and streams.

Run through the forest
let the stars be your gown.
Gather an armful
of childhood dreams!

Gather an armful
don't let a one drop!
Bring all to the birch grove
weave them in the trees.

Bring all to the birch grove
hang them each; do not stop.
Weave them in the branches
let each dream hang free

Weave them in the branches
make sure they are tight
for these are your future
each one from the heart.

For these are your future
so starry and bright.
No hunger and illness
no souls torn apart.

No hunger and illness
no bullies or monsters.
No more broken hearts
no battle ground dead.

No more broken hearts
for these sleepy babes.
They weave a bright future
as they lay in their bed.

They weave a bright future
you must be their guides.
Their tomorrows come quickly
their sorrows too soon.

Their tomorrows come quickly
so store up their dreams.
Go! Weave the starlight
and dance down the moon!

and I was hoping to have CatBabe's but I guess she's gone to bed. And so am I!

This was fun! Hard, but fun! What's next?
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Missed a few....

...or maybe they got posted later. I hope you don't mind if I complete the collection :)


by *Catbabe* ©

Sapling searches skies for sunlight,
tender trunk tips to the wind,
linear length lined with leaves,
blossom burdened branches buzz.

Linear length lined with leaves,
steered straight with steel stake,
metal mama means well,
grow, up you go, like she does.

Metal mama means well,
finely focused forcing,
rearing a reflection,
blind to beauty in bumps or a bend.

Rearing a reflection,
cultivating clones, instead of
nurturing nature’s new,
seeing pulls in the weave,not the pattern in the end.
by Liar ©

to the weaver...

they try to unravel
mysterious ways
a holler from pages
as fragile as dust

a holler from pages
turned holy by days
lined up eternal
repeated for trust

lined up eternal
the preachers may chant
confusion in chorus
to stifle their fear

confusion in chorus
is all they can grant
hope against reason
that someone will hear

hope against reason
when reason is faint
they try to decipher
a code to believe

they try to decipher
the pictures you paint
they try to unravel
the stories you weave
by Zanzibar ©

Like sunlight through a kaleidoscope
Weaves dancing patterns of colorful lace
Ever changing as the crystals dance
Like an author’s search for written grace

Ever changing as the crystals dance
Like a writer’s thoughts all a’ tumble
Seeking that perfect word or phrase
To bring order to a tangled jumble

Seeking those perfect words or phrases
To strengthen each poem or story’s pace
Like sunlight through a kaleidoscope
Weaves dancing patterns of colorful lace
by Angeline ©

Weave a spell of past ; some Saturday 1952,
then bouffant me, wrap me sparkle neat,
rouged red, poured leggy into heels.
Weave past. Re my bebop back to blues

rouged red, poured leggy into heels
tapping on 52nd Street’s foggy stage. Brush
high hat gold. Don’t drop no bombs tonight.
I’ll dream notes lashes down and cruise

high hat gold. Don’t drop no bombs tonight
on murmured me in minor swaying phrase,
swinging like a petal in a breezy groove
of psalm. I ain’t got nothin but my prayers,

swinging like a petal in a breezy groove.
When troubles flare up, just keep the snare up,
slip a tenor sideman solo in melodic lines
of azure threaded 4/4 through my looming cares.
Thanks Liar! They must have! It was weird when I was doing these... Laurel must have been posting as I was reading... everytime I went back there was another one. And then they'd all disappear... then they were back but in a different order. LOL
I HOPE we didn't miss anyone else!!
Meter and whyme of the Bob

Wow. Now that I've read them all I first want to say: fantastic effort, all of you. Such versatility in ideas and voice, and still such superb quality.

I'm impressed. And it was fun too. I'll be weaving more of those.

On another note, I think I've figured out something about those Bob 'rules'. It seems we have two parameters here that differs: Line length, and rhyme scheme. It seems to me that rhytmically, rhyming every other line works best in poems with longer lines, like in Zanzibar's weave:

Like sunlight through a kaleidoscope
Weaves dancing patterns of colorful lace
Ever changing as the crystals dance
Like an author’s search for written grace

...while rhyming strophe pairs sounds really good in more compact poems, like Tristesse's:

Bending, blending
Shifting shuttle
Smooth move loom
Weaves warp to weft.

Smooth move loom
Makes perfect patterns
Spreading seamless
Right to left.

Just my personal opinion, feel free do disagree. Or to laugh at me. It's on the house.

Maybe I should bug Icingsugar into giving us his take. :)

I think you're right, Liar...

Just want to add

I thought when I pasted these in here the links to each would post, too. They didn't. Please, y'all, don't forget to go vote on these!

Thank you

I thought mine was good till I read all the others. Damn! Excellent work fellow poets!!!!!

I must to work. Not home til nightfall and then a meeting go. So I will take another look tomorrow and really look them over, but the first thing that caught my eye was how many pulled in a Divine thread.

I think Tara's is best.

Syn :kiss:
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Thanks Champ! It's a lot better this way... I just didn't have time.
I have to say thanks to the voters and commenters, too, but I'm, a bit chagrined.

My Weave isn't a reminder of things past. It's written as a command (hence the Go!, Eve) given by the Goddess... the work is done Skyclad, for us as adults to stop thinking our kids dreams are something to say "Aww, how cute!" and pay attention. The war mongers and government snivelers are padding their wallets at the expense of our kids... and their dreams.

The same thing happened with my A Song For My Mandolin ...

I am the place you put your dreams
when dust too thickly lies

I am the mood you fast embrace
when stars fall from your eyes

I welcome you with kind mien
I urge you closer, pull you in

I slither through your daily rite
I slink into your bed at night

I block your ears
I still your tears
I dull your fears

I take away your every care
and say to you...

I am Despair.

It's not written to say what a comfortable place Despair is... it's an insidious evil, one of The Seven Deadly Sins for good reason. It kills.

I guess it's my bad, of course. I will have to speak a bit more plainly. But I do love the comments- don't stop. (looking away from Vanity as She lears at me) LOL
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A huge bouquet to Boo for the idea for a bob challenge. Thanks too, to all the Weavers and to the readers, voters and commenters.

Good one!
I just want to say I voted on all the Bobs but didn't comment on them all because my brain just froze ( and I was at work)
but they were all awesome.
oh Tris!! Thanks, hon, but no thanks! Only the word 'weave' was my idea... the Bob was someone elses.
OK - Liar gets a few roses. :p but go look at the first post of this thread - I won't be denied.


*shoves roses at you*