What are you doing?

Browsing Lit while I wait to shower, planning to have a quick wank while I'm about it.
contemplating where I stand within the Pantheon

tame 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..gobsmacked
Sat at work, browsing lit, chatting on Kik. Pondering whether her depression has finally killed our marriage.

And more, whether I care enough any more to fight her/it.
Trying to find a job until the government lets me go back to work and do my job
Packing suitcases for the journey home after a two weeks on beaches and wide open towns in Australia and South Africa. Contemplating life. I can see why our Southern Hemisphere friends are sexy people. The whole place is uncrowded, uncomplicated, great weather. People who just do as they please. Back to cold weather, crowded cities, and conformity.
Browsing Lit while drinking my first a d only coffee of the day at work. I'm killing 10 minutes until a meeting.

After the meeting I'll be putting my cock cage on, sending proof to mistress, and heading out on site for the day.